Laera, Davide
Laera, Davide
Dipartimento di Meccanica, Matematica e Management
Ricercatori a tempo determinato
A finite element method for a weakly nonlinear dynamic analysis and bifurcation tracking of thermo-acoustic instability in longitudinal and annular combustors
2017-01-01 Laera, Davide; Campa, Giovanni; Camporeale, Sergio Mario
A generalization of the Thickened Flame model for stretched flames
2023-01-01 Detomaso, Nicola; Hok, Jean-Jacques; Dounia, Omar; Laera, Davide; Poinsot, Thierry
A novel acoustic network model to study the influence of mean flow and axial temperature distribution on spinning limit cycles in annular combustors
2017-01-01 Laera, D.; Yang, D.; Li, J.; Morgans, A. S.
A subgrid-scale model to account for thermo-diffusive effects in artificially thickened LES models for lean turbulent premixed ammonia/hydrogen flames
2024-01-01 Gaucherand, Jessica; Schulze-Netzer, Corinna; Laera, Davide; Poinsot, Thierry
A systematic study of nonlinear coupling of thermoacoustic modes in annular combustors
2019-01-01 Yang, D.; Laera, D.; Morgans, A. S.
A two-step chemical scheme for auto-igniting and propagating kerosene flames at reheat conditions
2023-01-01 Mocquard, C.; Laera, D.; Dombard, J.; Poinsot, T.
A weakly nonlinear approach based on a distributed flame describing function to study the combustion dynamics of a full-scale lean-premixed swirled burner
2017-01-01 Laera, Davide; Camporeale, Sergio Mario
An Arrhenius-based one-step reaction mechanism for hydrogen-air flames simulations in an extended range of operating conditions
2024-01-01 Schiavone, Francesco G.; Detomaso, Nicola; Torresi, Marco; Laera, Davide
Analysis of the origin of NOx emissions in non premixed dual swirl hydrogen flames
2025-01-01 Vilespy, M.; Aniello, A.; Laera, D.; Poinsot, T.; Schuller, T.; Selle, L.
Coupling of Combustion Simulation with Atomisation and Filming Models for LES in Swirled Spray Flames
2022-01-01 Treleaven, N. C. W.; Laera, D.; Carmona, J.; Odier, N.; Gentil, Y.; Dombard, J.; Daviller, G.; Gicquel, L.; Poinsot, T.
Direct numerical simulations of methane, ammonia-hydrogen and hydrogen turbulent premixed flames
2023-01-01 Coulon, V.; Gaucherand, J.; Xing, V.; Laera, D.; Lapeyre, C.; Poinsot, T.
DNS of Turbulent Premixed Ammonia/Hydrogen Flames: The Impact of Thermo-Diffusive Effects
2023-01-01 Gaucherand, Jessica; Laera, Davide; Schulze-Netzer, Corinna; Poinsot, Thierry
Dynamics of spray and swirling flame under acoustic oscillations: A joint experimental and LES investigation
2021-01-01 Vignat, G.; Lo Schiavo, E.; Laera, D.; Renaud, A.; Gicquel, L.; Durox, D.; Candel, S.
Effect of flame-to-flame interaction on the flame describing function of a turbulent swirling flame in an annular combustor
2018-01-01 Xia, Y.; Laera, D.; Morgans, A. S.
Effect of wall heat transfer on the flame response to acoustic perturbation in a turbulent swirling combustor
2018-01-01 Xia, Y.; Laera, D.; Morgans, A. S.
Effects of liquid fuel/wall interaction on thermoacoustic instabilities in swirling spray flames
2020-01-01 Lo Schiavo, E.; Laera, D.; Riber, E.; Gicquel, L.; Poinsot, T.
Effects of mixing assumptions and models for LES of Hydrogen-fueled Rotating Detonation Engines
2024-01-01 Strempfl, P.; Dounia, O.; Laera, D.; Poinsot, T.
Experimental and numerical investigation of two flame stabilization regimes observed in a dual swirl H2-air coaxial injector
2023-01-01 Aniello, A.; Laera, D.; Marragou, S.; Magnes, H.; Selle, L.; Schuller, T.; Poinsot, T.
Experimental characterization of the acoustic response of cavity-backed perforated plates to control thermo-acoustic instabilities in gas turbines
2024-01-01 Bourgeolet, Clément; Ceglie, Vito; Laera, Davide; Stefanizzi, Michele; Camporeale, Sergio Mario
Extension of the dynamic Thickened Flame model for partially-premixed multi-fuel multi-injection combustion and application to an ammonia–hydrogen swirled flame
2025-01-01 Vargas Ruiz, H. J.; Laera, D.; Lartigue, G.; Mashruk, S.; Valera-Medina, A.; Gicquel, L.