Intini, Paolo

Intini, Paolo  

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, del Territorio, Edile e di Chimica  

Settore ICAR/04 - Strade, Ferrovie ed Aeroporti  


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Risultati 1 - 20 di 51 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.041 secondi).
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori File
A scientific approach searching for a protocol to design and improve safety of existing roads 1-gen-2016 Colonna, PasqualeBerloco, NicolaIntini, PaoloRanieri, Vittorio
A scientific approach to determine the benefits of automation and technological innovation on road safety 1-gen-2021 Coropulis S.Berloco N.Intini P.Ranieri V.
An Integrated Design Framework for Safety Interventions on Existing Urban Roads—Development and Case Study Application 1-gen-2019 Colonna, PasqualeIntini, PaoloBerloco, NicolaFedele, VeronicaMasi, GiuseppeRanieri, Vittorio
An open multi-physics framework for modelling wildland-urban interface fire evacuations 1-gen-2019 Intini, Paolo +
Compensation effect between deaths from Covid-19 and crashes: The Italian case 1-gen-2020 Colonna P.Intini P.
Computational Fluid Dynamics as a Tool to Estimate Hydraulic Conductivity of Permeable Asphalts 1-gen-2020 Fedele, VeronicaBerloco, NicolaIntini, PaoloRanieri, Vittorio +
Connecting Rural Road Design to Automated Vehicles: The Concept of Safe Speed to Overcome Human Errors 1-gen-2018 Colonna, P.Intini, P.Berloco, N.Ranieri, V.
Determination of Bearing Capacity of Cleared and Graded Areas at Airports 1-gen-2021 Vittorio RanieriNicola BerlocoVeronica FedelePaolo IntiniPasquale Colonna +
Effects of Berlin speed cushions in urban restricted speed zones: a case study in Bari, Italy 1-gen-2022 Berloco N.Coropulis S.Intini P.Ranieri V.
Effects of Reclaimed Asphalt, Wax Additive, and Compaction Temperature on Characteristics and Mechanical Properties of Porous Asphalt 1-gen-2022 Ranieri, VittorioBerloco, NicolaIntini, Paolo +
Evaluating Skidding Risk of a Road Layout for All Types of Vehicles 1-gen-2016 Colonna, P.Berloco, N.Intini, P.Perruccio, A.Ranieri, V.
Exploring the relationships between drivers’ familiarity and two-lane rural road accidents. A multi-level study 1-gen-2018 Intini, P.Berloco, N.Colonna, P.Ranieri, V. +
External and Internal Risk Model: Theory and Practice 1-gen-2016 Colonna, PasqualeIntini, PaoloBerloco, NicolaRanieri, Vittorio
Flexible Permeable-Pavement System Sustainability: A Methodology for Stormwater Management Based on PM Granulometry 1-gen-2024 Ranieri, VittorioCoropulis, StefanoIntini, Paolo +
Geometric and Operational Features of Horizontal Curves with Specific Regard to Skidding Proneness 1-gen-2020 Intini, PaoloBerloco, NicolaRanieri, VittorioColonna, Pasquale
Geometric Design Issues and Safety Analysis of Two-way Rural Road Tunnels 1-gen-2020 Colonna, PasqualeBerloco, NicolaIntini, PaoloRanieri, Vittorio
Guidance on Design and Construction of the Built Environment Against Wildland Urban Interface Fire Hazard: A Review 1-gen-2020 Paolo Intini +
Influence of Road Geometric Design Consistency on Familiar and Unfamiliar Drivers’ Performances: Crash-Based Analysis 1-gen-2019 Intini, PaoloBerloco, NicolaColonna, Pasquale +
Integrated American-European protocol for safety interventions on existing two-lane rural roads 1-gen-2018 Colonna, P.Intini, P.Berloco, N.Ranieri, V.
Investigating the Deviation Angle Method for Ensuring Deflection at One-Lane Rural Roundabouts 1-gen-2018 Berloco, NicolaColonna, PasqualeIntini, PaoloRanieri, Vittorio