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This paper reports measurements of final-state proton multiplicity, muon and proton kinematics, and their correlations in charged-current pionless neutrino interactions, measured by the T2K ND280 near detector in its plastic scintillator (C8H8) target. The data were taken between years 2010 and 2013, corresponding to approximately 6×1020 protons on target. Thanks to their exploration of the proton kinematics and of imbalances between the proton and muon kinematics, the results offer a novel probe of the nuclear-medium effects most pertinent to the (sub-)GeV neutrino-nucleus interactions that are used in accelerator-based long-baseline neutrino oscillation measurements. These results are compared to many neutrino-nucleus interaction models which all fail to describe at least part of the observed phase space. In case of events without a proton above a detection threshold in the final state, a fully consistent implementation of the local Fermi gas model with multinucleon interactions gives the best description of the data. In the case of at least one proton in the final state, the spectral function model agrees well with the data, most notably when measuring the kinematic imbalance between the muon and the proton in the plane transverse to the incoming neutrino. Within the models considered, only the existence of multinucleon interactions are able to describe the extracted cross section within regions of high transverse kinematic imbalance. The effect of final-state interactions is also discussed.
Characterization of nuclear effects in muon-neutrino scattering on hydrocarbon with a measurement of final-state kinematics and correlations in charged-current pionless interactions at T2K / Abe, K.; Amey, J.; Andreopoulos, C.; Anthony, L.; Antonova, M.; Aoki, S.; Ariga, A.; Ashida, Y.; Azuma, Y.; Ban, S.; Barbi, M.; Barker, G. J.; Barr, G.; Barry, C.; Batkiewicz, M.; Berardi, V.; Berkman, S.; Berner, R. M.; Berns, L.; Bhadra, S.; Bienstock, S.; Blondel, A.; Bolognesi, S.; Bordoni, S.; Bourguille, B.; Boyd, S. B.; Brailsford, D.; Bravar, A.; Bronner, C.; Buizza Avanzini, M.; Calcutt, J.; Campbell, T.; Cao, S.; Cartwright, S. L.; Catanesi, M. G.; Cervera, A.; Chappell, A.; Checchia, C.; Cherdack, D.; Chikuma, N.; Christodoulou, G.; Coleman, J.; Collazuol, G.; Coplowe, D.; Cudd, A.; Dabrowska, A.; De Rosa, G.; Dealtry, T.; Denner, P. F.; Dennis, S. R.; Densham, C.; Di Lodovico, F.; Dolan, S.; Drapier, O.; Duffy, K. E.; Dumarchez, J.; Dunne, P.; Emery-Schrenk, S.; Ereditato, A.; Feusels, T.; Finch, A. J.; Fiorentini, G. A.; Fiorillo, G.; Francois, C.; Friend, M.; Fujii, Y.; Fukuda, D.; Fukuda, Y.; Garcia, A.; Giganti, C.; Gizzarelli, F.; Golan, T.; Gonin, M.; Hadley, D. R.; Haegel, L.; Haigh, J. T.; Hamacher-Baumann, P.; Hansen, D.; Harada, J.; Hartz, M.; Hasegawa, T.; Hastings, N. C.; Hayashino, T.; Hayato, Y.; Hiraki, T.; Hiramoto, A.; Hirota, S.; Hogan, M.; Holeczek, J.; Hosomi, F.; Ichikawa, A. K.; Ikeda, M.; Imber, J.; Inoue, T.; Intonti, R. A.; Ishida, T.; Ishii, T.; Iwamoto, K.; Izmaylov, A.; Jamieson, B.; Jiang, M.; Johnson, S.; Jonsson, P.; Jung, C. K.; Kabirnezhad, M.; Kaboth, A. C.; Kajita, T.; Kakuno, H.; Kameda, J.; Karlen, D.; Katori, T.; Kearns, E.; Khabibullin, M.; Khotjantsev, A.; Kim, H.; Kim, J.; King, S.; Kisiel, J.; Knight, A.; Knox, A.; Kobayashi, T.; Koch, L.; Koga, T.; Koller, P. P.; Konaka, A.; Kormos, L. L.; Koshio, Y.; Kowalik, K.; Kudenko, Y.; Kurjata, R.; Kutter, T.; Labarga, L.; Lagoda, J.; Lamont, I.; Lamoureux, M.; Lasorak, P.; Laveder, M.; Lawe, M.; Licciardi, M.; Lindner, T.; Liptak, Z. J.; Litchfield, R. P.; Li, X.; Longhin, A.; Lopez, J. P.; Lou, T.; Ludovici, L.; Lu, X.; Magaletti, L.; Mahn, K.; Malek, M.; Manly, S.; Maret, L.; Marino, A. D.; Martin, J. F.; Martins, P.; Martynenko, S.; Maruyama, T.; Matveev, V.; Mavrokoridis, K.; Ma, W. Y.; Mazzucato, E.; Mccarthy, M.; Mccauley, N.; Mcfarland, K. S.; Mcgrew, C.; Mefodiev, A.; Metelko, C.; Mezzetto, M.; Minamino, A.; Mineev, O.; Mine, S.; Missert, A.; Miura, M.; Moriyama, S.; Morrison, J.; Mueller, Th. A.; Nagai, Y.; Nakadaira, T.; Nakahata, M.; Nakamura, K. G.; Nakamura, K.; Nakamura, K. D.; Nakanishi, Y.; Nakayama, S.; Nakaya, T.; Nakayoshi, K.; Nantais, C.; Nielsen, C.; Niewczas, K.; Nishikawa, K.; Nishimura, Y.; Novella, P.; Nowak, J.; O'Keeffe, H. M.; Okumura, K.; Okusawa, T.; Oryszczak, W.; Oser, S. M.; Ovsyannikova, T.; Owen, R. A.; Oyama, Y.; Palladino, V.; Palomino, J. L.; Paolone, V.; Paudyal, P.; Pavin, M.; Payne, D.; Petrov, Y.; Pickering, L.; Pinzon Guerra, E. S.; Pistillo, C.; Popov, B.; Posiadala-Zezula, M.; Pritchard, A.; Przewlocki, P.; Quilain, B.; Radermacher, T.; Radicioni, E.; Ratoff, P. N.; Rayner, M. A.; Reinherz-Aronis, E.; Riccio, C.; Rondio, E.; Rossi, B.; Roth, S.; Ruggeri, A. C.; Rychter, A.; Sakashita, K.; Sánchez, F.; Sasaki, S.; Scantamburlo, E.; Scholberg, K.; Schwehr, J.; Scott, M.; Seiya, Y.; Sekiguchi, T.; Sekiya, H.; Sgalaberna, D.; Shah, R.; Shaikhiev, A.; Shaker, F.; Shaw, D.; Shiozawa, M.; Smirnov, A.; Smy, M.; Sobczyk, J. T.; Sobel, H.; Steinmann, J.; Stewart, T.; Stowell, P.; Suda, Y.; Suvorov, S.; Suzuki, A.; Suzuki, S. Y.; Suzuki, Y.; Tacik, R.; Tada, M.; Takeda, A.; Takeuchi, Y.; Tamura, R.; Tanaka, H. K.; Tanaka, H. A.; Thakore, T.; Thompson, L. F.; Toki, W.; Tsukamoto, T.; Tzanov, M.; Uno, W.; Vagins, M.; Vallari, Z.; Vasseur, G.; Vilela, C.; Vladisavljevic, T.; Wachala, T.; Walker, J.; Walter, C. W.; Wang, Y.; Wark, D.; Wascko, M. O.; Weber, A.; Wendell, R.; Wilking, M. J.; Wilkinson, C.; Wilson, J. R.; Wilson, R. J.; Wret, C.; Yamada, Y.; Yamamoto, K.; Yamasu, S.; Yanagisawa, C.; Yano, T.; Yen, S.; Yershov, N.; Yokoyama, M.; Yu, M.; Zalewska, A.; Zalipska, J.; Zambelli, L.; Zaremba, K.; Ziembicki, M.; Zimmerman, E. D.; Zito, M.; Zsoldos, S.; Zykova, A.. - In: PHYSICAL REVIEW D. - ISSN 2470-0010. - STAMPA. - 98:3(2018). [10.1103/PhysRevD.98.032003]
Characterization of nuclear effects in muon-neutrino scattering on hydrocarbon with a measurement of final-state kinematics and correlations in charged-current pionless interactions at T2K
Abe, K.;Amey, J.;Andreopoulos, C.;Anthony, L.;Antonova, M.;Aoki, S.;Ariga, A.;Ashida, Y.;Azuma, Y.;Ban, S.;Barbi, M.;Barker, G. J.;Barr, G.;Barry, C.;Batkiewicz, M.;Berardi, V.;Berkman, S.;Berner, R. M.;Berns, L.;Bhadra, S.;Bienstock, S.;Blondel, A.;Bolognesi, S.;Bordoni, S.;Bourguille, B.;Boyd, S. B.;Brailsford, D.;Bravar, A.;Bronner, C.;Buizza Avanzini, M.;Calcutt, J.;Campbell, T.;Cao, S.;Cartwright, S. L.;Catanesi, M. G.;Cervera, A.;Chappell, A.;Checchia, C.;Cherdack, D.;Chikuma, N.;Christodoulou, G.;Coleman, J.;Collazuol, G.;Coplowe, D.;Cudd, A.;Dabrowska, A.;De Rosa, G.;Dealtry, T.;Denner, P. F.;Dennis, S. R.;Densham, C.;Di Lodovico, F.;Dolan, S.;Drapier, O.;Duffy, K. E.;Dumarchez, J.;Dunne, P.;Emery-Schrenk, S.;Ereditato, A.;Feusels, T.;Finch, A. J.;Fiorentini, G. A.;Fiorillo, G.;Francois, C.;Friend, M.;Fujii, Y.;Fukuda, D.;Fukuda, Y.;Garcia, A.;Giganti, C.;Gizzarelli, F.;Golan, T.;Gonin, M.;Hadley, D. R.;Haegel, L.;Haigh, J. T.;Hamacher-Baumann, P.;Hansen, D.;Harada, J.;Hartz, M.;Hasegawa, T.;Hastings, N. C.;Hayashino, T.;Hayato, Y.;Hiraki, T.;Hiramoto, A.;Hirota, S.;Hogan, M.;Holeczek, J.;Hosomi, F.;Ichikawa, A. K.;Ikeda, M.;Imber, J.;Inoue, T.;Intonti, R. A.;Ishida, T.;Ishii, T.;Iwamoto, K.;Izmaylov, A.;Jamieson, B.;Jiang, M.;Johnson, S.;Jonsson, P.;Jung, C. K.;Kabirnezhad, M.;Kaboth, A. C.;Kajita, T.;Kakuno, H.;Kameda, J.;Karlen, D.;Katori, T.;Kearns, E.;Khabibullin, M.;Khotjantsev, A.;Kim, H.;Kim, J.;King, S.;Kisiel, J.;Knight, A.;Knox, A.;Kobayashi, T.;Koch, L.;Koga, T.;Koller, P. P.;Konaka, A.;Kormos, L. L.;Koshio, Y.;Kowalik, K.;Kudenko, Y.;Kurjata, R.;Kutter, T.;Labarga, L.;Lagoda, J.;Lamont, I.;Lamoureux, M.;Lasorak, P.;Laveder, M.;Lawe, M.;Licciardi, M.;Lindner, T.;Liptak, Z. J.;Litchfield, R. P.;Li, X.;Longhin, A.;Lopez, J. P.;Lou, T.;Ludovici, L.;Lu, X.;Magaletti, L.;Mahn, K.;Malek, M.;Manly, S.;Maret, L.;Marino, A. D.;Martin, J. F.;Martins, P.;Martynenko, S.;Maruyama, T.;Matveev, V.;Mavrokoridis, K.;Ma, W. Y.;Mazzucato, E.;McCarthy, M.;McCauley, N.;McFarland, K. S.;McGrew, C.;Mefodiev, A.;Metelko, C.;Mezzetto, M.;Minamino, A.;Mineev, O.;Mine, S.;Missert, A.;Miura, M.;Moriyama, S.;Morrison, J.;Mueller, Th. A.;Nagai, Y.;Nakadaira, T.;Nakahata, M.;Nakamura, K. G.;Nakamura, K.;Nakamura, K. D.;Nakanishi, Y.;Nakayama, S.;Nakaya, T.;Nakayoshi, K.;Nantais, C.;Nielsen, C.;Niewczas, K.;Nishikawa, K.;Nishimura, Y.;Novella, P.;Nowak, J.;O'Keeffe, H. M.;Okumura, K.;Okusawa, T.;Oryszczak, W.;Oser, S. M.;Ovsyannikova, T.;Owen, R. A.;Oyama, Y.;Palladino, V.;Palomino, J. L.;Paolone, V.;Paudyal, P.;Pavin, M.;Payne, D.;Petrov, Y.;Pickering, L.;Pinzon Guerra, E. S.;Pistillo, C.;Popov, B.;Posiadala-Zezula, M.;Pritchard, A.;Przewlocki, P.;Quilain, B.;Radermacher, T.;Radicioni, E.;Ratoff, P. N.;Rayner, M. A.;Reinherz-Aronis, E.;Riccio, C.;Rondio, E.;Rossi, B.;Roth, S.;Ruggeri, A. C.;Rychter, A.;Sakashita, K.;Sánchez, F.;Sasaki, S.;Scantamburlo, E.;Scholberg, K.;Schwehr, J.;Scott, M.;Seiya, Y.;Sekiguchi, T.;Sekiya, H.;Sgalaberna, D.;Shah, R.;Shaikhiev, A.;Shaker, F.;Shaw, D.;Shiozawa, M.;Smirnov, A.;Smy, M.;Sobczyk, J. T.;Sobel, H.;Steinmann, J.;Stewart, T.;Stowell, P.;Suda, Y.;Suvorov, S.;Suzuki, A.;Suzuki, S. Y.;Suzuki, Y.;Tacik, R.;Tada, M.;Takeda, A.;Takeuchi, Y.;Tamura, R.;Tanaka, H. K.;Tanaka, H. A.;Thakore, T.;Thompson, L. F.;Toki, W.;Tsukamoto, T.;Tzanov, M.;Uno, W.;Vagins, M.;Vallari, Z.;Vasseur, G.;Vilela, C.;Vladisavljevic, T.;Wachala, T.;Walker, J.;Walter, C. W.;Wang, Y.;Wark, D.;Wascko, M. O.;Weber, A.;Wendell, R.;Wilking, M. J.;Wilkinson, C.;Wilson, J. R.;Wilson, R. J.;Wret, C.;Yamada, Y.;Yamamoto, K.;Yamasu, S.;Yanagisawa, C.;Yano, T.;Yen, S.;Yershov, N.;Yokoyama, M.;Yu, M.;Zalewska, A.;Zalipska, J.;Zambelli, L.;Zaremba, K.;Ziembicki, M.;Zimmerman, E. D.;Zito, M.;Zsoldos, S.;Zykova, A.
This paper reports measurements of final-state proton multiplicity, muon and proton kinematics, and their correlations in charged-current pionless neutrino interactions, measured by the T2K ND280 near detector in its plastic scintillator (C8H8) target. The data were taken between years 2010 and 2013, corresponding to approximately 6×1020 protons on target. Thanks to their exploration of the proton kinematics and of imbalances between the proton and muon kinematics, the results offer a novel probe of the nuclear-medium effects most pertinent to the (sub-)GeV neutrino-nucleus interactions that are used in accelerator-based long-baseline neutrino oscillation measurements. These results are compared to many neutrino-nucleus interaction models which all fail to describe at least part of the observed phase space. In case of events without a proton above a detection threshold in the final state, a fully consistent implementation of the local Fermi gas model with multinucleon interactions gives the best description of the data. In the case of at least one proton in the final state, the spectral function model agrees well with the data, most notably when measuring the kinematic imbalance between the muon and the proton in the plane transverse to the incoming neutrino. Within the models considered, only the existence of multinucleon interactions are able to describe the extracted cross section within regions of high transverse kinematic imbalance. The effect of final-state interactions is also discussed.
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