Mescia, Luciano
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 6.781
EU - Europa 6.648
AS - Asia 3.184
SA - Sud America 37
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 27
OC - Oceania 17
AF - Africa 6
Totale 16.700
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.638
CN - Cina 1.743
IE - Irlanda 1.170
UA - Ucraina 1.025
IT - Italia 1.010
PL - Polonia 983
SE - Svezia 597
DE - Germania 561
BG - Bulgaria 487
TR - Turchia 466
HK - Hong Kong 456
SG - Singapore 342
FI - Finlandia 324
GB - Regno Unito 180
CA - Canada 136
FR - Francia 99
MY - Malesia 80
NL - Olanda 70
BE - Belgio 44
VN - Vietnam 34
EU - Europa 27
BR - Brasile 26
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 22
AU - Australia 16
AT - Austria 14
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 10
RO - Romania 10
EE - Estonia 9
IR - Iran 8
CH - Svizzera 7
JP - Giappone 7
KZ - Kazakistan 6
IN - India 5
CL - Cile 4
LK - Sri Lanka 4
LU - Lussemburgo 4
SA - Arabia Saudita 4
BD - Bangladesh 3
DK - Danimarca 3
PA - Panama 3
PT - Portogallo 3
TN - Tunisia 3
TW - Taiwan 3
UZ - Uzbekistan 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
AR - Argentina 2
HR - Croazia 2
HU - Ungheria 2
ID - Indonesia 2
IL - Israele 2
IQ - Iraq 2
KR - Corea 2
LT - Lituania 2
MD - Moldavia 2
MX - Messico 2
PE - Perù 2
PK - Pakistan 2
AM - Armenia 1
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
BO - Bolivia 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
EC - Ecuador 1
EG - Egitto 1
ES - Italia 1
FK - Isole Falkland (Malvinas) 1
GE - Georgia 1
GR - Grecia 1
JM - Giamaica 1
KE - Kenya 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
KH - Cambogia 1
LV - Lettonia 1
NO - Norvegia 1
NP - Nepal 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
OM - Oman 1
PH - Filippine 1
RS - Serbia 1
RU - Federazione Russa 1
TH - Thailandia 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 16.700
Città #
Jacksonville 1.311
Dublin 1.165
Chandler 1.116
Warsaw 981
Nanjing 554
Bari 552
Sofia 485
Ann Arbor 478
Izmir 456
Hong Kong 451
Malden 321
Boardman 282
Wilmington 237
Santa Clara 236
Singapore 204
Lawrence 200
Bremen 199
San Mateo 182
Nanchang 178
Helsinki 163
New York 153
Woodbridge 143
Ogden 139
Ashburn 134
Houston 126
Shenyang 116
Tianjin 98
Ottawa 94
Hebei 90
Brooklyn 89
Jiaxing 71
Changsha 66
Kunming 66
Milan 60
Beijing 46
Ningbo 45
Brussels 44
Hangzhou 41
Brielle 40
San Francisco 40
Zhengzhou 39
Mountain View 38
Matera 34
Hanoi 32
Toronto 31
Lanzhou 30
Orange 29
Guangzhou 28
Jinan 27
Changchun 25
Shanghai 25
Dearborn 24
Monmouth Junction 24
Seattle 24
Verona 24
Bratislava 22
Fairfield 19
Amsterdam 17
Los Angeles 17
Taizhou 15
Norwalk 14
Falls Church 13
Frankfurt am Main 13
Vienna 13
Wuhan 13
Molfetta 12
Redmond 12
Chicago 11
Leawood 11
Potenza 10
Princeton 10
Altamura 9
Tallinn 9
Washington 9
Bucharest 8
Des Moines 8
Palo del Colle 8
Rome 8
Ancona 7
Florence 7
Jinhua 7
Melbourne 7
Redwood City 7
Salerno 7
Taranto 7
Tokyo 7
Auburn Hills 6
Augusta 6
Barletta 6
Gunzenhausen 6
London 6
Shenzhen 6
São Paulo 6
Andria 5
Canberra 5
Haikou 5
Noicattaro 5
Yiwu 5
Almaty 4
Bagnacavallo 4
Totale 12.298
Nome #
Design of Electroporation Process in Irregularly Shaped Multicellular Systems 170
Refinement of Er3+-doped hole-assisted optical fiber amplifier 165
Design of Mid-IR Er3+-doped microsphere laser 163
Fractional calculus based FDTD modeling of layered biological media exposure to wideband electromagnetic pulses 152
Optimized design of gigahertz transverse electromagnetic cells for dosimetric experiments 149
Electromagnetic Mathematical Modeling of 3D Supershaped Dielectric Lens Antennas 149
Design of mid-infrared amplifiers based on fiber taper coupling to erbium-doped microspherical resonator 148
Advances on Optical Fiber Sensors 148
Advances in lasers and optical amplifiers: Materials, components, and systems 147
Fractional calculus-based modeling of electromagnetic field propagation in arbitrary biological tissue 146
Near and medium infrared optical fiber lasers and emerging applications 144
Feasibility Investigation of Low Cost Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) Directional Couplers 143
Design of fiber coupled Er3+: chalcogenide microsphere amplifier via particle swarm optimization algorithm 136
Radiation hardening of optical fibers and fiber sensors for space applications: recent advances 132
New trends in amplifiers and sources via chalcogenide photonic crystal fibers 130
Innovative micro- and nanostructured materials and devices for energy applications 130
Recent advances in radiation hardened fiber-based technologies for space applications 130
Design of optical antenna for solar energy collection 127
X-Band SIW Cavity-Backed Patch Antenna for Radar Applications 127
Progetto e realizzazione di una cella GTEM per esperimenti dosimetrici 124
New Trends in Energy Harvesting from Earth Long-Wave Infrared Emission 123
Analysis and Design of a Solar Rectenna 123
A neural network model of erbium-doped photonic crystal fibre amplifiers 119
Feasibility of Er3+-doped, Ga5Ge20Sb10S65 chalcogenide microstructured optical fiber amplifiers 117
Erbium-doped chalcogenide fiber ring laser for mid-IR applications 117
Design of Er3+/Yb3+ doped silica/titania planar waveguide amplifier 115
Electroporation Modelling of Irregular Nucleated Cells Including Pore Radius Dynamics 113
A novel FDTD formulation based on fractional derivatives for dispersive Havriliak-Negami media 112
Advances in modeling of photonic structures for glass lasers 111
Optimum Design and Characterization of Rare Earth-Doped Fibre Amplifiers by Means of Particle Swarm Optimization Approach 107
Authors' Reply 106
Temperature-Dependent Modeling of Cladding-Pumped Er3+/Yb3+-Codoped Fiber Amplifiers for Space Applications 106
Global Research Methods for Optical Device Characterization 105
Progetto di un sensore ottico di temperatura immune ai disturbi elettromagnetici 104
Swarm Intelligence for Electromagnetic Problem Solving 104
Design of Er3+ doped SiO2-TiO2 planar waveguide amplifier 104
Long-period gratings for the optimization of cladding-pumped microstructured optical fiber laser 101
Characterization of a GTEM cell designed for the SAR evaluation in in vitro experiments 99
Design of high gain Er3+-Yb3+-Ce3+ co-doped ZELA waveguide amplifier 98
Evaluation of the optical characteristics of photonic band gap structures by the method of line bidirectional beam propagation method 97
Design and characterization of rare earth doped amplifier via genetic algorithm 97
Modeling of electroporation induced by pulsed electric fields in irregularly shaped cells 97
Theoretical Investigation of Thermal Effects in High Power Er3+/Yb3+‐ Codoped Double‐Clad Fiber Amplifiers for Space Applications 96
Progetto e realizzazione di una cella per GTEM esperimenti dosimetrici 95
Antenna Calibration Methods for Antenna Factor Measurements 95
Fractional Derivative Based FDTD Modeling of Transient Wave Propagation in Havriliak-Negami Media 95
A novel GTEM cell for in vitro dosimetric experiments 95
Terahertz electromagnetic field propagation in human tissues: A study on communication capabilities 95
Design of Irregularly Shaped Lens Antennas including Supershaped Feed 95
Multiphysics Modelling of Membrane Electroporation in Irregularly Shaped Cells 95
Optical amplification in Er3+ doped SiO2-TiO2 photonic crystals 94
Progetto di sensori ottici per la diagnostica ambientale 94
A novel ultrawideband FDTD numerical modeling of ground penetrating radar on arbitrary dispersive soils 94
Earth long-wave infrared emission, new ways to harvest energy 93
Chalcogenide glass microspheres for biosensing 92
Thermal effects on double clad octagonal Yb:glass fiber laser 92
Progetto di biosensore interferometrico in guida d’onda polimerica 92
Design and fabrication of praseodymium-doped optical waveguides 92
Innovative microwave system for the cytology diagnosis 92
Dual-band substrate integrated waveguide resonator based on sierpinski carpet 92
Innovative materials and systems for energy harvesting applications 92
Nonlinear Dispersive Model of Electroporation for Irregular Nucleated Cells 92
Design and full-wave characterization of supershaped printed monopole antennas 91
SIW cavity-backed patch antenna for Ku band applications 91
Near and medium infrared fiber optic lasers and applications 91
Design of cladding pumped microstructure fiber amplifier 90
Fractional-calculus-based FDTD method for solving pulse propagation problems 90
Study of gain in photonic bandgap active InP waveguides 89
Design of Rare-Earth-Doped Microspheres 89
GTEM Cell Exposure Device for GSM Mobile Frequency in vitro Experiments 89
Design of long-period gratings in cladding-pumped microstructured optical fiber 89
Trattamento a microonde di derrate alimentati 89
Effect of gain saturation in InP-photonic band gap active waveguides 89
X-rays, γ-rays, electrons and protons radiation-induced changes on the lifetimes of Er3+and Yb3+ions in silica-based optical fibers 89
Relevance of the Cell Membrane Modelling for Accurate Analysis of the Pulsed Electric Field-Induced Electroporation 89
Design of an optical sensor array for hydrocarbon monitoring 89
Design of a planar polymeric sensor for polluted water monitoring 88
Theoretical study of cascade laser in erbium-doped chalcogenide glass fibers 88
Design of Planar Optic Sensors for Hydrocarbon Detection 88
Waveguide for electromagnetic radiation 88
Microwave treatment of antique works 87
Annealing effect on optical barrier in ion-implanted tellurite glass waveguides 86
Progetto di laser in fibre ottiche microstrutturate 86
Patch antenna, method of manufacturing and using such an antenna, and antenna system 86
Microstructured optical fiber sensors 85
Design of erbium/ytterbium codoped SiO2-TiO2 waveguide amplifiers 85
Multi-long-period gratings for the optimization of pump absorption in microstructured optical fiber lasers 85
Optical Amplification for Communication Systems 85
Design of praseodymium-doped optical waveguides 85
Progetto e realizzazione di una cella GTEM per esperimenti in vitro 84
Channel Modeling and Capacity Analysis for Nanoscale Communications and Networking 84
Optimization of the design of high power Er3+/Yb3+–codoped fiber amplifiers for space missions by means of particle swarm approach 84
Simulation of MID-IR amplification in Er3+ doped chalcogenide microstructured optical fiber 83
Sensore ottico integrato ad onda labile per il monitoraggio di inquinanti nelle falde acquifere 83
Analysis of Microwave Thermal Treatment of Antique Books with Metallic Insets 82
Design of long-period gratings in cladding-pumped microstructured optical fiber 82
Investigation of Biological effects by a Novel GTEM Cell 82
Tecniche alle microonde per il trattamento dei manufatti d'arte e per la dosimetria 82
Design of rare earth doped multicore fiber lasers and amplifiers 82
Totale 10.395
Categoria #
all - tutte 77.346
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 77.346

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.189 0 0 0 0 0 274 246 278 63 65 229 34
2020/20212.000 255 87 227 149 48 294 52 243 110 284 48 203
2021/20222.526 80 32 5 366 256 18 20 119 189 533 308 600
2022/20233.528 328 202 96 321 405 296 8 205 1.373 108 151 35
2023/20241.925 135 68 165 56 525 304 24 79 189 20 21 339
2024/2025922 117 53 363 35 302 52 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 17.146