Balacco, Gabriella

Balacco, Gabriella  

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, del Territorio, Edile e di Chimica  

Docenti di ruolo di IIa fascia  


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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori File
A comprehensive assessment of RCP4.5 projections and bias-correction techniques in a complex coastal karstic aquifer in the Mediterranean 1-gen-2023 Alfio Maria RosariaBalacco Gabriella +
A Hydrometeorological Study of Groundwater Level Changes during the COVID-19 Lockdown Year (Salento Peninsula, Italy) 1-gen-2022 Alfio M. R.Balacco G.Fidelibus C. +
A Novel Distributed System of e-Vehicle Charging Stations Based on Pumps as Turbine to Support Sustainable Micromobility 1-gen-2021 Gabriella BalaccoMario BinettiLeonardo CaggianiMichele Ottomanelli
A slope-adjustable plot for modelling interrill erosion 1-gen-2007 BALACCO, GabriellaFRATINO, Umberto +
A State-of-the-Art Review on SARS-CoV-2 Virus Removal Using Different Wastewater Treatment Strategies 1-gen-2022 Balacco, Gabriella +
A statistical approach for describing coastal karst aquifer: the case of the Salento aquifer (Southern Italy) 1-gen-2024 Alfio, Maria RosariaBalacco, GabriellaPolemio, Maurizio +
Adopting sustainable water management practices in agriculture based on stakeholder preferences 1-gen-2022 Balacco, Gabriella +
Advanced hydraulic analysis for energy assessment in a real water distribution network 1-gen-2019 Daniele B. LaucelliLuigi BerardiAntonietta SimoneFrancesco G. CilibertiGabriella BalaccoOrazio Giustolisi
An object-based method for mapping ephemeral river areas from worldview-2 satellite data 1-gen-2012 Tarantino, E.Balacco, G.Fratino, U. +
Analisi della variabilità dei consumi idrici a scala locale in Puglia 1-gen-2018 Gabriella BalaccoAndrea GioiaVito IacobellisAlberto Ferruccio Piccinni +
Analisi della variabilità Spazio-Temporale del LAI mediante immagini SPOT VGT 1-gen-2014 BALACCO, GabriellaTarantino, EufemiaGIOIA, AndreaIACOBELLIS, Vito +
Analysis of a large maintenance journal of the sewer networks of three Apulian provinces in southern Italy 1-gen-2020 Balacco, GabriellaIacobellis, VitoTotaro, VincenzoPiccinni, Alberto Ferruccio +
Analysis of first flush waters in the Bari harbour 1-gen-2009 BALACCO, GabriellaDELL'ANNA, Maria MichelaMASTRORILLI, PietroPICCINNI, Alberto Ferruccio +
Analysis of the first flush waters in the Bari Harbour 1-gen-2008 BALACCO, GabriellaDELL'ANNA, Maria MichelaMASTRORILLI, PietroPaolillo, RossellaPICCINNI, Alberto Ferruccio +
Analyzing spatial and temporal evolution of groundwater salinization through multivariate statistical analysis and hydrogeochemical facies evolution-diagram 1-gen-2023 Parisi, AlessandroAlfio, Maria RosariaBalacco, GabriellaFidelibus, Maria Dolores +
Application of short time series analysis for the hydrodynamic characterization of a coastal karst aquifer: the Salento aquifer (Southern Italy) 1-gen-2022 Balacco, GAlfio, MRParisi, APanagopoulos, AFidelibus, MD
Approcci per la valutazione delle soglie di vulnerabilità delle reti potabili 1-gen-2006 BALACCO, GabriellaPICCINNI, Alberto Ferruccio +
Aspetti economici 1-gen-2015 PICCINNI, Alberto FerruccioArborea, StefaniaBALACCO, Gabriella
Assessing the impact of climate change on a coastal karst aquifer in a semi-arid area 1-gen-2024 Balacco, GabriellaAlfio, Maria Rosaria +
Assessing the Impact of Climate Variability and Human Activity on Groundwater Resources in the Meskiana Plain, Northeast Algeria 1-gen-2024 Balacco, Gabriella +