Affected by a serious hydrogeological instability triggered by slow but progressive landslides, the settlement of Craco was evacuated in the 1960s when a trade union ordinance imposed the transfer of the majority of the inhabitants to the valley floor, in the locality of Peschiera. At present, the ancient settlement is in an advanced state of decay, accelerated by a lack of maintenance which, even more than the landslide movement, albeit slow but unstoppable, undermines the survival of the village. However, it is the decadent aspect which, paradoxically, constitutes the added value of Craco inextricably linked to a highly suggestive natural landscape. And it is the suggestion exercised by a city in a state of ruin, suspended in a timeless dimension, which has directed the village towards an unexpected artistic vocation, to the point of becoming a source of attraction for the world of art, auteur cinema, until Craco turned into a place of attraction for cultured tourism. Craco is a paradigmatic case that launches a still open challenge against a dramatically current problem in Italy, the one linked to hydrogeological instability and the risks associated with it. In order to proceed with the drafting of Guidelines aimed at the conservation and enhancement of the ancient nucleus and, in a subsequent phase, with the drafting of a restoration project starting from buildings chosen as sample cases, some intrinsic criticalities were taken into account: the geological nature of the soil, highly inhomogeneous due to the presence of clays, especially multi-colored clays, which reach in depth and more superficial clayey/sandy conglomerates; tectonic motions of an ascending type with perforation of the more superficial layers and leakage from the deeper layers of the conglomerate rock; the meteoric waters that flow on the surface on the clayey outcrops creating, on the one hand, deeply incised furrows and, on the other, triggering erosion phenomena. The state of degradation in the medieval village has offered the starting point for an overall, unitary and coherent project which, in re-admitting the urban organism into the circuit of use, in line with the municipal strategies oriented towards the recovery of its ancient building heritage, respect its character by enhancing its functional vocations. The idea stems from the belief that it is possible on the one hand to exploit the critical points of Craco by transforming them into strengths and on the other hand to enhance local resources. The objective is twofold: to promote Craco as a place to carry out research on the topics of soil protection and the restoration of buildings in landslide areas; combine landscape and environmental values with the world of art and culture, attributing to Craco the function of a place of cinema, widely tested over time, but also of ateliers and workshops for young artists and craftsmen. Once the intervention guidelines were established, two contiguous areas were identified and selected as case studies. The first is located along the first stretch of the visit route which, starting from the south-west end of the village, climbs up to the highest point marked by the Norman tower. The second is identified with the second stretch of the route, called via Alfieri, which, following the line of the ridge runs alongside the chapel of Santa Barbara, reaches the Carbone-Rigirone palaces, near which the exit is foreseen marked by a passage designed to the north-west, on the site of an ancient city gate, which no longer exists. The overall project of the village has entrusted its distinctive style to the visit itinerary. The route is entrusted with the task of accompanying the visitor, solving accessibility problems, physically and visually connecting episodes of formal completeness, fragments of ancient presences that are no longer recognizable and architectural gaps.
Colpito da un grave dissesto idrogeologico innescato da lenti ma progressivi movimenti franosi, l’insediamento di Craco fu evacuato negli anni Sessanta del XX secolo quando un’ordinanza sindacale impose il trasferimento della maggioranza degli abitanti a fondovalle, in località Peschiera. Allo stato attuale l’antico insediamento versa in uno stato di avanzato degrado, accelerato da una mancata manutenzione che, ancor più del movimento franoso, seppure lento ma inarrestabile, mina la sopravvivenza del borgo. Tuttavia è l’aspetto decadente che, paradossalmente, costituisce il valore aggiunto di Craco inscindibilmente legato ad un paesaggio naturale di grande suggestione. Ed è la suggestione esercitata da una città allo stato di rovina, sospesa in una dimensione atemporale, che ha indirizzato il borgo verso un’inaspettata vocazione artistica, fino a diventare motivo di attrazione per il mondo dell’arte, del cinema d’autore, fino a che Craco si è trasformato in un luogo di richiamo per un turismo colto. Craco è un caso paradigmatico che lancia una sfida tuttora aperta nei confronti di un problema drammaticamente attuale in Italia, quello legato al dissesto idrogeologico ed ai rischi ad esso connessi. Per poter procedere alla stesura di Linee-Guida finalizzate alla conservazione e valorizzazione del nucleo antico e, in una fase successiva, alla redazione di un progetto di restauro a partire da edifici scelti come casi-campione, si è tenuto conto di alcune intrinseche criticità: la natura geologica del terreno, altamente disomogenea per la compresenza di argille, soprattutto argille varicolori, che arrivano in profondità e conglomerati argillosi/sabbiosi più superficiali; i moti tettonici di tipo ascensionale con perforazione degli strati più superficiali e fuoriuscita dagli strati più profondi del masso conglomeratico; le acque meteoriche che scorrono in superficie sui terreni argillosi in affioramento creando, da un lato, solchi profondamente incisi e innescando, dall’altro, fenomeni di erosione. Lo stato di degrado in cui versa il borgo medievale ha offerto lo spunto per un progetto complessivo, unitario e coerente che, nel riammettere l’organismo urbano nel circuito della fruizione, in linea con le strategie comunali orientate al recupero del proprio antico patrimonio edilizio, ne rispetti il carattere valorizzandone le vocazioni funzionali. L’idea muove dalla convinzione che è possibile da un lato sfruttare le criticità di Craco trasformandole in punti di forza e dall’altro valorizzare le risorse locali. L’obiettivo è duplice: promuovere Craco come luogo dove svolgere attività di ricerca sui temi della difesa del suolo e del restauro di edifici in aree franose; coniugare i valori paesistici e ambientali con il mondo dell'arte e della cultura, attribuendo a Craco la funzione di luogo del cinema, ampiamente sperimentato nel tempo, ma anche di atelier e botteghe per giovani artisti e artigiani. Fissate le linee-guida d’intervento, sono state individuate due aree contigue selezionate come casi di studio. La prima si colloca lungo il primo tratto del percorso di visita che, partendo dall’estremità sud-ovest del borgo sale fino al punto più alto segnato dalla torre normanna. La seconda s’identifica con il secondo tratto del percorso, denominato via Alfieri, che, seguendo la linea di crinale costeggia la cappella santa Barbara, raggiunge i palazzi Carbone-Rigirone, in prossimità dei quali è prevista l’uscita segnata da un varco progettato a nord-ovest, sull’area di sedime di un’antica porta urbana, ora non più esistente. Il progetto complessivo del borgo ha affidato la propria cifra distintiva al percorso di visita. Al percorso è affidato il compito di accompagnare il visitatore, risolvere problemi di accessibilità, connettere fisicamente e visivamente episodi di compiutezza formale, frammenti di antiche presenze non più riconoscibili e lacune architettoniche.
La rigenerazione dei centri storici: dal restauro di edifici isolati al recupero e valorizzazione degli spazi urbani / DE CADILHAC, R.. - STAMPA. - 12:(2017), pp. 123-125. (Intervento presentato al convegno XXVI Seminario internazionale e Premio di Architettura e Cultura Urbana ARCHITETTURA SOCIALE. Risanamento e rigenerazione urbana - Luoghi pubblici e di aggregazione - Forme dell'abitare tenutosi a Camerino nel 31 luglio-4 agosto 2016).
La rigenerazione dei centri storici: dal restauro di edifici isolati al recupero e valorizzazione degli spazi urbani
Affected by a serious hydrogeological instability triggered by slow but progressive landslides, the settlement of Craco was evacuated in the 1960s when a trade union ordinance imposed the transfer of the majority of the inhabitants to the valley floor, in the locality of Peschiera. At present, the ancient settlement is in an advanced state of decay, accelerated by a lack of maintenance which, even more than the landslide movement, albeit slow but unstoppable, undermines the survival of the village. However, it is the decadent aspect which, paradoxically, constitutes the added value of Craco inextricably linked to a highly suggestive natural landscape. And it is the suggestion exercised by a city in a state of ruin, suspended in a timeless dimension, which has directed the village towards an unexpected artistic vocation, to the point of becoming a source of attraction for the world of art, auteur cinema, until Craco turned into a place of attraction for cultured tourism. Craco is a paradigmatic case that launches a still open challenge against a dramatically current problem in Italy, the one linked to hydrogeological instability and the risks associated with it. In order to proceed with the drafting of Guidelines aimed at the conservation and enhancement of the ancient nucleus and, in a subsequent phase, with the drafting of a restoration project starting from buildings chosen as sample cases, some intrinsic criticalities were taken into account: the geological nature of the soil, highly inhomogeneous due to the presence of clays, especially multi-colored clays, which reach in depth and more superficial clayey/sandy conglomerates; tectonic motions of an ascending type with perforation of the more superficial layers and leakage from the deeper layers of the conglomerate rock; the meteoric waters that flow on the surface on the clayey outcrops creating, on the one hand, deeply incised furrows and, on the other, triggering erosion phenomena. The state of degradation in the medieval village has offered the starting point for an overall, unitary and coherent project which, in re-admitting the urban organism into the circuit of use, in line with the municipal strategies oriented towards the recovery of its ancient building heritage, respect its character by enhancing its functional vocations. The idea stems from the belief that it is possible on the one hand to exploit the critical points of Craco by transforming them into strengths and on the other hand to enhance local resources. The objective is twofold: to promote Craco as a place to carry out research on the topics of soil protection and the restoration of buildings in landslide areas; combine landscape and environmental values with the world of art and culture, attributing to Craco the function of a place of cinema, widely tested over time, but also of ateliers and workshops for young artists and craftsmen. Once the intervention guidelines were established, two contiguous areas were identified and selected as case studies. The first is located along the first stretch of the visit route which, starting from the south-west end of the village, climbs up to the highest point marked by the Norman tower. The second is identified with the second stretch of the route, called via Alfieri, which, following the line of the ridge runs alongside the chapel of Santa Barbara, reaches the Carbone-Rigirone palaces, near which the exit is foreseen marked by a passage designed to the north-west, on the site of an ancient city gate, which no longer exists. The overall project of the village has entrusted its distinctive style to the visit itinerary. The route is entrusted with the task of accompanying the visitor, solving accessibility problems, physically and visually connecting episodes of formal completeness, fragments of ancient presences that are no longer recognizable and architectural gaps.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.