Fratino, Umberto

Fratino, Umberto  

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, del Territorio, Edile e di Chimica  

Docenti di ruolo di Ia fascia  


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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori File
A Bayesian approach to assess the vulnerability of drinking water infrastructures under hazardous events 1-gen-2013 Alessandro PaganoUmberto Fratino +
A Bayesian vulnerability assessment tool for drinking water mains under extreme events 1-gen-2014 Pagano A.FRATINO, Umberto +
A combined system for asbestos-cement waste degradation by dark fermentation and resulting supernatant valorization in anaerobic digestion 1-gen-2022 Spasiano, D.Petrella, A.Fratino, U.Piccinni, A. F. +
A comparison between phragmites australis and helianthus annuus in chromium phytoextraction 1-gen-2013 RANIERI, EzioFRATINO, UmbertoPETRUZZELLI, Domenico +
A data fusion algorithm based on the Kalman filter to estimate leaf area index evolution in durum wheat by using field measurements and MODIS surface reflectance data 1-gen-2016 Novelli, A.Tarantino, E.Fratino, U.Iacobellis, V. +
A deep learning model for mapping the perturbation in pressurised irrigation systems 1-gen-2022 Fratino U. +
A DSS for risk management on drinking water infrastructures during extreme events 1-gen-2013 Pagano AFRATINO, Umberto +
A multi-disciplinary approach based on chemical characterization of foreshore sediments, ecotoxicity assessment and statistical analyses for environmental monitoring of marine-coastal areas 1-gen-2024 Ferraro, AlbertoMorello, RaffaeleTrancone, GennaroSpasiano, DaniloFratino, Umberto +
A New Indicator for Unsteady Flow Analysis in Pressurized Irrigation Systems 1-gen-2018 Derardja, BilalUmberto Fratino +
A slope-adjustable plot for modelling interrill erosion 1-gen-2007 BALACCO, GabriellaFRATINO, Umberto +
A smart control valve for improved irrigation management 1-gen-2022 Fratino U.Pagano A. +
A spatial and temporal analysis for long term renewal of water pipes 1-gen-2011 Tlili, YoussefFratino U +
A Webgis Framework for Disseminating Processed Remotely Sensed on Land Cover Transformations 1-gen-2016 CARADONNA, GraziaNOVELLI, AntonioTARANTINO, EufemiaFRATINO, Umberto +
A WebGIS Prototype for Visualizing and Monitoring the Spatio-temporal Changes in Seawater Quality 1-gen-2022 Capolupo A.Monterisi C.Spasiano D.Ferraro A.Mali M.Fratino U.Tarantino E.
Agricultural sewage sludge reuse potential in Apulia (Italy): analysis of different scenarios for the support of legislative decisions 1-gen-2010 FRATINO, Umberto +
Ailanthus Altissima and Phragmites Australis for chromium removal from a contaminated soil 1-gen-2016 RANIERI, EzioFRATINO, UmbertoPETRELLA, Andrea +
Air inception and pressure fields over a stepped spillway in transition flow regime 1-gen-2003 FRATINO, Umberto +
Air-water flow features in skimming flow over steeply sloping stepped spillways 1-gen-2005 Fratino, U. +
Alcune considerazioni sui criteri di scelta delle valvole di regolazione dei grandi adduttori 1-gen-1993 FRATINO, UmbertoPICCINNI, Alberto Ferruccio +
Alcune informazioni derivanti dall’attività di ricognizione sul sistema potabile pugliese 1-gen-2002 FRATINO, UmbertoPICCINNI, Alberto Ferruccio +