De Cicco, Luca
De Cicco, Luca
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e dell'Informazione
Docenti di ruolo di IIa fascia
A Control Architecture for Massive Adaptive Video Streaming Delivery
2014-01-01 Cofano, Giuseppe; De Cicco, Luca; Mascolo, Saverio
A Control-Theoretic Analysis of Low-Priority Congestion Control Reprioritization under AQM
2016-01-01 De Cicco, Luca; Gong, Yixi; Rossi, Dario; Leonardi, Emilio
A DASH 360° Immersive Video Streaming Control System
2020-01-01 Ribezzo, Giuseppe; De Cicco, Luca; Palmisano, Vittorio; Mascolo, Saverio
A DASH video streaming system for immersive contents
2018-01-01 Ribezzo, Giuseppe; Samela, Giuseppe; Palmisano, Vittorio; De Cicco, Luca; Mascolo, Saverio
A Google Congestion Control Algorithm for Real-Time Communication
2014-01-01 H., Lundin; S., Holmer; H., Alvestrand; DE CICCO, Luca; Mascolo, Saverio
A Hybrid Model of Adaptive Video Streaming Control Systems
2016-01-01 Cofano, Giuseppe; DE CICCO, Luca; Mascolo, Saverio
A Hybrid Model of the Akamai Adaptive Streaming Control System
2014-01-01 De Cicco, L.; Cofano, G.; Mascolo, S.
A Hybrid Model of the Akamai Adaptive Streaming Control System
2016-01-01 DE CICCO, Luca; Cofano, Giuseppe; Mascolo, Saverio
A Mathematical Model of the Skype VoIP Congestion Control Algorithm
2008-01-01 DE CICCO, Luca; Mascolo, Saverio; Palmisano, V.
A Mathematical Model of the Skype VoIP Congestion Control Algorithm
2010-01-01 DE CICCO, Luca; Mascolo, Saverio
A mismatch controller for implementing high-speed rate-based transport protocols
2009-01-01 DE CICCO, Luca; Mascolo, Saverio
A multi-commodity flow problem for fair resource allocation in multi-path video delivery networks
2020-01-01 De Cicco, Luca; Manfredi, Gioacchino; Palmisano, Vittorio; Mascolo, Saverio
A Resource Allocation Controller for Cloud-based Adaptive Video Streaming
2013-01-01 DE CICCO, Luca; Mascolo, Saverio; Calamita, D.
Actuator for implementing rate-based packet sending over packet switching networks
2009-01-01 DE CICCO, Luca; Mascolo, Saverio
Adaptive Control-Theoretic Detection of Integrity Attacks against Cyber-Physical Industrial Systems
2018-01-01 Rubio-Hernan, Jose; De Cicco, Luca; Garcia-Alfaro, Joaquin
An Adaptive Video Streaming Control System: Modeling, Validation, and Performance Evaluation
2014-01-01 DE CICCO, Luca; Mascolo, Saverio
An experimental evaluation of Akamai adaptive video streaming over HSDPA networks
2011-01-01 DE CICCO, Luca; Mascolo, Saverio; Abdallah, C. T.
An Experimental Investigation of the Akamai Adaptive Video Streaming
2010-01-01 DE CICCO, Luca; Mascolo, Saverio
An Experimental Investigation of the Congestion Control Used by Skype VoIP
2007-01-01 De Cicco, Luca; Mascolo, Saverio; Palmisano, Vittorio
An experimental investigation of the end-to-end QoS of the Apple Darwin Streaming Server
2008-01-01 DE CICCO, Luca; Mascolo, Saverio; Palmisano, V.