Hyper-Kamiokande will be a next-generation underground water Cherenkov detector with a total (fiducial) mass of 0.99 (0.56) million metric tons, approximately 20 (25) times larger than that of Super-Kamiokande. One of the main goals of Hyper-Kamiokande is the study of CP asymmetry in the lepton sector using accelerator neutrino and anti-neutrino beams. In this paper, the physics potential of a long-baseline neutrino experiment using the Hyper-Kamiokande detector and a neutrino beam from the J-PARC proton synchrotron is presented. The analysis uses the framework and systematic uncertainties derived from the ongoing T2K experiment. With a total exposure of 7.5 MW ×107s integrated proton beam power (corresponding to 1.56×1022 protons on target with a 30 GeV proton beam) to a 2.5∘ off-axis neutrino beam, it is expected that the leptonic CP phase δCP can be determined to better than 19 degrees for all possible values of δCP, and CP violation can be established with a statistical significance of more than 3σ (5σ) for 76% (58%) of the δCP parameter space. Using both νe appearance and νμ disappearance data, the expected 1σ uncertainty of sin2θ23 is 0.015(0.006) for sin2θ23=0.5(0.45).

Physics potential of a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment using a J-PARC neutrino beam and Hyper-Kamiokande / Abe, K.; Aihara, H.; Andreopoulos, C.; Anghel, I.; Ariga, A.; Ariga, T.; Asfandiyarov, R.; Askins, M.; Back, J. J.; Ballett, P.; Barbi, M.; Barker, G. J.; Barr, G.; Bay, F.; Beltrame, P.; Berardi, Vincenzo; Bergevin, M.; Berkman, S.; Berry, T.; Bhadra, S.; Blaszczyk, F. D. M.; Blondel, A.; Bolognesi, S.; Boyd, S. B.; Bravar, A.; Bronner, C.; Cafagna, F. S.; Carminati, G.; Cartwright, S. L.; Catanesi, M. G.; Choi, K.; Choi, J. H.; Collazuol, G.; Cowan, G.; Cremonesi, L.; Davies, G.; De Rosa, G.; Densham, C.; Detwiler, J.; Dewhurst, D.; Di Lodovico, F.; Di Luise, S.; Drapier, O.; Emery, S.; Ereditato, A.; Fernández, P.; Feusels, T.; Finch, A.; Fitton, M.; Friend, M.; Fujii, Y.; Fukuda, Y.; Fukuda, D.; Galymov, V.; Ganezer, K.; Gonin, M.; Gumplinger, P.; Hadley, D. R.; Haegel, L.; Haesler, A.; Haga, Y.; Hartfiel, B.; Hartz, M.; Hayato, Y.; Hierholzer, M.; Hill, J.; Himmel, A.; Hirota, S.; Horiuchi, S.; Huang, K.; Ichikawa, A. K.; Iijima, T.; Ikeda, M.; Imber, J.; Inoue, K.; Insler, J.; Intonti, R. A.; Irvine, T.; Ishida, T.; Ishino, H.; Ishitsuka, M.; Itow, Y.; Izmaylov, A.; Jamieson, B.; Jang, H. I.; Jiang, M.; Joo, K. K.; Jung, C. K.; Kaboth, A.; Kajita, T.; Kameda, J.; Karadhzov, Y.; Katori, T.; Kearns, E.; Khabibullin, M.; Khotjantsev, A.; Kim, J. Y.; Kim, S. B.; Kishimoto, Y.; Kobayashi, T.; Koga, M.; Konaka, A.; Kormos, L. L.; Korzenev, A.; Koshio, Y.; Kropp, W. R.; Kudenko, Y.; Kutter, T.; Kuze, M.; Labarga, L.; Lagoda, J.; Laveder, M.; Lawe, M.; Learned, J. G.; Lim, I. T.; Lindner, T.; Longhin, A.; Ludovici, L.; Ma, W.; Magaletti, Lorenzo; Mahn, K.; Malek, M.; Mariani, C.; Marti, L.; Martin, J. F.; Martin, C.; Martins, P. P. J.; Mazzucato, E.; Mccauley, N.; Mcfarland, K. S.; Mcgrew, C.; Mezzetto, M.; Minakata, H.; Minamino, A.; Mine, S.; Mineev, O.; Miura, M.; Monroe, J.; Mori, T.; Moriyama, S.; Mueller, T.; Muheim, F.; Nakahata, M.; Nakamura, K.; Nakaya, T.; Nakayama, S.; Needham, M.; Nicholls, T.; Nirkko, M.; Nishimura, Y.; Noah, E.; Nowak, J.; Nunokawa, H.; O'Keeffe, H. M.; Okajima, Y.; Okumura, K.; Oser, S. M.; O'Sullivan, E.; Ovsiannikova, T.; Owen, R. A.; Oyama, Y.; Pérez, J.; Pac, M. Y.; Palladino, V.; Palomino, J. L.; Paolone, V.; Payne, D.; Perevozchikov, O.; Perkin, J. D.; Pistillo, C.; Playfer, S.; Posiadala Zezula, M.; Poutissou, J. M.; Quilain, B.; Quinto, M.; Radicioni, E.; Ratoff, P. N.; Ravonel, M.; Rayner, M. A.; Redij, A.; Retiere, F.; Riccio, C.; Richard, E.; Rondio, E.; Rose, H. J.; Ross Lonergan, M.; Rott, C.; Rountree, S. D.; Rubbia, A.; Sacco, R.; Sakuda, M.; Sanchez, M. C.; Scantamburlo, E.; Scholberg, K.; Scott, M.; Seiya, Y.; Sekiguchi, T.; Sekiya, H.; Shaikhiev, A.; Shimizu, I.; Shiozawa, M.; Short, S.; Sinnis, G.; Smy, M. B.; Sobczyk, J.; Sobel, H. W.; Stewart, T.; Stone, J. L.; Suda, Y.; Suzuki, Y.; Suzuki, A. T.; Svoboda, R.; Tacik, R.; Takeda, A.; Taketa, A.; Takeuchi, Y.; Tanaka, H. A.; Tanaka, H. K. M.; Tanaka, H.; Terri, R.; Thompson, L. F.; Thorpe, M.; Tobayama, S.; Tolich, N.; Tomura, T.; Touramanis, C.; Tsukamoto, T.; Tzanov, M.; Uchida, Y.; Vagins, M. R.; Vasseur, G.; Vogelaar, R. B.; Walter, C. W.; Wark, D.; Wascko, M. O.; Weber, A.; Wendell, R.; Wilkes, R. J.; Wilking, M. J.; Wilson, J. R.; Xin, T.; Yamamoto, K.; Yanagisawa, C.; Yano, T.; Yen, S.; Yershov, N.; Yokoyama, M.; Zito, M.. - In: PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS. - ISSN 2050-3911. - 2015:5(2015). [10.1093/ptep/ptv061]

Physics potential of a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment using a J-PARC neutrino beam and Hyper-Kamiokande

BERARDI, Vincenzo;MAGALETTI, Lorenzo;


Hyper-Kamiokande will be a next-generation underground water Cherenkov detector with a total (fiducial) mass of 0.99 (0.56) million metric tons, approximately 20 (25) times larger than that of Super-Kamiokande. One of the main goals of Hyper-Kamiokande is the study of CP asymmetry in the lepton sector using accelerator neutrino and anti-neutrino beams. In this paper, the physics potential of a long-baseline neutrino experiment using the Hyper-Kamiokande detector and a neutrino beam from the J-PARC proton synchrotron is presented. The analysis uses the framework and systematic uncertainties derived from the ongoing T2K experiment. With a total exposure of 7.5 MW ×107s integrated proton beam power (corresponding to 1.56×1022 protons on target with a 30 GeV proton beam) to a 2.5∘ off-axis neutrino beam, it is expected that the leptonic CP phase δCP can be determined to better than 19 degrees for all possible values of δCP, and CP violation can be established with a statistical significance of more than 3σ (5σ) for 76% (58%) of the δCP parameter space. Using both νe appearance and νμ disappearance data, the expected 1σ uncertainty of sin2θ23 is 0.015(0.006) for sin2θ23=0.5(0.45).
Physics potential of a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment using a J-PARC neutrino beam and Hyper-Kamiokande / Abe, K.; Aihara, H.; Andreopoulos, C.; Anghel, I.; Ariga, A.; Ariga, T.; Asfandiyarov, R.; Askins, M.; Back, J. J.; Ballett, P.; Barbi, M.; Barker, G. J.; Barr, G.; Bay, F.; Beltrame, P.; Berardi, Vincenzo; Bergevin, M.; Berkman, S.; Berry, T.; Bhadra, S.; Blaszczyk, F. D. M.; Blondel, A.; Bolognesi, S.; Boyd, S. B.; Bravar, A.; Bronner, C.; Cafagna, F. S.; Carminati, G.; Cartwright, S. L.; Catanesi, M. G.; Choi, K.; Choi, J. H.; Collazuol, G.; Cowan, G.; Cremonesi, L.; Davies, G.; De Rosa, G.; Densham, C.; Detwiler, J.; Dewhurst, D.; Di Lodovico, F.; Di Luise, S.; Drapier, O.; Emery, S.; Ereditato, A.; Fernández, P.; Feusels, T.; Finch, A.; Fitton, M.; Friend, M.; Fujii, Y.; Fukuda, Y.; Fukuda, D.; Galymov, V.; Ganezer, K.; Gonin, M.; Gumplinger, P.; Hadley, D. R.; Haegel, L.; Haesler, A.; Haga, Y.; Hartfiel, B.; Hartz, M.; Hayato, Y.; Hierholzer, M.; Hill, J.; Himmel, A.; Hirota, S.; Horiuchi, S.; Huang, K.; Ichikawa, A. K.; Iijima, T.; Ikeda, M.; Imber, J.; Inoue, K.; Insler, J.; Intonti, R. A.; Irvine, T.; Ishida, T.; Ishino, H.; Ishitsuka, M.; Itow, Y.; Izmaylov, A.; Jamieson, B.; Jang, H. I.; Jiang, M.; Joo, K. K.; Jung, C. K.; Kaboth, A.; Kajita, T.; Kameda, J.; Karadhzov, Y.; Katori, T.; Kearns, E.; Khabibullin, M.; Khotjantsev, A.; Kim, J. Y.; Kim, S. B.; Kishimoto, Y.; Kobayashi, T.; Koga, M.; Konaka, A.; Kormos, L. L.; Korzenev, A.; Koshio, Y.; Kropp, W. R.; Kudenko, Y.; Kutter, T.; Kuze, M.; Labarga, L.; Lagoda, J.; Laveder, M.; Lawe, M.; Learned, J. G.; Lim, I. T.; Lindner, T.; Longhin, A.; Ludovici, L.; Ma, W.; Magaletti, Lorenzo; Mahn, K.; Malek, M.; Mariani, C.; Marti, L.; Martin, J. F.; Martin, C.; Martins, P. P. J.; Mazzucato, E.; Mccauley, N.; Mcfarland, K. S.; Mcgrew, C.; Mezzetto, M.; Minakata, H.; Minamino, A.; Mine, S.; Mineev, O.; Miura, M.; Monroe, J.; Mori, T.; Moriyama, S.; Mueller, T.; Muheim, F.; Nakahata, M.; Nakamura, K.; Nakaya, T.; Nakayama, S.; Needham, M.; Nicholls, T.; Nirkko, M.; Nishimura, Y.; Noah, E.; Nowak, J.; Nunokawa, H.; O'Keeffe, H. M.; Okajima, Y.; Okumura, K.; Oser, S. M.; O'Sullivan, E.; Ovsiannikova, T.; Owen, R. A.; Oyama, Y.; Pérez, J.; Pac, M. Y.; Palladino, V.; Palomino, J. L.; Paolone, V.; Payne, D.; Perevozchikov, O.; Perkin, J. D.; Pistillo, C.; Playfer, S.; Posiadala Zezula, M.; Poutissou, J. M.; Quilain, B.; Quinto, M.; Radicioni, E.; Ratoff, P. N.; Ravonel, M.; Rayner, M. A.; Redij, A.; Retiere, F.; Riccio, C.; Richard, E.; Rondio, E.; Rose, H. J.; Ross Lonergan, M.; Rott, C.; Rountree, S. D.; Rubbia, A.; Sacco, R.; Sakuda, M.; Sanchez, M. C.; Scantamburlo, E.; Scholberg, K.; Scott, M.; Seiya, Y.; Sekiguchi, T.; Sekiya, H.; Shaikhiev, A.; Shimizu, I.; Shiozawa, M.; Short, S.; Sinnis, G.; Smy, M. B.; Sobczyk, J.; Sobel, H. W.; Stewart, T.; Stone, J. L.; Suda, Y.; Suzuki, Y.; Suzuki, A. T.; Svoboda, R.; Tacik, R.; Takeda, A.; Taketa, A.; Takeuchi, Y.; Tanaka, H. A.; Tanaka, H. K. M.; Tanaka, H.; Terri, R.; Thompson, L. F.; Thorpe, M.; Tobayama, S.; Tolich, N.; Tomura, T.; Touramanis, C.; Tsukamoto, T.; Tzanov, M.; Uchida, Y.; Vagins, M. R.; Vasseur, G.; Vogelaar, R. B.; Walter, C. W.; Wark, D.; Wascko, M. O.; Weber, A.; Wendell, R.; Wilkes, R. J.; Wilking, M. J.; Wilson, J. R.; Xin, T.; Yamamoto, K.; Yanagisawa, C.; Yano, T.; Yen, S.; Yershov, N.; Yokoyama, M.; Zito, M.. - In: PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS. - ISSN 2050-3911. - 2015:5(2015). [10.1093/ptep/ptv061]
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