Pagano, Alessandro
Pagano, Alessandro
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, del Territorio, Edile e di Chimica
Docenti di ruolo di IIa fascia
A Bayesian approach to assess the vulnerability of drinking water infrastructures under hazardous events
2013-01-01 Pagano, Alessandro; Giordano, Raffaele; Portoghese, Ivan; Vurro, Michele; Fratino, Umberto
A Bayesian vulnerability assessment tool for drinking water mains under extreme events
2014-01-01 Pagano, A.; Giordano, R.; Portoghese, I.; Fratino, Umberto; Vurro, M.
A Decision Support System Based on AHP for Ranking Strategies to Manage Emergencies on Drinking Water Supply Systems
2021-01-01 Pagano, Alessandro; Giordano, Raffaele; Vurro, Michele
A DSS for risk management on drinking water infrastructures during extreme events
2013-01-01 Pagano, A; Vurro, M; Giordano, R; Portoghese, I; Fratino, Umberto; Berardi, F; Duro, A; Campopiano, F; Fiori, G; Vitucci, G.
A Participatory Approach to Exploring Nexus Challenges: A Case Study on the Pinios River Basin, Greece
2023-01-01 Malamataris, D.; Chatzi, A.; Babakos, K.; Pisinaras, V.; Hatzigiannakis, E.; Willaarts, B. A.; Bea, M.; Pagano, A.; Panagopoulos, A.
A participatory system dynamics model to investigate sustainable urban water management in Ebbsfleet Garden City
2021-01-01 Pluchinotta, Irene; Pagano, Alessandro; Vilcan, Tudorel; Ahilan, Sangaralingam; Kapetas, Leon; Maskrey, Shaun; Krivtsov, Vladimir; Thorne, Colin; O'Donnell, Emily
A Pipe Ranking Method for Water Distribution Network Resilience Assessment Based on Graph-Theory Metrics Aggregated Through Bayesian Belief Networks
2022-01-01 Pagano, A.; Giordano, R.; Portoghese, I.
A system dynamics model for supporting decision-makers in irrigation water management
2018-01-01 Pluchinotta, I.; Pagano, A.; Giordano, R.; Tsoukias, A.
An index-based approach for the sustainability assessment of irrigation practice based on the water-energy-food nexus framework
2017-01-01 de Vito, R.; Portoghese, I.; Pagano, A.; Fratino, U.; Vurro, M.
An Insight into the Emergency Preparedness and Coping Capacity of Italian Water Utilities
2022-01-01 Pagano, Alessandro; Portoghese, Ivan; Giordano, Raffaele; Fratino, Umberto; Romano, Emanuele; Guyennon, Nicolas; Petrangeli, Annabruna; Campione, Emanuela; Cristi, Valeria; Palmieri, Valeria; Duro, Andrea
An integrated approach to support Nature-Based Solutions for flood risk reduction
2018-01-01 Pagano, Alessandro; Scavo, Francesca; Santoro, Stefania; Pluchinotta, Irene; Malcangio, Daniela; Giordano, Raffaele; Fratino, Umberto
An integrated modelling framework for exploring the root causes of flood and drought risk amplification by climate change
2024-01-01 Coletta, Virginia Rosa; Pluchinotta, Irene; Pagano, Alessandro; Giordano, Raffaele; Fratino, Umberto; Montanari, Alberto
Analysing experimental data on Howell Bunger valves
2013-01-01 Renna, F. M.; Zenocchini, P; Guerini, A; Fratino, Umberto; Pagano, A.
Analyzing the resilience of complex irrigation systems: the ERASMUS approach
2024-01-01 Pagano, Alessandro; Ferrarese, Giacomo; Fontana, Nicola; Portoghese, Ivan; Fratino, Umberto; Coletta, Virginia Rosa; Lamaddalena, Nicola; Mambretti, Stefano; Malavasi, Stefano
Assessing stakeholders' risk perception to promote Nature Based Solutions as flood protection strategies: The case of the Glinščica river (Slovenia)
2019-01-01 Santoro, S.; Pluchinotta, I.; Pagano, A.; Pengal, P.; Cokan, B.; Giordano, R.
Bayesian Belief Networks for Integrating Scientific and Stakeholders’ Knowledge to Support Nature-Based Solution Implementation
2021-01-01 Scrieciu, Albert; Pagano, Alessandro; Coletta, Virginia Rosa; Fratino, Umberto; Giordano, Raffaele
Caratterizzazione idraulica di organi di ritenuta a presidio di scarichi di fondo
2020-01-01 De Sario, Simona; Fratino, Umberto; Malcangio, Daniela; Pagano, Alessandro; Renna, Floriana
Causal Loop Diagrams for supporting Nature Based Solutions participatory design and performance assessment
2021-01-01 Coletta, Virginia Rosa; Pagano, Alessandro; Pluchinotta, Irene; Fratino, Umberto; Scrieciu, Albert; Nanu, Florentina; Giordano, Raffaele
Characterization of the hydraulic performances of perforated plates
2013-01-01 Fratino, Umberto; Pagano, Alessandro
Combining social network analysis and agent-based model for enabling nature-based solution implementation: The case of Medina del Campo (Spain)
2021-01-01 Giordano, R.; Manez-Costa, M.; Pagano, A.; Mayor Rodriguez, B.; Zorrilla-Miras, P.; Gomez, E.; Lopez-Gunn, E.