This book collects the results of the research, both theoretical and applied, carried out by the author on the relationship between city and nature. This relationship is specifically focused on the question of the definition and construction of the limit of the city, heideggerianly conceived as a ‘place’ of tension between city and nature, between the delimited spaces of the city and the open spaces of nature, rather than simply as a ‘border’ between distinct and opposing entities or as a random interruption of one with respect to the other. The idea that in the 'place' of limit city and nature can define and exalt their identities through reciprocal relationships and manifest them through their own forms led the research and the choice of the case studies aimed at verifying this idea and understanding its impact in the project of ‘re-construction’ of form of contemporary city. The search for the forms of contemporary city is the general objective of these studies, which see in the renewed relationship with nature, with its spaces and physical forms, new opportunities for its re-foundation. In these studies the relationship between city and nature is investigated under a twofold aspect: on the one hand, the open and empty spaces of nature are assumed as places of relationship between elements or parts of a city, considering nature as a context of urban construction; on the other hand, to the physical forms of geography is conferred the role of catalyst elements of the urban form. In both the aspects, considered complementary, nature assumes the value of a syntactic ‘structure’, that is, a structure capable of suggesting significant formal and spatial relationships. In this research, the centrality of the relationship with nature is based on the assumption of the 'open' condition of the contemporary city, whose form, which is no longer compact and finite than that of the ancient city, seems to dissolve itself in the countryside, no longer recognizing the values of measure and limit. The projects collected and illustrated in this book try to deal with these issues and the general problem of the loss of form of contemporary city. In addition to the value of specific answers to the problems posed by the identified areas, all characterized by a condition of crisis of the urban form, they have a manualistic value, that is, they try to individuate general formal solutions corresponding to a theory, or in this case, to an idea of a city based on a renewed and constitutive relationship with nature, its forms and its spaces. This book try to give a small contribution to the definition of this theory, which is the objective of a wider and more articulate research, proposing a reasoning that makes use of the exercise of the project only to explain itself and advance rather than to affirm itself and preclude new and different possible interpretations.
Questo libro raccoglie gli esiti della ricerca, teorica e progettuale, svolta dall’autore in ambito didattico sul rapporto tra città e natura. Tale rapporto è intenzionalmente focalizzato sulla questione della definizione e costruzione del limite della città, heideggerianamente inteso come ‘luogo’ di tensione tra la città e la natura, tra gli spazi delimitati della città e quelli aperti della natura, e non riduttivamente come ‘confine’ fisico tra entità distinte e contrapposte o come interruzione casuale di una rispetto all’altra. L’idea che nel ‘luogo’ del limite la città e la natura possano definire ed esaltare le proprie identità, attraverso reciproche relazioni, e renderle manifeste ciascuna attraverso le proprie forme ha guidato la ricerca, tesa a verificare questa idea e a comprenderne la portata nel progetto di ‘ri-costruzione’ della forma delle nostre città. La ricerca delle forme della città contemporanea costituisce l’obiettivo generale di questi studi, che vedono nel rapporto rinnovato con la natura, con i suoi spazi e con le sue forme fisiche, nuove opportunità per la sua rifondazione. Il rapporto tra città e natura è in essi indagato sotto un duplice aspetto: da una parte si assumono gli spazi aperti e vuoti della natura come luoghi di relazione tra elementi o parti di città, considerando la natura stessa come contesto della costruzione urbana; dall’altra, si attribuisce alle forme fisiche della geografia il ruolo di elementi catalizzatori della forma urbana. In entrambi gli aspetti, considerati complementari, la natura assume il valore di ‘struttura’ sintattica, cioè di struttura capace di suggerire rapporti spaziali e formali significativi. In questa ricerca la centralità del rapporto con la natura si fonda sull’assunzione della condizione ‘aperta’ della città contemporanea, la cui forma, non più compatta e finita come quella della città antica, sembra dissolversi nella campagna periurbana, non riconoscendo più il valore sintattico della misura e del limite. I progetti raccolti ed illustrati in questo libro provano a confrontarsi con questi temi e con il problema generale della perdita di forma della città contemporanea. Oltre ad avere il valore di risposte specifiche ai problemi posti dalle aree individuate, tutte di margine e connotate da una condizione di crisi della forma urbana, essi hanno valore manualistico, cioè provano ad individuare soluzioni formali generali corrispondenti ad una teoria, ovvero, in questo caso, ad una idea di città basata su un rinnovato e costitutivo rapporto con la natura, le sue forme e i suoi spazi. Alla definizione di questa teoria, che costituisce l’obiettivo di una ricerca più ampia e articolata, questo libro cerca di dare un piccolo contributo, proponendo una riflessione che si serve dell’esercizio del progetto solo per esplicitarsi e progredire piuttosto che per affermarsi perentoriamente e precludersi nuove e differenti possibili interpretazioni.
Città e Natura. L'architettura del limite / Defilippis, Francesco. - STAMPA. - (2017).
Città e Natura. L'architettura del limite
Francesco Defilippis
This book collects the results of the research, both theoretical and applied, carried out by the author on the relationship between city and nature. This relationship is specifically focused on the question of the definition and construction of the limit of the city, heideggerianly conceived as a ‘place’ of tension between city and nature, between the delimited spaces of the city and the open spaces of nature, rather than simply as a ‘border’ between distinct and opposing entities or as a random interruption of one with respect to the other. The idea that in the 'place' of limit city and nature can define and exalt their identities through reciprocal relationships and manifest them through their own forms led the research and the choice of the case studies aimed at verifying this idea and understanding its impact in the project of ‘re-construction’ of form of contemporary city. The search for the forms of contemporary city is the general objective of these studies, which see in the renewed relationship with nature, with its spaces and physical forms, new opportunities for its re-foundation. In these studies the relationship between city and nature is investigated under a twofold aspect: on the one hand, the open and empty spaces of nature are assumed as places of relationship between elements or parts of a city, considering nature as a context of urban construction; on the other hand, to the physical forms of geography is conferred the role of catalyst elements of the urban form. In both the aspects, considered complementary, nature assumes the value of a syntactic ‘structure’, that is, a structure capable of suggesting significant formal and spatial relationships. In this research, the centrality of the relationship with nature is based on the assumption of the 'open' condition of the contemporary city, whose form, which is no longer compact and finite than that of the ancient city, seems to dissolve itself in the countryside, no longer recognizing the values of measure and limit. The projects collected and illustrated in this book try to deal with these issues and the general problem of the loss of form of contemporary city. In addition to the value of specific answers to the problems posed by the identified areas, all characterized by a condition of crisis of the urban form, they have a manualistic value, that is, they try to individuate general formal solutions corresponding to a theory, or in this case, to an idea of a city based on a renewed and constitutive relationship with nature, its forms and its spaces. This book try to give a small contribution to the definition of this theory, which is the objective of a wider and more articulate research, proposing a reasoning that makes use of the exercise of the project only to explain itself and advance rather than to affirm itself and preclude new and different possible interpretations.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.