Coropulis, Stefano
Coropulis, Stefano
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, del Territorio, Edile e di Chimica
Ricercatori a tempo determinato
A scientific approach to determine the benefits of automation and technological innovation on road safety
2021-01-01 Coropulis, S.; Berloco, N.; Intini, P.; Ranieri, V.
Aberrant behaviors of drivers involved in crashes and related injury severity: Are there variations between the major cities in the same country?
2024-01-01 Intini, Paolo; Berloco, Nicola; Coropulis, Stefano; Fonzone, Achille; Ranieri, Vittorio
Analysis of E-Scooter Crashes in the City of Bari
2024-01-01 Longo, Paola; Berloco, Nicola; Coropulis, Stefano; Intini, Paolo; Ranieri, Vittorio
Analysis of the Factors Influencing Speed Cushion Effectiveness in the Urban Context: A Case Study Experiment in the City of Bari, Italy
2023-01-01 Berloco, Nicola; Coropulis, Stefano; Garofalo, Giuseppe; Intini, Paolo; Ranieri, Vittorio
Effects of Berlin speed cushions in urban restricted speed zones: a case study in Bari, Italy
2022-01-01 Berloco, N.; Coropulis, S.; Intini, P.; Ranieri, V.
Flexible Permeable-Pavement System Sustainability: A Methodology for Stormwater Management Based on PM Granulometry
2024-01-01 Ranieri, Vittorio; Coropulis, Stefano; Fedele, Veronica; Intini, Paolo; Sansalone, John Joseph
Interactions Between Automated Shuttle and Vulnerable Road Users: A Case Study
2024-01-01 Coropulis, S.; Berloco, N.; Gentile, R.; Intini, P.; Longo, P.; Ranieri, V.
Methods for infrastructure planning in areas close to hospitals at the regional level
2023-01-01 Ranieri, Vittorio; Berloco, Nicola; Coropulis, Stefano; Garofalo, Giuseppe; Intini, Paolo; Ottomanelli, Michele
Optimal planning of safety improvements on road sites belonging to different categories within large networks: An integrated multi-layer framework
2024-01-01 Intini, Paolo; Berloco, Nicola; Coropulis, Stefano; Ranieri, Vittorio
Safety assessment in future scenarios with Automated Vehicles
2023-01-01 Coropulis, Stefano
The effect of different road pavement typologies on urban heat island: a case study
2022-01-01 Ranieri, Vittorio; Coropulis, Stefano; Berloco, Nicola; Fedele, Veronica; Intini, Paolo; Laricchia, Claudio; Colonna, Pasquale
The influence of adaptive cruise control, secondary tasks and route familiarity on driving behavior: A simulation-based study
2024-01-01 Gentile, R.; Berloco, N.; Coropulis, S.; Imine, H.; Intini, P.; Ranieri, V.
The Use of Macro-Level Safety Performance Functions for Province-Wide Road Safety Management
2022-01-01 Intini, Paolo; Berloco, Nicola; Coropulis, Stefano; Gentile, Roberta; Ranieri, Vittorio
The use of microscopic simulators for safety assessment in automated and partially automated scenarios: a comparison
2023-01-01 Coropulis, S.; Berloco, N.; Gentile, R.; Intini, P.; Ranieri, V.
Traffic microsimulation for road safety assessments of vehicle automation scenarios: Model comparison and sensitivity analysis
2024-01-01 Coropulis, Stefano; Berloco, Nicola; Gentile, Roberta; Intini, Paolo; Ranieri, Vittorio