Rotolo, Daniele Sandro
Rotolo, Daniele Sandro
Dipartimento di Meccanica, Matematica e Management
Docenti di ruolo di IIa fascia
A triple helix model of medical innovation: Supply, demand, and technological capabilities in terms of Medical Subject Headings
2016-01-01 Petersen, Alexander M.; Rotolo, Daniele; Leydesdorff, Loet
An Exploratory Study of the Role of Publishing Inventors in Nanotechnology
2014-01-01 Cattani, Gino; Rotolo, Daniele
Bibliometric perspectives on medical innovation using the medical subject Headings of PubMed
2012-01-01 Leydesdorff, L.; Rotolo, D.; Rafols, I.
Bridging the Boundaries of Science and Technology: Author-Inventors and Quality of Inventions
2012-01-01 Cattani, Gino; Rotolo, Daniele Sandro; Messeni Petruzzelli, Antonio
Building a multi-perspective scientometric approach on tentative governance of emerging technologies
2013-01-01 Rotolo, D.; Rafols, I.; Hopkins, M.; Leydesdorff, L.
Central Scientists Crossing the Thin Line: Nano-Science & Technology Interaction, Networks, and Knowledge Creation
2012-01-01 Rotolo, D; Jong, S; Albino, Vito
Collaborative Networks in Academia: The Impact of Network Structure on Scientific Performance
2009-01-01 Carbonara, Nunzia; MESSENI PETRUZZELLI, Antonio; Rotolo, D.
Deep transitions: A mixed methods study of the historical evolution of mass production
2022-01-01 Kanger, Laur; Bone, Frédérique; Rotolo, Daniele; Edward Steinmueller, W.; Schot, Johan
Determinants of patent citations in biotechnology: An analysis of patent influence across the industrial and organizational boundaries
2015-01-01 MESSENI PETRUZZELLI, Antonio; Rotolo, Daniele; Albino, Vito
Do firms publish? A multi-sectoral analysis
2019-01-01 Camerani, Roberto; Rotolo, Daniele Sandro; Grassano, Nicola
Do firms publish? A multi-sectoral analysis
2019-01-01 Camerani, Roberto; Rotolo, Daniele Sandro; Nicola, Grassano
Do firms publish? A multi-sectoral analysis
2019-01-01 Roberto, Camerani; Rotolo, Daniele Sandro; Grassano, Nicola
Do funding sources complement or substitute? Examining the impact of cancer research publications
2023-01-01 Rotolo, Daniele Sandro; Hopkins, Michael; Grassano, Nicola
Emerging Technologies, Institutional Groups and Inter-organisational Networks: The Case of Microneedles
2025-01-01 Rotolo, Daniele; Natalicchio, Angelo; Porter, Alan L.; Schoeneck, David J.
Exploring and exploiting through external sources: the effect of learning and technological proximity
2010-01-01 Albino, Vito; Messeni Petruzzelli, Antonio; Rotolo, Daniele
Exploring barriers to interdisciplinary research
2019-01-01 Rotolo, Daniele; Hopkins, Michael M.
Funding Data from Publication Acknowledgments: Coverage, Uses, and Limitations
2017-01-01 Grassano, N.; Rotolo, D.; Hu tton, J.; Lang, F.; Hopkins, M. M.
Innovation as a nonlinear process, the scientometric perspective, and the specification of an 'innovation opportunities explorer'
2013-01-01 Leydesdorff, L.; Rotolo, D.; de Nooy, W.
Institutional diversity, internal search behaviour, and joint-innovations: Evidence from the US biotechnology industry
2015-01-01 MESSENI PETRUZZELLI, Antonio; Rotolo, Daniele
Journal portfolio analysis for countries, cities, and organizations: Maps and comparisons
2016-01-01 Leydesdorff, L.; Heimeriks, G.; Rotolo, D.