Despite the intensification in recent years of studies and research on the restoration of architecture matured in different geographical and temporal contexts, the idea of tracing an organic picture of the history of restoration does not seem to have reached full maturity, in the face of substantially stable conceptual elaborations . The purpose of this volume, which takes up, re-elaborates and develops themes dealt with in the Notes of the lessons carried out in the Theory of Restoration course in the MA in Architecture at the Polytechnic of Bari, is to facilitate young readers - students, recent graduates, – in the approach to the complex problems that cross the discipline; but, at the same time, develop an independent judgment and strengthen - in those who have a propensity to immerse themselves in the issues of protection - the idea of the indispensability of professional figures specialized in heritage conservation. The volume, divided into fourteen fifteen chapters and accompanied by a critical anthology, starts from lexical questions to then trace a general framework of the discipline and chronologically retraces the conceptual elaborations and the methods of intervention on the works of the past, constantly comparing the theoretical positions with the practical operate. The purpose is to present the theoretical and cultural foundations of restoration, focus on the convergences and divergences of thought, grasp the interdisciplinary complexity of the subject. But it is also to help future architects to develop a historical-critical awareness, which must be accompanied by a high technical capacity, the only references to guide interventions on the built heritage, which are animated by an authentic conservation purpose. Restoration is a disciplinary area which, in the now two-secular path, has developed a complex conceptual network derived from critical reflections, debates and field experiments. Principles, methods, experiences have been brought to light by resorting to an inevitable selection of cases presented here, in an attempt to exemplify the underlying problems and to highlight how much the principles have guided the practice and to what extent the practical work has helped to clarify the theoretical orientations. Given the purpose of the discussion, the topics have been addressed in general terms avoiding an abstractly erudite approach to instead offer, from time to time, a trace that indicates the key issues of the discipline, which can be the subject of further study and mental processing taking the cue from the bibliographic suggestions given in each chapter. The critical anthology goes in this direction, understood as an opportunity for enrichment and reflection, which proposes - albeit reduced due to space limitations related to editorial needs - a selection of essays and documents (papers and laws) useful for restoring the evolution of critical thinking and of the main orientations over time.
Nonostante l’intensificarsi negli ultimi anni di studi e ricerche sui restauri di architetture maturati in contesti geografici e temporali diversi, non sembra sia giunta a piena maturazione l’idea di tracciare un quadro organico della storia del restauro, a fronte di elaborazioni concettuali sostanzialmente stabili. Lo scopo di questo volume, in cui si riprendono, rielaborano e sviluppano temi trattati negli Appunti delle lezioni svolte nel corso di Teoria del Restauro nel CdLM in Architettura presso il Politecnico di Bari, è quello di agevolare i giovani lettori – studenti, neolaureati, specializzandi – nell’approccio alle complesse problematiche che attraversano la disciplina; ma, al tempo stesso, sviluppare un’autonomia di giudizio e fortificare – in coloro che hanno una propensione ad immergersi nelle tematiche della tutela – l’idea della indispensabilità di figure professionali specializzate nella conservazione del patrimonio. Il volume, articolato in quattordici quindici capitoli e corredato di un’antologia critica, muove da questioni lessicali per poi tracciare un quadro generale della disciplina e ripercorre cronologicamente le elaborazioni concettuali e le modalità d’intervento sulle opere del passato, mettendo costantemente a confronto le posizioni teoriche con il pratico operare. Il proposito è quello di presentare i fondamenti teorici e culturali del restauro, focalizzare le convergenze e le divergenze di pensiero, cogliere la complessità interdisciplinare della materia. Ma è anche quello di aiutare i futuri architetti a maturare una consapevolezza storico-critica, che dovrà accompagnarsi ad una elevata capacità tecnica, unici riferimenti per orientare interventi sul patrimonio costruito, che siano animati da una autentica finalità conservativa. Quella del restauro è un’area disciplinare che, nell’ormai percorso bisecolare, ha messo a punto una complessa rete concettuale derivata da riflessioni critiche, dibattiti e sperimentazioni sul campo. Principi, metodi, esperienze sono stati messi in luce ricorrendo ad una inevitabile selezione di casi che qui si presentano, nel tentativo di esemplificare i problemi di fondo e di mettere in luce quanto i principi abbiano guidato la prassi ed in quale misura il pratico operare abbia contribuito a precisare gli orientamenti teorici. Data la finalità della trattazione, gli argomenti sono stati affrontati in termini generali evitando un’impostazione astrattamente erudita per offrire invece, di volta in volta, una traccia che indichi le questioni nodali della disciplina, le quali potranno essere oggetto di approfondimento e di elaborazione mentale cogliendo lo spunto dai suggerimenti bibliografici riportati all’interno di ciascun capitolo. Va in questa direzione l’antologia critica, intesa come occasione di arricchimento e di riflessione, che propone – seppure ridotta per limiti di spazio legate ad esigenze editoriali – una selezione di saggi e di documenti (carte e leggi) utili a restituire l’evoluzione del pensiero critico e dei principali orientamenti nel corso del tempo.
Lineamenti di Teoria e Storia del Restauro / de Cadilhac, R.. - STAMPA. - (2023), pp. 1-618.
Lineamenti di Teoria e Storia del Restauro
de Cadilhac R.
Despite the intensification in recent years of studies and research on the restoration of architecture matured in different geographical and temporal contexts, the idea of tracing an organic picture of the history of restoration does not seem to have reached full maturity, in the face of substantially stable conceptual elaborations . The purpose of this volume, which takes up, re-elaborates and develops themes dealt with in the Notes of the lessons carried out in the Theory of Restoration course in the MA in Architecture at the Polytechnic of Bari, is to facilitate young readers - students, recent graduates, – in the approach to the complex problems that cross the discipline; but, at the same time, develop an independent judgment and strengthen - in those who have a propensity to immerse themselves in the issues of protection - the idea of the indispensability of professional figures specialized in heritage conservation. The volume, divided into fourteen fifteen chapters and accompanied by a critical anthology, starts from lexical questions to then trace a general framework of the discipline and chronologically retraces the conceptual elaborations and the methods of intervention on the works of the past, constantly comparing the theoretical positions with the practical operate. The purpose is to present the theoretical and cultural foundations of restoration, focus on the convergences and divergences of thought, grasp the interdisciplinary complexity of the subject. But it is also to help future architects to develop a historical-critical awareness, which must be accompanied by a high technical capacity, the only references to guide interventions on the built heritage, which are animated by an authentic conservation purpose. Restoration is a disciplinary area which, in the now two-secular path, has developed a complex conceptual network derived from critical reflections, debates and field experiments. Principles, methods, experiences have been brought to light by resorting to an inevitable selection of cases presented here, in an attempt to exemplify the underlying problems and to highlight how much the principles have guided the practice and to what extent the practical work has helped to clarify the theoretical orientations. Given the purpose of the discussion, the topics have been addressed in general terms avoiding an abstractly erudite approach to instead offer, from time to time, a trace that indicates the key issues of the discipline, which can be the subject of further study and mental processing taking the cue from the bibliographic suggestions given in each chapter. The critical anthology goes in this direction, understood as an opportunity for enrichment and reflection, which proposes - albeit reduced due to space limitations related to editorial needs - a selection of essays and documents (papers and laws) useful for restoring the evolution of critical thinking and of the main orientations over time.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.