Di Lernia, Annamaria

Di Lernia, Annamaria  

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, del Territorio, Edile e di Chimica  



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Risultati 1 - 20 di 33 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.044 secondi).
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori File
3D modelling of construction sequences and subsoil heterogeneity effects on the seismic response of shallow tunnels in complex topographical settings 1-gen-2025 Falcone, Gaetanodi Lernia, AnnamariaElia, Gaetano
A multi-directional numerical approach for the seismic ground response and dynamic soil-structure interaction analyses 1-gen-2019 A. di Lernia +
Advanced numerical approaches to the seismic soil and structural response analyses 1-gen-2015 Annamaria Di Lernia +
Analisi della risposta ciclica di terreni granulari attraverso un modello bounding surface 1-gen-2017 Amorosi ABoldini Ddi Lernia A +
Analysis of the long-term response of a clay slope through the hydro-mechanical approach. 1-gen-2022 DI LERNIA AElia GTagarelli VSantaloia FCotecchia F
Approximate decoupling of topographic, stratigraphic and valley effects on the peak seismic acceleration 1-gen-2024 Annamaria di LerniaGaetano Elia +
Assessing the influence of the hydraulic boundary conditions on clay slope stability: The Fontana Monte case study 1-gen-2022 di Lernia, AnnamariaCotecchia, FedericaElia, GaetanoTagarelli, Vito +
Assessment of damping predicted by kinematic hardening soil models during strong motions 1-gen-2021 Elia G.Di Lernia A.D'Oria A. F. +
Assessment of masonry towers seismic vulnerability through non-linear SSI numerical modelling 1-gen-2024 di Lernia A.Uva G.Elia G. +
Combined use of hydraulic and hydro-mechanical modelling to investigate the drained response of a clay slope to weather conditions | Uso combinato della modellazione idraulica e idro-meccanica per lo studio della risposta drenata di un pendio in argilla alle azioni climatiche 1-gen-2023 di Lernia A.Cotecchia F.Elia G.Tagarelli V.Santaloia F. +
Dynamic soil-structure interaction: A three-dimensional numerical approach and its application to the Lotung case study 1-gen-2017 di Lernia A. +
Evaluation of seismic site effects in a real slope through 2D FE numerical analyses 1-gen-2023 di Lernia A.Buono C.Elia G.
Ground motion scaling for the assessment of the seismic response of a diaphragm wall 1-gen-2019 G. EliaA. di Lernia +
Impact on granular bed: validation of discrete element modeling results by means of two-dimensional finite element analysis 1-gen-2020 Valentina MarzulliAnnamaria di LerniaFrancesco Cafaro +
Impiego di sensori piezoresistivi per la misura della diffusione di carichi impulsivi in sabbia. 1-gen-2018 Di Lernia, AnnamariaFrancesco AdamoFrancesco Cafaro +
Influence of input motion scaling techniques on the dynamic performance of a deep excavation 1-gen-2018 di Lernia AElia GFerrante P +
Influence of soil deposit heterogeneity on the dynamic behaviour of masonry towers 1-gen-2022 D’Oria, A. F.Elia, G.di Lernia, A.Uva, G.
Influenza dell’eterogeneità stratigrafica sulla risposta dinamica di torri in muratura 1-gen-2022 Aldo Fabio D’OriaGaetano EliaAnnamaria di LerniaGiuseppina Uva
Integration of multi-sensor MTInSAR and ground-based geomatic data for the analysis of non-linear displacements affecting the urban area of Chieuti, Italy 1-gen-2023 Sonnessa, Albericodi Lernia, AnnamariaTarantino, EufemiaCotecchia, Federica +
Interazione dinamica Terreno-Struttura: il caso di Lotung 1-gen-2015 Annamaria di Lernia +