Violano, Guido
Violano, Guido
Dipartimento di Meccanica, Matematica e Management
Ricercatori a tempo determinato
A JKR-like solution for viscoelastic adhesive contacts
2021-01-01 Violano, Guido; Chateauminois, Antoine; Afferrante, Luciano
A mixed BEM-asperity model to predict pull-off force of fractal surfaces
2018-01-01 Violano, Guido; Demelio, Giuseppe Pompeo; Afferrante, Luciano
A note on the effect of surface topography on adhesion of hard elastic rough bodies with low surface energy
2019-01-01 Violano, Guido; Demelio, Giuseppe; Afferrante, Luciano
Adesione tra superfici rugose: un efficiente e accurato modello ad asperità per il calcolo della forza di distacco
2017-01-01 Violano, Guido; Demelio, G.; Afferrante, L.
Adhesion of compliant spheres: An experimental investigation
2019-01-01 Violano, Guido; Afferrante, Luciano
Adhesion of viscoelastic media: an assessment of a recent JKR-like solution
2022-01-01 Violano, G; Orlando, G; Demelio, Gp; Afferrante, L
Adhesive contact mechanics of bio-inspired pillars: Exploring hysteresis and detachment modes
2024-01-01 Violano, Guido.; Dibitonto, Savino; Afferrante, Luciano
Adhesive contact of randomly rough surfaces: experimental and numerical investigations
2021-01-01 Violano, G; Chateauminois, A; Afferrante, L
Contact of rough surfaces: Modeling adhesion in advanced multiasperity models
2019-01-01 Violano, G.; Afferrante, L.
Crack propagation in viscoelastic finite-sized solids: theory and experiments
2023-01-01 Violano, G; De Carolis, S; Palmieri, M E; Carbone, G; Tricarico, L; Demelio, G P; Afferrante, L
Effect of roughness small scales on the adhesion of randomly rough surfaces with high fractal dimension
2023-01-01 Violano, Guido; Dini, Daniele; Di Bari, Alessandro; Afferrante, Luciano
Exploring the dynamics of viscoelastic adhesion in rough line contacts
2023-01-01 Afferrante, Luciano; Violano, Guido; Carbone, Giuseppe
How does roughness kill adhesion?
2023-01-01 Afferrante, L.; Violano, G.; Dini, D.
JKR, DMT and More: Gauging Adhesion of Randomly Rough Surfaces
2020-01-01 Violano, Guido; Afferrante, Luciano
Modeling the Adhesive Contact of Rough Soft Media with an Advanced Asperity Model
2019-01-01 Violano, G.; Afferrante, L.
On DMT methods to calculate adhesion in rough contacts
2019-01-01 Violano, G.; Afferrante, L.
On stickiness of multiscale randomly rough surfaces
2021-01-01 Violano, G.; Afferrante, L.; Papangelo, A.; Ciavarella, M.
On the contact between elasto-plastic media with self-affine fractal roughness
2023-01-01 Violano, Guido; Afferrante, Luciano
On the DMT adhesion theory: from the first studies to the modern applications in rough contacts
2018-01-01 Violano, Guido; Demelio, Giuseppe Pompeo; Afferrante, Luciano
On the effective surface energy in viscoelastic Hertzian contacts
2022-01-01 Afferrante, Luciano; Violano, Guido