Fabbiano, Laura

Fabbiano, Laura  

Dipartimento di Meccanica, Matematica e Management  

Docenti di ruolo di IIa fascia  


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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori File
A Comparison between the Decimated Padé Approximant and Decimated Signal Diagonalization Methods for Leak Detection in Pipelines Equipped with Pressure Sensors 1-gen-2018 Aimé Lay-EkuakilleLaura FabbianoGaetano Vacca +
A novel algorithm for the authentication of individuals through retinal vascular pattern recognition 1-gen-2012 Fabbiano L.Vacca G
A novel method for quantitative evaluation of defects from thermographic images 1-gen-2019 G. DinardoL. FabbianoG. Vacca
A smart and intuitive machine condition monitoring in the Industry 4.0 scenario 1-gen-2018 Fabbiano, L.Vacca, G. +
A strategy to control industrial plants in the spirit of Industry 4.0 tested with fluidic devices 1-gen-2022 Fabbiano LOresta PVacca G +
A Technique to Support the Restoration Activities of Archaeological Discoveries 1-gen-2023 Fabbiano, Laura +
A Thermal Energy Balance Model for Hypotension Prevention in Hemodialysis. 1-gen-2013 Laura FabbianoGaetano Vacca +
A web service-based mobile application for detecting kayser-fleischer ring in eye cornea 1-gen-2014 Fabbiano L.VACCA, Gaetano +
About 3D Incompressible Flow Reconstruction from 2D Flow Field Measurements 1-gen-2022 Fabbiano, LauraOresta, Paolo +
About the Frequentist and the Bayesian Approach to Uncertainty 1-gen-2014 Nicola GiaquintoLaura FabbianoAmerigo TrottaGaetano Vacca
Accelerometri Triassiali MEMS nella Misura di Umidità nei Mezzi Porosi Non Consolidati 1-gen-2008 ANDRIA, GregorioADAMO, FrancescoFABBIANO, LAURASPADAVECCHIA, MAURIZIOTROTTA, Amerigo
Algoritmo per il riconoscimetro biometrico retinico 1-gen-2011 Fabbiano LVACCA, Gaetano +
An energy-based damage index for analysis of vibrations from rotating machinery based on RMS values 1-gen-2017 Dinardo, GiuseppeFabbiano, LauraLippolis, Antonio DonatoVacca, Gaetano
An innovative algorithm for Fiber Bragg Grating sensors interrogation 1-gen-2015 Laura FabbianoGaetano Vacca +
An Innovative Strategy for Correctly Interpreting Simultaneous Acquisition of EEG Signals and FMRI Images 1-gen-2013 Fabbiano LVACCA, Gaetano +
An IoT based ECG system to diagnose cardiac pathologies for healthcare applications in smart cities 1-gen-2022 Fabbiano, Laura +
An Uncertainty-based Approach to Improve Accuracy of Biometric Metrics 1-gen-2022 Laura FabbianoGaetano Vacca +
Analysis and optimization of a cone flowmeter performance by means of a numerical and experimental approach 1-gen-2019 Giuseppe DinardoLaura FabbianoGaetano Vacca
Analysis of the variability of systematic errors in ADC-based instruments 1-gen-2010 ATTIVISSIMO, FilippoFABBIANO, LAURAGIAQUINTO, Nicola +
Approccio didattico alla compensazione del giunto freddo delle termocoppie 1-gen-2008 ADAMO, FrancescoATTIVISSIMO, FilippoFABBIANO, LAURAGIAQUINTO, NicolaSPADAVECCHIA, MAURIZIO