The one undertaken by the Restoration in the 'School of Architecture' of the Polytechnic of Bari founded by Claudio D'Amato in 1991 was a demanding path, aimed at building a dialogue with Design and all the scientific-disciplinary sectors that contribute to the didactic framework of the current master's degree course. The goal was to find a convergence on a shared methodological approach in respect of individual specificities. Twenty years have passed since I entered the Bari school, where I had the privilege of working alongside Mauro Civita (1933-2003), an important witness to the history of restoration also by virtue of his bond with Roberto Pane (1897-1987) , which gave life to a human and professional partnership that lasted from the 1970s until the death of the Neapolitan master. The interest in stratification inherited from Mauro Civita has maintained a central role, in research and in teaching, welcoming a multidisciplinary approach that recognizes the value of the architectural heritage as a palimpsest, understood as the sum of phases capable of feeding history in order to understand intimately a factory, a city, a territory, but also offer suggestions for the project intended as a constant search for continuity in history. In this sense it is possible to grasp an identity of views with the indispensable idea of combining 'knowledge' and 'know-how', a request ideally delivered to the new generations by Claudio D'Amato, a passionate and indefatigable scholar supported by an unshakable faith in Architecture. A demonstration of this is the experience gained over the years which has confirmed how the indissoluble link between research and teaching, in a relationship of mutual exchange, has nurtured the entire training process in the degree course, with the annual workshops, the Degree Laboratories - particularly in Restoration -, the School of Specialization in Architectural and Landscape Heritage and finally the Research Doctorate, all based on the fruitful exchange of knowledge. It is the field work, experienced through direct contact with the architectural, urban and landscape heritage that has confirmed the importance of the interaction between different knowledge in order to create an archive of knowledge, essential for dealing with the due historical-critical awareness and the necessary technical expertise the restoration project. The same experience has demonstrated the relevance of the opportunity offered to students of Architecture to open discussions with public or private owners of architectural assets, as well as with the territorial bodies responsible for their protection and to deal with the problems related to the protection and conservation of works and sites on which they will invest a large part of their future professional commitment.

È stato un percorso impegnativo quello intrapreso dal Restauro nella ‘Scuola di Architettura’ del Politecnico di Bari fondata da Claudio D’Amato nel 1991, teso a costruire un dialogo con la Progettazione e tutti i settori scientifico-disciplinari che concorrono all’impalcatura didattica dell’attuale corso di Laurea Magistrale. L’obiettivo è stato quello di trovare una convergenza su un’impostazione metodologica condivisa nel rispetto delle singole specificità. Sono passati vent’anni dal mio ingresso nella scuola barese, dove ho avuto il privilegio di lavorare accanto a Mauro Civita (1933-2003), un testimone importante della storia del restauro anche in virtù del suo legame con Roberto Pane (1897-1987), che ha dato vita ad un sodalizio umano e professionale durato dagli anni Settanta del Novecento fino alla morte del maestro napoletano. L’interesse per la stratificazione ricevuto in eredità da Mauro Civita ha mantenuto un ruolo centrale, nella ricerca come nella didattica, accogliendo un approccio pluridisciplinare che riconosce al patrimonio architettonico il valore di palinsesto, inteso come somma di fasi capaci di alimentare la storia per comprendere intimamente una fabbrica, una città, un territorio, ma anche offrire suggerimenti al progetto inteso come costante ricerca di continuità nella storia. In questo senso è possibile cogliere un’identità di vedute con l’irrinunciabile idea di coniugare il ‘sapere’ e il ‘saper fare’, istanza consegnata idealmente alle nuove generazioni da Claudio D’Amato, studioso appassionato e infaticabile sostenuto da una fede incrollabile nell’Architettura. Ne è una dimostrazione l’esperienza maturata in questi anni che ha confermato come l’indissolubile legame fra ricerca e didattica, in un rapporto di scambio reciproco, abbia nutrito l’intero processo formativo nel corso di Laurea, con i Laboratori d’anno, i Laboratori di Laurea - particolarmente di Restauro -, la Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Architettonici e del Paesaggio ed infine il Dottorato di Ricerca, tutti basati sul fecondo interscambio delle conoscenze. È il lavoro sul campo, sperimentato attraverso il contatto diretto con il patrimonio architettonico, urbano e paesaggistico che ha avvalorato l’importanza dell’interazione tra saperi diversi allo scopo di creare un archivio delle conoscenze, fondamentale per affrontare con la dovuta consapevolezza storico-critica e la necessaria competenza tecnica il progetto di restauro. La stessa esperienza ha dimostrato la rilevanza dell’opportunità offerta agli allievi di Architettura di aprire interlocuzioni con i soggetti pubblici o privati detentori dei beni architettonici, nonché con gli enti territoriali preposti alla tutela e di misurarsi con le problematiche legate alla protezione e conservazione di opere e siti su cui investiranno gran parte del loro futuro impegno professionale.

La costruzione di un dialogo fra saperi disciplinari sulla conservazione e il restauro / De Cadilhac, Rossella - In: Claudio D’Amato Guerrieri e la “scuola barese” di architettura : a trent’anni dall’istituzione del Politecnico di Bari e della Facoltà di Architettura / [a cura di] G. Fallacara, A. Restucci. - STAMPA. - Roma : Gangemi international, 2020. - ISBN 9788849239843. - pp. 169-176

La costruzione di un dialogo fra saperi disciplinari sulla conservazione e il restauro

Rossella De Cadilhac


The one undertaken by the Restoration in the 'School of Architecture' of the Polytechnic of Bari founded by Claudio D'Amato in 1991 was a demanding path, aimed at building a dialogue with Design and all the scientific-disciplinary sectors that contribute to the didactic framework of the current master's degree course. The goal was to find a convergence on a shared methodological approach in respect of individual specificities. Twenty years have passed since I entered the Bari school, where I had the privilege of working alongside Mauro Civita (1933-2003), an important witness to the history of restoration also by virtue of his bond with Roberto Pane (1897-1987) , which gave life to a human and professional partnership that lasted from the 1970s until the death of the Neapolitan master. The interest in stratification inherited from Mauro Civita has maintained a central role, in research and in teaching, welcoming a multidisciplinary approach that recognizes the value of the architectural heritage as a palimpsest, understood as the sum of phases capable of feeding history in order to understand intimately a factory, a city, a territory, but also offer suggestions for the project intended as a constant search for continuity in history. In this sense it is possible to grasp an identity of views with the indispensable idea of combining 'knowledge' and 'know-how', a request ideally delivered to the new generations by Claudio D'Amato, a passionate and indefatigable scholar supported by an unshakable faith in Architecture. A demonstration of this is the experience gained over the years which has confirmed how the indissoluble link between research and teaching, in a relationship of mutual exchange, has nurtured the entire training process in the degree course, with the annual workshops, the Degree Laboratories - particularly in Restoration -, the School of Specialization in Architectural and Landscape Heritage and finally the Research Doctorate, all based on the fruitful exchange of knowledge. It is the field work, experienced through direct contact with the architectural, urban and landscape heritage that has confirmed the importance of the interaction between different knowledge in order to create an archive of knowledge, essential for dealing with the due historical-critical awareness and the necessary technical expertise the restoration project. The same experience has demonstrated the relevance of the opportunity offered to students of Architecture to open discussions with public or private owners of architectural assets, as well as with the territorial bodies responsible for their protection and to deal with the problems related to the protection and conservation of works and sites on which they will invest a large part of their future professional commitment.
Claudio D’Amato Guerrieri e la “scuola barese” di architettura : a trent’anni dall’istituzione del Politecnico di Bari e della Facoltà di Architettura
Gangemi international
La costruzione di un dialogo fra saperi disciplinari sulla conservazione e il restauro / De Cadilhac, Rossella - In: Claudio D’Amato Guerrieri e la “scuola barese” di architettura : a trent’anni dall’istituzione del Politecnico di Bari e della Facoltà di Architettura / [a cura di] G. Fallacara, A. Restucci. - STAMPA. - Roma : Gangemi international, 2020. - ISBN 9788849239843. - pp. 169-176
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