Berardi, Umberto
Berardi, Umberto
Dipartimento di Architettura, Costruzione e Design
Docenti di ruolo di Ia fascia
52ndAiCARR International Conference HVAC and HEALTH, COMFORT, ENVIRONMENT Equipments and design for IEQ and sustainability
2022-01-01 Busato, F.; Zilio, C.; Berardi, U.
A comparative analysis of acoustic energy models for churches
2009-01-01 Berardi, Umberto; Cirillo, Ettore; Martellotta, Francesco
A comparison between national scheme for the acoustic classification of dwellings in Europe and in the U.S
2015-01-01 Berardi, U.; Rasmussen, B.
A comparison of measurement standard methods for the sound insulation of building façades
2012-01-01 Berardi, U.
A cross-climate assessment of the visual and energy performance of flexible photochromic films for in-situ window retrofits
2023-01-01 Khaled, K.; Berardi, U.
A cross-country comparison of the building energy consumptions and their trends
2017-01-01 Berardi, U.
A data-driven approach for building energy benchmarking using the Lorenz curve
2018-01-01 Chen, Y.; Tan, H.; Berardi, U.
A double synthetic index to evaluate the acoustics of churches
2012-01-01 Berardi, U.
A multi-integrated renewable energy system in a commercial building in Beijing: Lessons learnt from an operating analysis
2012-01-01 Chen, Y.; Chen, J.; Berardi, U.; Xu, B.
A post occupancy evaluation framework for LEED certified U.S. higher education residence halls
2015-01-01 Alborz, N.; Berardi, U.
A revised sound energy theory based on a new formula for the reverberation radius in rooms with non-diffuse sound field
2015-01-01 Arau-Puchades, H.; Berardi, U.
A Round Robin Test on the dynamic simulation and the LEED protocol evaluation of a green building
2022-01-01 Asdrubali, F.; Guattari, C.; Roncone, M.; Baldinelli, G.; Gul, E.; Piselli, C.; Pisello, A. L.; Presciutti, A.; Bianchi, F.; Pompei, L.; Mattoni, B.; Bisegna, F.; Kolokotsa, D.; Tsekeri, E.; Assimakopoulos, M. -N.; Efthymiou, C.; Barmparesos, N.; Lechowska, A.; Schnotale, J.; Aletta, F.; Berardi, U.
A simple method for validating a simulation model of a radiant ceiling panel with thermal energy storage
2021-01-01 Gallardo, A.; Berardi, U.
A simulation-based model for courtyard housing design based on adaptive thermal comfort
2020-01-01 Soflaei, F.; Shokouhian, M.; Tabadkani, A.; Moslehi, H.; Berardi, U.
A smart hybrid energy system grid for energy efficiency in remote areas for the army
2020-01-01 Berardi, U.; Tomassoni, E.; Khaled, K.
A U-net convolutional neural network deep learning model application for identification of energy loss in infrared thermographic images
2024-01-01 Gertsvolf, David; Horvat, Miljana; Aslam, Danesh; Khademi, April; Berardi, Umberto
Acoustic and thermal performance of wood strands-rock wool-cement composite boards as eco-friendly construction materials
2024-01-01 Hemmati, Negin; Mirzaei, Ramazan; Soltani, Parham; Berardi, Umberto; Sheikhmozafari, Mohammad Javad; Edalat, Hamidreza; Rezaieyan, Ehsan; Taban, Ebrahim
Acoustic characterization of natural fibers for sound absorption applications
2015-01-01 Berardi, U.; Iannace, G.
Acoustic classification of dwellings - A comparison between national schemes in Europe and the situation in the U.S
2014-01-01 Berardi, U.; Rasmussen, B.
Acoustic enhancement of a modern church
2019-01-01 Iannace, G.; Berardi, U.; De Rossi, F.; Mazza, S.; Trematerra, A.; Ciaburro, G.