Raffaele, Domenico

Raffaele, Domenico  

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, del Territorio, Edile e di Chimica  

Personale esterno ed autonomi  


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A multi-level approach for the numerical modelling of complex monumental buildings: Seismic assessment of the "Maniace castle" of Syracuse 1-gen-2016 Fiore, AndreaPorco, FrancescoRaffaele, DomenicoSanjust, Carlo AlbertoUva, Giuseppina +
A multi-level approach for the numerical modelling of complex monumental buildings: Seismic assessment of the "Maniace Castle" of syracuse 1-gen-2015 RAFFAELE, DomenicoFIORE, AndreaSANJUST, CARLO ALBERTOPORCO, FrancescoUVA, Giuseppina +
A parametrical analysis for the rotational ductility of reinforced concrete beams 1-gen-2013 RAFFAELE, DomenicoUVA, GiuseppinaPORCO, Francesco +
A procedure to design girder bridge deck subjected to in-plane actions 1-gen-2012 RAFFAELE, Domenico +
A simplified algorithm for evaluating the Seismic Return Period of Structural Capacity 1-gen-2013 Raffaele, D.Fiore, A.
A simplified mechanical approach for the seismic vulnerability assessment of RC bridges with simply supported deck 1-gen-2012 PORCO, FrancescoRAFFAELE, DomenicoUVA, Giuseppina +
A Simplified Procedure for the Seismic Design of Hybrid Connections in Precast Concrete Structures 1-gen-2013 PORCO, FrancescoRAFFAELE, DomenicoUVA, Giuseppina
A simplified procedure to evaluate seismic vulnerability of R.C. circular bridge piers 1-gen-2012 Mezzina MPalmisano FRaffaele D
About of seismic capacity of bridge piers: A simplified approach 1-gen-2014 Raffaele DUva GPorco F +
About the influence of the infill panels over the collapse mechanisms actived under pushover analyses: Two case studies 1-gen-2012 PORCO, FrancescoRAFFAELE, DomenicoUVA, Giuseppina +
About the seismic return period: A simplified algorithm 1-gen-2015 RAFFAELE, DomenicoUVA, GiuseppinaPORCO, FrancescoFIORE, AndreaMEZZINA, Mauro
Advanced computer technologies for fluid-structure interaction modeling: a review for civil engineering applications 1-gen-2019 Basile RRaffaele DDe Serio FMossa MUva G
Algoritmo per la Valutazione del Periodo di Ritorno “Capacitivo 1-gen-2013 RAFFAELE, DomenicoPORCO, Francesco +
An approximate solution for the rheological behavior of non-homogeneous structures changing the structural system during the construction process 1-gen-2013 Fiore AFOTI, DoraMONACO, PietroRAFFAELE, DomenicoUVA, Giuseppina
Analisi di vulnerabilità del viadotto 1-gen-2008 PORCO, FrancescoRAFFAELE, DomenicoUVA, Giuseppina
Analisi multihazard: rischio sismico e rischio idraulico per ponti e viadotti 1-gen-2009 RAFFAELE, DomenicoPagano, A. +
Analisi multihazard: rischio sismico e rischio idraulico per ponti e viadotti 1-gen-2009 RAFFAELE, DomenicoPagano, A. +
Analytical seismic assessment of RC dual wall/frame systems using SLaMA: Proposal and validation 1-gen-2019 Roberto GentileDomenico RaffaeleGiuseppina Uva +
Assessment e liste di priorità 1-gen-2008 Greco, RitaRaffaele, Domenico
Assessment of the reliability of structural concretes during execution phases 1-gen-2015 RAFFAELE, DomenicoPORCO, FrancescoUVA, Giuseppina +