Bruno, Sergio
Bruno, Sergio
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e dell'Informazione
Docenti di ruolo di IIa fascia
A biomass small-scale externally fired combined cycle plant for heat and power generation in rural communities
2019-01-01 Amirante, Riccardo; Bruno, Sergio; Distaso, Elia; La Scala, Massimo; Tamburrano, Paolo
A blockchain-based architecture for tracking and remunerating fast frequency response
2024-01-01 Sciume, Giuseppe; Iurlaro, Cosimo; Bruno, Sergio; Musca, Rossano; Gallo, Pierluigi; Zizzo, Gaetano; La Scala, Massimo
A Demand Response Implementation in Tertiary Buildings through Model Predictive Control
2019-01-01 Bruno, Sergio; Giannoccaro, Giovanni; La Scala, Massimo
A Dynamic Model of the Favignana Island Non-Synchronous Power System for Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Tests
2022-01-01 Bruno, S.; Iurlaro, C.; La Scala, M.; Menga, M.; Semeraro, M.
A Dynamic Optimization Approach for Wide-Area Control of Transient Phenomena
2004-01-01 Bose, A.; Bruno, S.; De Benedictis, Michele; LA SCALA, Massimo
A Fuzzy-Logic Approach to Preventive Maintenance of Critical Power Transformers
2009-01-01 Brescia, T; Bruno, S; La Scala, M; Lamonaca, S; Rotondo, G; Stecchi, U
A Low-cost Controller to Enable Synthetic Inertia Response of Distributed Energy Resources
2020-01-01 Bruno, Sergio; Giannoccaro, Giovanni; Iurlaro, Cosimo; La Scala, Massimo; Rodio, Carmine
A Microforecasting Module for Energy Consumption in Smart Grids
2018-01-01 Bruno, Sergio; Dellino, Gabriella; La Scala, Massimo; Meloni, Carlo
A Microforecasting Module for Energy Management in Residential and Tertiary Buildings
2019-01-01 Bruno, Sergio; Dellino, Gabriella; La Scala, Massimo; Meloni, Carlo
A Microgrid Architecture for Integrating EV Charging System and Public Street Lighting
2019-01-01 Bruno, Sergio; Giannoccaro, Giovanni; La Scala, Massimo; Lopopolo, Giuseppe; Rodio, Carmine
A MINLP Approach for Network Reconfiguration and Dispatch in Distribution Systems
2015-01-01 Bruno, Sergio; La Scala, Massimo
2024-01-01 Barbato, L.; Bianco, G.; Mascolo, L.; Menga, M.; Renna, F.; Sapienza, G.; Micillo, C.; Bruno, S.; Iurlaro, C.; La Scala, M.
A novel approach to Dynamic Security Control: an application for Transmission Management
2004-01-01 Bruno, S.; Dicorato, M.; La Scala, M.
A SOC-feedback Control Scheme for Fast Frequency Support with Hybrid Battery/Supercapacitor Storage System
2021-01-01 Bruno, S.; De Carne, G.; Iurlaro, C.; Rodio, C.; Specchio, M.
Adaptive PI Control of PMSM for Electric Vehicle Application Based on Sliding-mode Extremum Seeking Algorithm
2023-01-01 Rajabinasab, M.; Ghalebani, P.; Bruno, S.; Cometa, R.; La Scala, M.
Adaptive relaying to balance protection dependability with power system security
2010-01-01 Bruno, Sergio; De Benedictis, M; LA SCALA, Massimo; Lamonaca, Silvia; Rotondo, Giuseppe; Stecchi, Ugo
Adaptive Scheme for Stability Margin Estimation of Grid-Connected DFIG Based Wind Turbines
2024-01-01 Rajabinasab, M.; Cometa, R.; Bruno, S.; La Scala, M.
Advanced Monitoring and Control Approaches for Enhancing Power System Security
2009-01-01 Bruno, Sergio; De Benedictis, Michele; La Scala, Massimo
An Open-Source Optimal Network Reconfiguration Tool for Improving Distribution Grid Reliability
2024-01-01 Cometa, R.; Velini, A.; Lorusso, F.; Ricca, A.; Sbrizzai, R.; Bruno, S.
Balancing Protection Dependability And Security In Large Transmission Grids
2011-01-01 Bruno, S; De Benedictis, M; La Scala, M; Rotondo, G