Buldo, Michele
Buldo, Michele
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, del Territorio, Edile e di Chimica
A point cloud classification method for the ScanToBIM process in Archi- tectural Heritage
2023-01-01 Tavolare, Riccardo; Cabrera Revuelta, Elena; Verdoscia, Cesare; Buldo, Michele
A scan-to-bim workflow proposal for cultural heritage. Automatic point cloud segmentation and parametric-adaptive modelling of vaulted systems
2023-01-01 Buldo, M.; Agustín-Hernández, L.; Verdoscia, C.; Tavolare, R.
Automated processes for preparing a point cloud within the Scan-to- BIM methodology
2023-01-01 Tavolare, Riccardo; Buldo, Michele; Verdoscia, Cesare
Automated Processes for Preparing a Point Cloud Within the Scan-To-BIM Methodology
2024-01-01 Verdoscia, Cesare; Tavolare, Riccardo; Buldo, Michele
Automatic model-based segmentation for the scan-to-bim process applied to cultural heritage. A study focused on Masonry vaults
2022-01-01 Verdoscia, Cesare; Buldo, Michele; Tavolare, Riccardo; Musicco, Antonella
Complesso della SS. Trinità di Venosa (PZ)
2020-01-01 Fatiguso, Fabio; Buldo, Michele
Desarrollo del flujo de trabajo Mesh-to-BIM a través de VPL para apoyar el proceso de documentación del patrimonio histórico
2024-01-01 Musicco, Antonella; Buldo, Michele; Rossi, Nicola; Tavolare, Riccardo; Verdoscia, Cesare
Enhancing 3D Modeling Efficiency via Semi-Automatic Point Cloud Segmentation and Multi-Lod Mesh Reconstruction
2024-01-01 Musicco, Antonella; Buldo, Michele.; Rossi, Nicola; Tavolare, Riccardo; Verdoscia, Cesare
Evaluation of the Geometric Reliability in the Scan to Bim Process: the Case Study of Santa Croce Monastery
2021-01-01 Verdoscia, Cesare; Musicco, Antonella; Tavolare, Riccardo; Buldo, Michele
Geometric reliability evaluation in Scan to BIM process, the case study of Santa Croce monastery
2021-01-01 Verdoscia, C.; Musicco, A.; Tavolare, R.; Buldo, M.
Geometric reliability evaluation in Scan to BIM process, the case study of Santa Croce monastery
2021-01-01 Verdoscia, C.; Musicco, A.; Tavolare, R.; Buldo, M.
Integrated 3D survey techniques for historical architecture. The Church of S.Maria Veterana in Triggiano (Italy)
2022-01-01 Verdoscia, Cesare; Buldo, Michele; Tavolare, Riccardo; Musicco, Antonella
Integrated 3D survey techniques for historical architecture. The Church of S.Maria Veterana in Triggiano (Italy)
2022-01-01 Verdoscia, Cesare; Buldo, Michele; Tavolare, Riccardo; Musicco, Antonella
Integrated Architectural Survey Techniques for the Cultural Heritage Preservation and Enhancement in the Covid-Era. The Case Study of Venosa’s Most Holy Trinity Complex, Italy
2022-01-01 Verdoscia, Cesare; Buldo, Michele; Tavolare, Riccardo; Musicco, Antonella
La documentazione digitale del patrimonio costruito attraverso l’A-BIM. Il caso studio delle Terme di Diocleziano, Roma
2021-01-01 Verdoscia, C.; Musicco, A.; Tavolare, R.; Buldo, M.; Pepe, N.
Planning for terrestrial laser scanning: Methods for optimal sets of locations in architectural sites
2024-01-01 Cabrera-Revuelta, Elena; Tavolare, Riccardo; Buldo, Michele; Verdoscia, Cesare
Scan-to-BIM for architectural heritage enhancement and preservation. Leading techniques and advanced automation processes
2024-01-01 Buldo, Michele
Semantic Enrichment of Architectural Heritage Point Clouds Using Artificial Intelligence: The Palacio de Sástago in Zaragoza, Spain
2024-01-01 Buldo, Michele; Agustín-Hernández, Luis; Verdoscia, Cesare
Sensor Data Fusion per i processi Scan to BIM. La Chiesa Ognissanti di Valenzano, Bari
2023-01-01 Verdoscia, Cesare; Buldo, Michele; Tavolare, Riccardo; Cabrera-Revuelta, Elena; Musicco, Antonella
Technological Paradigms for Cultural Heritage. A Scan To BIM Methodology for the Description of Historical Architecture
2022-01-01 Verdoscia, C.; Buldo, M.; Musicco, A.; Tavolare, R.