The decays eta --> gammagamma and eta' --> etapi+pi- have been observed in hadronic decays of the Z produced at LEP. The fragmentation functions of both the eta and eta' have been measured. The measured multiplicities for x > 0.1 are 0.298 +/- 0.023 +/- 0.021 and 0.068 +/- 0.018 +/- 0.016 for eta and eta' respectively. While the fragmentation function for the eta is fairly well described by the JETSET Monte Carlo, it is found that the production rate of the eta' is a factor of four less than the corresponding prediction.

Measurement of the production rates of η and η′ in hadronic Z decays / Buskulic, D; Decamp, D; Goy, C; Lees, Jp; Minard, Mn; Mours, B; Alemany, R; Ariztizabal, F; Comas, P; Crespo, Jm; Delfino, M; Fernandez, E; Gaitan, V; Garrido, L; Pacheco, A; Pascual, A; Creanza, D; Depalma, M; Farilla, A; Iaselli, G; Maggi, G; Maggi, M; Natali, S; Nuzzo, S; Quattromini, M; Ranieri, A; Raso, G; Romano, F; Ruggieri, F; Selvaggi, G; Silvestris, L; Tempesta, P; Zito, G; Gao, Y; H, Hu; Huang, D; Huang, X; Lin, J; Lou, J; Qiao, C; Wang, T; Xie, Y; Xu, D; Xu, R; Zhang, J; Zhao, W; Atwood, Wb; Bauerdick, Lat; Blucher, E; Bonvicini, G; Bossi, F; Boudreau, J; Burnett, Th; Drevermann, H; Forty, Rw; Hagelberg, R; Harvey, J; Haywood, S; Hilgart, J; Jacobsen, R; Jost, B; Knobloch, J; Lancon, E; Lehraus, I; Lohse, T; Lusiani, A; Martinez, M; Mato, P; Mattison, T; Meinhard, H; Menary, S; Meyer, T; Minten, A; Miquel, R; Moser, Hg; Nash, J; Palazzi, P; Perlas, Ja; Ranjard, F; Redlinger, G; Rolandi, L; Roth, A; Rothberg, J; Ruan, T; Saich, M; Schlatter, D; Schmelling, M; Sefkow, F; Tejessy, W; Wachsmuth, H; Wiedenmann, W; Wildish, T; Witzeling, W; Wotschack, J; Ajaltouni, Z; Badaud, F; Bardadinotwinowska, M; Bencheikh, Am; Elfellous, R; Falvard, A; Gay, P; Guicheney, C; Henrard, P; Jousset, J; Michel, B; Montret, Jc; Pallin, D; Perret, P; Pietrzyk, B; Proriol, J; Prulhiere, F; Stimpfl, G; Fearnley, T; Hansen, Jd; Hansen, Jr; Hansen, Ph; Mollerud, R; Nilsson, Bs; Efthymiopoulos, I; Kyriakis, A; Simopoulou, E; Vayaki, A; Zachariadou, K; Badier, J; Blondel, A; Bonneaud, G; Brient, Jc; Fouque, G; Gamess, A; Orteu, S; Rosowsky, A; Rouge, A; Rumpf, M; Tanaka, R; Videau, H; Candlin, Dj; Parsons, Mi; Veitch, E; Moneta, L; Parrini, G; Corden, M; Georgiopoulos, C; Ikeda, M; Lannutti, J; Levinthal, D; Mermikides, M; Sawyer, L; Wasserbaech, S; Antonelli, A; Baldini, R; Bencivenni, G; Bologna, G; Campana, P; Capon, G; Cerutti, F; Chiarella, V; Dettorrepiazzoli, B; Felici, G; Laurelli, P; Mannocchi, G; Murtas, F; Murtas, Gp; Passalacqua, L; Pepealtarelli, M; Picchi, P; Altoon, B; Boyle, O; Colrain, P; Tenhave, I; Lynch, Jg; Maitland, W; Morton, Wt; Raine, C; Scarr, Jm; Smith, K; Thompson, As; Turnbull, Rm; Brandl, B; Braun, O; Geiges, R; Geweniger, C; Hanke, P; Hepp, V; Kluge, Ee; Maumary, Y; Putzer, A; Rensch, B; Stahl, A; Tittel, K; Wunsch, M; Belk, At; Beuselinck, R; Binnie, Dm; Cameron, W; Cattaneo, M; Colling, Dj; Dornan, Pj; Dugeay, S; Greene, Am; Hassard, Jf; Lieske, Nm; Patton, Sj; Payne, Dg; Phillips, Mj; Sedgbeer, Jk; Tomalin, Ir; Wright, Ag; Kneringer, E; Kuhn, D; Rudolph, G; Bowdery, Ck; Brodbeck, Tj; Finch, Aj; Foster, F; Hughes, G; Jackson, D; Keemer, Nr; Nuttall, M; Patel, A; Sloan, T; Snow, Sw; Whelan, Ep; Barczewski, T; Kleinknecht, K; Raab, J; Renk, B; Roehn, S; Sander, Hg; Schmidt, H; Steeg, F; Walther, Sm; Wolf, B; Aubert, Jj; Benchouk, C; Bernard, V; Bonissent, A; Carr, J; Coyle, P; Drinkard, J; Etienne, F; Papalexiou, S; Payre, P; Qian, Z; Rousseau, D; Schwemling, P; Talby, M; Adlung, S; Bauer, C; Blum, W; Brown, D; Cowan, G; Dehning, B; Dietl, H; Dydak, F; Fernandezbosman, M; Frank, M; Halley, Aw; Lauber, J; Lutjens, G; Lutz, G; Manner, W; Richter, R; Schroder, J; Schwarz, As; Settles, R; Seywerd, H; Stierlin, U; Stiegler, U; Stdenis, R; Takashima, M; Thomas, J; Wolf, G; Bertin, V; Boucrot, J; Callot, O; Chen, X; Cordier, A; Davier, M; Grivaz, Jf; Heusse, P; Janot, P; Kim, Dw; Lediberder, F; Lefrancois, J; Lutz, Am; Schune, Mh; Veillet, Jj; Videau, I; Zhang, Z; Zomer, F; Abbaneo, D; Amendolia, Sr; Bagliesi, G; Batignani, G; Bosisio, L; Bottigli, U; Bradaschia, C; Carpinelli, M; Ciocci, Ma; Dellorso, R; Ferrante, I; Fidecaro, F; Foa, L; Focardi, E; Forti, F; Giassi, A; Giorgi, Ma; Ligabue, F; Mannelli, Eb; Marrocchesi, Ps; Messineo, A; Palla, F; Rizzo, G; Sanguinetti, G; Steinberger, J; Tenchini, R; Tonelli, G; Triggiani, G; Vannini, C; Venturi, A; Verdini, Pg; Walsh, J; Carter, Jm; Green, Mg; March, Pv; Mir, Lm; Medcalf, T; Quazi, Is; Strong, Ja; West, Lr; Botterill, Dr; Clifft, Rw; Edgecock, Tr; Edwards, M; Fisher, Sm; Jones, Tj; Norton, Pr; Salmon, Dp; Thompson, Jc; Blochdevaux, B; Colas, P; Kozanecki, W; Lemaire, Mc; Locci, E; Loucatos, S; Monnier, E; Perez, P; Perrier, F; Rander, J; Renardy, Jf; Roussarie, A; Schuller, Jp; Schwindling, J; Mohand, Ds; Vallage, B; Johnson, Rp; Litke, Am; Taylor, G; Wear, J; Ashman, Jg; Babbage, W; Booth, Cn; Buttar, C; Carney, Re; Cartwright, S; Combley, F; Hatfield, F; Reeves, P; Thompson, Lf; Barberio, E; Brandt, S; Grupen, C; Mirabito, L; Schafer, U; Ganis, G; Giannini, G; Gobbo, B; Ragusa, F; Bellantoni, L; Cinabro, D; Conway, Js; Cowen, Df; Feng, Z; Ferguson, Dps; Gao, Ys; Grahl, J; Harton, Jl; Jared, Rc; Leclaire, Bw; Lishka, C; Pan, Yb; Pater, Jr; Pusztaszeri, Jf; Saadi, Y; Sharma, V; Schmitt, M; Shi, Zh; Walsh, Am; Weber, Fv; Whitney, Mh; Wu, Sl; Wu, X; Zobernig, G. - In: PHYSICS LETTERS. SECTION B. - ISSN 0370-2693. - STAMPA. - 292:1-2(1992), pp. 210-220. [10.1016/0370-2693(92)90633-F]

Measurement of the production rates of η and η′ in hadronic Z decays

Creanza D;Iaselli G;Maggi G;


The decays eta --> gammagamma and eta' --> etapi+pi- have been observed in hadronic decays of the Z produced at LEP. The fragmentation functions of both the eta and eta' have been measured. The measured multiplicities for x > 0.1 are 0.298 +/- 0.023 +/- 0.021 and 0.068 +/- 0.018 +/- 0.016 for eta and eta' respectively. While the fragmentation function for the eta is fairly well described by the JETSET Monte Carlo, it is found that the production rate of the eta' is a factor of four less than the corresponding prediction.
Measurement of the production rates of η and η′ in hadronic Z decays / Buskulic, D; Decamp, D; Goy, C; Lees, Jp; Minard, Mn; Mours, B; Alemany, R; Ariztizabal, F; Comas, P; Crespo, Jm; Delfino, M; Fernandez, E; Gaitan, V; Garrido, L; Pacheco, A; Pascual, A; Creanza, D; Depalma, M; Farilla, A; Iaselli, G; Maggi, G; Maggi, M; Natali, S; Nuzzo, S; Quattromini, M; Ranieri, A; Raso, G; Romano, F; Ruggieri, F; Selvaggi, G; Silvestris, L; Tempesta, P; Zito, G; Gao, Y; H, Hu; Huang, D; Huang, X; Lin, J; Lou, J; Qiao, C; Wang, T; Xie, Y; Xu, D; Xu, R; Zhang, J; Zhao, W; Atwood, Wb; Bauerdick, Lat; Blucher, E; Bonvicini, G; Bossi, F; Boudreau, J; Burnett, Th; Drevermann, H; Forty, Rw; Hagelberg, R; Harvey, J; Haywood, S; Hilgart, J; Jacobsen, R; Jost, B; Knobloch, J; Lancon, E; Lehraus, I; Lohse, T; Lusiani, A; Martinez, M; Mato, P; Mattison, T; Meinhard, H; Menary, S; Meyer, T; Minten, A; Miquel, R; Moser, Hg; Nash, J; Palazzi, P; Perlas, Ja; Ranjard, F; Redlinger, G; Rolandi, L; Roth, A; Rothberg, J; Ruan, T; Saich, M; Schlatter, D; Schmelling, M; Sefkow, F; Tejessy, W; Wachsmuth, H; Wiedenmann, W; Wildish, T; Witzeling, W; Wotschack, J; Ajaltouni, Z; Badaud, F; Bardadinotwinowska, M; Bencheikh, Am; Elfellous, R; Falvard, A; Gay, P; Guicheney, C; Henrard, P; Jousset, J; Michel, B; Montret, Jc; Pallin, D; Perret, P; Pietrzyk, B; Proriol, J; Prulhiere, F; Stimpfl, G; Fearnley, T; Hansen, Jd; Hansen, Jr; Hansen, Ph; Mollerud, R; Nilsson, Bs; Efthymiopoulos, I; Kyriakis, A; Simopoulou, E; Vayaki, A; Zachariadou, K; Badier, J; Blondel, A; Bonneaud, G; Brient, Jc; Fouque, G; Gamess, A; Orteu, S; Rosowsky, A; Rouge, A; Rumpf, M; Tanaka, R; Videau, H; Candlin, Dj; Parsons, Mi; Veitch, E; Moneta, L; Parrini, G; Corden, M; Georgiopoulos, C; Ikeda, M; Lannutti, J; Levinthal, D; Mermikides, M; Sawyer, L; Wasserbaech, S; Antonelli, A; Baldini, R; Bencivenni, G; Bologna, G; Campana, P; Capon, G; Cerutti, F; Chiarella, V; Dettorrepiazzoli, B; Felici, G; Laurelli, P; Mannocchi, G; Murtas, F; Murtas, Gp; Passalacqua, L; Pepealtarelli, M; Picchi, P; Altoon, B; Boyle, O; Colrain, P; Tenhave, I; Lynch, Jg; Maitland, W; Morton, Wt; Raine, C; Scarr, Jm; Smith, K; Thompson, As; Turnbull, Rm; Brandl, B; Braun, O; Geiges, R; Geweniger, C; Hanke, P; Hepp, V; Kluge, Ee; Maumary, Y; Putzer, A; Rensch, B; Stahl, A; Tittel, K; Wunsch, M; Belk, At; Beuselinck, R; Binnie, Dm; Cameron, W; Cattaneo, M; Colling, Dj; Dornan, Pj; Dugeay, S; Greene, Am; Hassard, Jf; Lieske, Nm; Patton, Sj; Payne, Dg; Phillips, Mj; Sedgbeer, Jk; Tomalin, Ir; Wright, Ag; Kneringer, E; Kuhn, D; Rudolph, G; Bowdery, Ck; Brodbeck, Tj; Finch, Aj; Foster, F; Hughes, G; Jackson, D; Keemer, Nr; Nuttall, M; Patel, A; Sloan, T; Snow, Sw; Whelan, Ep; Barczewski, T; Kleinknecht, K; Raab, J; Renk, B; Roehn, S; Sander, Hg; Schmidt, H; Steeg, F; Walther, Sm; Wolf, B; Aubert, Jj; Benchouk, C; Bernard, V; Bonissent, A; Carr, J; Coyle, P; Drinkard, J; Etienne, F; Papalexiou, S; Payre, P; Qian, Z; Rousseau, D; Schwemling, P; Talby, M; Adlung, S; Bauer, C; Blum, W; Brown, D; Cowan, G; Dehning, B; Dietl, H; Dydak, F; Fernandezbosman, M; Frank, M; Halley, Aw; Lauber, J; Lutjens, G; Lutz, G; Manner, W; Richter, R; Schroder, J; Schwarz, As; Settles, R; Seywerd, H; Stierlin, U; Stiegler, U; Stdenis, R; Takashima, M; Thomas, J; Wolf, G; Bertin, V; Boucrot, J; Callot, O; Chen, X; Cordier, A; Davier, M; Grivaz, Jf; Heusse, P; Janot, P; Kim, Dw; Lediberder, F; Lefrancois, J; Lutz, Am; Schune, Mh; Veillet, Jj; Videau, I; Zhang, Z; Zomer, F; Abbaneo, D; Amendolia, Sr; Bagliesi, G; Batignani, G; Bosisio, L; Bottigli, U; Bradaschia, C; Carpinelli, M; Ciocci, Ma; Dellorso, R; Ferrante, I; Fidecaro, F; Foa, L; Focardi, E; Forti, F; Giassi, A; Giorgi, Ma; Ligabue, F; Mannelli, Eb; Marrocchesi, Ps; Messineo, A; Palla, F; Rizzo, G; Sanguinetti, G; Steinberger, J; Tenchini, R; Tonelli, G; Triggiani, G; Vannini, C; Venturi, A; Verdini, Pg; Walsh, J; Carter, Jm; Green, Mg; March, Pv; Mir, Lm; Medcalf, T; Quazi, Is; Strong, Ja; West, Lr; Botterill, Dr; Clifft, Rw; Edgecock, Tr; Edwards, M; Fisher, Sm; Jones, Tj; Norton, Pr; Salmon, Dp; Thompson, Jc; Blochdevaux, B; Colas, P; Kozanecki, W; Lemaire, Mc; Locci, E; Loucatos, S; Monnier, E; Perez, P; Perrier, F; Rander, J; Renardy, Jf; Roussarie, A; Schuller, Jp; Schwindling, J; Mohand, Ds; Vallage, B; Johnson, Rp; Litke, Am; Taylor, G; Wear, J; Ashman, Jg; Babbage, W; Booth, Cn; Buttar, C; Carney, Re; Cartwright, S; Combley, F; Hatfield, F; Reeves, P; Thompson, Lf; Barberio, E; Brandt, S; Grupen, C; Mirabito, L; Schafer, U; Ganis, G; Giannini, G; Gobbo, B; Ragusa, F; Bellantoni, L; Cinabro, D; Conway, Js; Cowen, Df; Feng, Z; Ferguson, Dps; Gao, Ys; Grahl, J; Harton, Jl; Jared, Rc; Leclaire, Bw; Lishka, C; Pan, Yb; Pater, Jr; Pusztaszeri, Jf; Saadi, Y; Sharma, V; Schmitt, M; Shi, Zh; Walsh, Am; Weber, Fv; Whitney, Mh; Wu, Sl; Wu, X; Zobernig, G. - In: PHYSICS LETTERS. SECTION B. - ISSN 0370-2693. - STAMPA. - 292:1-2(1992), pp. 210-220. [10.1016/0370-2693(92)90633-F]
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