Vozza, Gabriele
Vozza, Gabriele
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, del Territorio, Edile e di Chimica
A novel method based on deep learning, gis and geomatics software for building a 3d city model from vhr satellite stereo imagery
2021-01-01 Pepe, Massimiliano; Costantino, Domenica; Alfio, Vincenzo Saverio; Vozza, Gabriele; Cartellino, Elena
Building 3D City model from painting: the case study of Old Town of Taranto, Italy
2022-01-01 Pepe, Massimiliano; Costantino, Domenica; Barnaba, Giuseppe; Alfio, Vincenzo Saverio; Vozza, Gabriele
Building 3D CityGML Model and Digital Management of a Vernacular Architecture
2022-01-01 Costantino, D.; Pepe, M.; Alfio, V. S.; Vozza, G.; Occhinegro, M.
Comparison of two approaches to gnss positioning using code pseudoranges generated by smartphone device
2021-01-01 Pepe, Massimiliano; Costantino, Domenica; Vozza, Gabriele; Alfio, Vincenzo Saverio
Smart Sensors System Based on Smartphones and Methodology for 3D Modelling in Shallow Water Scenarios
2023-01-01 Vozza, G; Costantino, D; Pepe, M; Alfio, Vs
Smartphone and low-cost sensors systems for geospatial data acquisition in terrestrial and water scenarios and processing methods
2024-01-01 Vozza, Gabriele
Smartphone LiDAR Technologies for Surveying and Reality Modelling in Urban Scenarios: Evaluation Methods, Performance and Challenges
2022-01-01 Costantino, Domenica; Vozza, Gabriele; Pepe, Massimiliano; Alfio, Vincenzo Saverio
Strategies for 3d modelling of buildings from airborne laser scanner and photogrammetric data based on free-form and model-driven methods: The case study of the old town centre of bordeaux (France)
2021-01-01 Costantino, D.; Vozza, G.; Alfio, V. S.; Pepe, M.