Ranieri, Ezio

Ranieri, Ezio  

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, del Territorio, Edile e di Chimica  

Settore ICAR/03 - Ingegneria Sanitaria-Ambientale  


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Risultati 1 - 20 di 131 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.044 secondi).
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori File
A common strategy for municipal wastewater effluent reuse in Apulia, South Italy and Crete, Greece 1-gen-2012 RANIERI, Ezio +
A comparative evaluation of advanced treatments for textile dyeing wastewater 1-gen-1995 RANIERI, Ezio +
A comparison between model and experimental hydraulic performances in a pilot-scale horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland 1-gen-2013 RANIERI, Ezio +
A comparison between phragmites australis and helianthus annuus in chromium phytoextraction 1-gen-2013 RANIERI, EzioFRATINO, UmbertoPETRUZZELLI, Domenico +
A predictive model for pollutant concentrations in ungauged urban basins 1-gen-2016 Gorgoglione, AngelaGioia, AndreaIacobellis, VitoPiccinni, Alberto FerruccioRanieri, Ezio
A Rationale for Pollutograph Evaluation in Ungauged Areas, Using Daily Rainfall Patterns: Case Studies of the Apulian Region in Southern Italy 1-gen-2016 GORGOGLIONE, AngelaGIOIA, AndreaIACOBELLIS, VitoPICCINNI, Alberto FerruccioRANIERI, Ezio
A sustainable solution for ethylbenzene removal: horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands treatment 1-gen-2016 Ezio, RanieriAngela, Gorgoglione +
Ability in removing heavy metals by horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands treating secondary effluents 1-gen-2010 RANIERI, Ezio +
Advanced techniques for water disinfection 1-gen-1996 RANIERI, EzioNOTARNICOLA, Michele +
Ailanthus Altissima and Phragmites Australis for chromium removal from a contaminated soil 1-gen-2016 RANIERI, EzioFRATINO, UmbertoPETRELLA, Andrea +
Alternative collection systems for decentralized wastewater management: An overview and case study of the vacuum collection system in eretria town, Greece 1-gen-2017 Ranieri, Ezio +
An examination of the factors involved in agricultural reuse: technologies, regulatory and social aspects 1-gen-2011 RANIERI, Ezio +
Analisi sperimentale di rimozione di metalli e BTEX in impianti di fitodepurazione a flusso sub-superficiale su scala pilota 1-gen-2010 RANIERI, Ezio +
Aspetti tecnologici della disinfezione UV: primi risultati sperimentali 1-gen-1997 RANIERI, EzioCHIAIA, Giancarlo +
Azioni per la riduzione dell’impatto ambientale dello smaltimento di rifiuti urbani biodegradabili residuali in discarica 1-gen-2010 Ezio Ranieri +
Benzene removal in horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands treatment 1-gen-2015 RANIERI, EzioPETRELLA, Andrea +
Biostorage Polymers Phenomena in Cheese Wastewater Treatment by a Sequencing Batch Reactor 1-gen-2009 RANIERI, Ezio +
BTEX removal in pilot scale constructed wetlands 1-gen-2011 RANIERI, Ezio +
BTEX removal in pilot scale horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands 1-gen-2013 RANIERI, Ezio +
Build-Up/Wash-Off Monitoring and Assessment for Sustainable Management of First Flush in an Urban Area 1-gen-2015 Di Modugno, M.Gioia, A.Gorgoglione, A.Iacobellis, V.La Forgia, G.Piccinni, A. F.Ranieri, E.