Mangini, Agostino Marcello
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 3.869
EU - Europa 3.663
AS - Asia 1.779
SA - Sud America 24
OC - Oceania 20
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 13
AF - Africa 2
Totale 9.370
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.839
IE - Irlanda 906
CN - Cina 878
UA - Ucraina 536
IT - Italia 454
SE - Svezia 396
DE - Germania 331
BG - Bulgaria 311
HK - Hong Kong 290
SG - Singapore 264
TR - Turchia 220
FI - Finlandia 185
PL - Polonia 155
GB - Regno Unito 121
NL - Olanda 71
FR - Francia 66
MY - Malesia 64
CA - Canada 28
BE - Belgio 27
RO - Romania 24
AT - Austria 22
VN - Vietnam 16
AU - Australia 13
EU - Europa 13
ES - Italia 11
BR - Brasile 9
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 9
GR - Grecia 9
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 7
AR - Argentina 6
CH - Svizzera 5
EC - Ecuador 5
JP - Giappone 5
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 4
IN - India 4
IR - Iran 4
LU - Lussemburgo 4
CL - Cile 3
IL - Israele 3
MD - Moldavia 3
PH - Filippine 3
RU - Federazione Russa 3
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 3
UZ - Uzbekistan 3
AM - Armenia 2
DK - Danimarca 2
EG - Egitto 2
HR - Croazia 2
JO - Giordania 2
KG - Kirghizistan 2
KR - Corea 2
LK - Sri Lanka 2
LV - Lettonia 2
TW - Taiwan 2
AL - Albania 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
EE - Estonia 1
GE - Georgia 1
ID - Indonesia 1
KW - Kuwait 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
PA - Panama 1
PE - Perù 1
PK - Pakistan 1
PT - Portogallo 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
SI - Slovenia 1
SV - El Salvador 1
TH - Thailandia 1
Totale 9.370
Città #
Dublin 896
Jacksonville 702
Chandler 665
Sofia 311
Hong Kong 288
Nanjing 274
Ann Arbor 263
Izmir 213
Malden 201
Boardman 190
Singapore 184
Bari 180
Santa Clara 165
Warsaw 130
Bremen 128
Lawrence 127
New York 116
Nanchang 113
Wilmington 110
San Mateo 109
Helsinki 105
Ashburn 90
Ogden 87
Brooklyn 54
Houston 52
Shenyang 52
Tianjin 49
Brielle 45
Woodbridge 42
Hebei 37
Jiaxing 33
Changsha 32
Beijing 31
Milan 31
Kunming 29
Brussels 27
Kraków 24
Redwood City 24
Los Angeles 23
San Francisco 23
Shanghai 21
Vienna 20
Mountain View 19
Guangzhou 18
Bucharest 17
Hangzhou 17
Matera 17
Toronto 17
Amsterdam 15
Kyiv 15
Molfetta 15
Washington 14
Seattle 13
Verona 13
Dong Ket 12
Jinan 12
Ningbo 12
Lanzhou 11
Noicattaro 11
Dearborn 10
Norwalk 10
Zhengzhou 10
Gioia Del Colle 9
Orange 8
Taizhou 8
Auburn Hills 7
Barletta 7
Changchun 7
Frankfurt am Main 7
Munich 7
Valencia 7
Wuhan 7
Grumo Appula 6
London 6
Rosario 6
Shenzhen 6
São Paulo 6
Auckland 5
Augusta 5
Gunzenhausen 5
Lecce 5
Melbourne 5
Nuremberg 5
Redmond 5
Santeramo In Colle 5
Tokyo 5
Falkenstein 4
Hanoi 4
Luxembourg 4
Malnate 4
Ottawa 4
Brno 3
Cagliari 3
Chicago 3
Chisinau 3
Cisternino 3
Corigliano Calabro 3
Enschede 3
Fairfield 3
Francavilla Fontana 3
Totale 6.770
Nome #
Natural Ventilation for Passive Cooling by Means of Optimized Control Logics 189
Operational Management of Supply Chains: a Hybrid Petri Net Approach 153
New Scenarios, Devices and Applications for the Smart District 132
A Petri Net Model for a Building Energy Management System Based on a Demand Response Approach 119
Findings from the RES NOVAE Project: New Scenarios, Devices and Applications for the Smart District 119
A Natural Ventilation Control in Buildings Based on Co-Simulation Architecture and Particle Swarm Optimization 115
A Decision Support Approach for Postal Delivery and Waste Collection Services 112
A District Energy Management Based on Thermal Comfort Satisfaction and Real-Time Power Balancing 110
A Flexible Platform for Intermodal Transportation and Integrated Logistics 109
A control strategy for district energy management 106
A Generalized Stochastic Petri Net Approach for Modeling Activities of Human Operators in Intermodal Container Terminals 103
A Freeway Traffic Model in a First Order Hybrid Petri Net Framework 101
Real time identification of discrete event systems by Petri Nets 98
Fuzzy Multi-Objective Optimization for Network Design of Integrated e-Supply Chains 97
Optimal design of distribution networks:an application to the hospital drug distribution system 94
A Model to Decsribe the Hospital Drug Distribution System via First Order Hybrid Petri Nets 94
A hierarchical optimization technique for the strategic design of distribution networks 93
District Microgrid Management Integrated with Renewable Energy Sources, Energy Storage Systems and Electric Vehicles 93
Real Time Identification of Discrete Event Systems using Petri Nets 92
On Line Identification of Discrete Event Systems via Petri Nets: an Application to Monitor Specification 91
Fault Monitoring of Discrete Event Systems by First Order Hybrid Petri Nets 91
An Optimization Approach for Identification of Petri Nets 90
A simulation and control model for building energy management 90
Fault Monitoring of Automated Manufacturing Systems by First Order Hybrid Petri Nets 90
Fault Detection of Discrete Event Systems Using Petri Nets and Integer Linear Programming 89
A Model for the Strategic Design of Distribution Networks 89
An Improved Freeway Traffic Model in a First Order Hybrid Petri Net Framework 89
A novel formulation of the DEA model for application to supplier selection 88
Una procedura gerarchica per il progetto dei sistemi di produzione distribuiti 87
Optimal design of hospital drug distribution networks 87
A Decision Support System Approach for the Postal Delivery Operations 87
A Software Tool for the Decentralized Control of AGV Systems 87
Supplier selection in the public procurement sector via a data envelopment analysis approach 86
Fuzzy Multi-Objective Optimization for Network Design of Logistic and Production Systems 86
A Fuzzy Programming Approach for the Strategic Design of Distribution Networks 86
A Continuous Petri Net Model for the Management and Design of Emergency Cardiology Departments 86
Comparing Management Policies for Supply Chains via a Hybrid Petri Net Model 86
Optimal energy management integrating renewable energy, energy storage systems and electric vehicles 86
On-Line Identification of Discrete Event Systems: a Case Study 84
On-line Fault Diagnosis in a Petri Net Framework 83
Modelling and Design of Hospital Departments by Timed Continuous Petri Nets 83
A decentralized control strategy for the coordination of AGV systems 83
Optimal Design of a Manufacturing Supply Chain 82
A Model for the Optimal Design of the Hospital Drug Distribution Chain 82
Development and integration of ICT tools for electric mobility 82
Una tecnica multi-livello per la configurazione dei sistemi di produzione distribuiti 81
Innovative Approaches for Electric Vehicles Relocation in Sharing Systems 81
Fleet Sizing for Electric Car Sharing Systems in Discrete Event System Frameworks 81
A Three Level Strategy for the Design and Performance Evaluation of Hospital Departments 80
A First Order Hybrid Petri Net Model for Supply Chain Management 80
Fleet Sizing for Electric Car Sharing System via Closed Queueing Networks 80
On-Line Identification of Discrete Event Systems by Interpreted Petri Nets 80
Timing and deadlock-freeness in continuous Petri Nets 80
A New Class of Consensus Protocols for Agent Networks with Discrete Time Dynamics 79
Un Monitor dei Guasti nei Sistemi Produttivi Automatizzati Basato sulle Reti di Petri Ibride 79
Decision Support for a Waste Collection Service with Time and Shift Constraints 79
Design and optimization of a hospital drug distribution system 78
The Vehicle Relocation Problem in Car Sharing Systems: Modeling and Simulation in a Petri Net Framework 78
Distributed algorithms for multi-robot incident response victim extraction 78
Discrete Consensus in Networks: Theory and Applications, 77
On-Line Identification of Petri Nets with Unobservable Transitions 76
A Petri Net model for fleet sizing of Electric Car Sharing Systems 76
New Consensus Protocols for Networks with Discrete Time Dynamics 74
Modelling Distributed Manufacturing Systems via First Order Hybrid Petri Nets 74
Discrete consensus for asynchronous distributed task assignment 74
Electric vehicle fleet relocation management for sharing systems based on incentive mechanism 72
Integrating ICT into Logistics Intermodal Systems: a Petri Net Model of the Trieste Port 71
A Petri Net Model of an Integrated System for the Health Care at Home Management 70
Assignment of Electrical Vehicles to Charging Stations by a Distributed Approach 69
Optimal Fuel Consumption for Heavy Trucks: a Review 69
Visual screening for safety evaluation of train transportation system 69
A Drone-Assisted 3D Printing by Crane Structures in Construction Industry 69
Network design and optimization of sustainable supply chains with reverse flows 68
A Petri Net Model for Performance Evaluation and Management of an Emergency Cardiology Departments 68
A First Order Hybrid Petri Net Model for Building Energy Management 68
The Impact of ICT on an Intermodal Transportation System: an Analysis by Petri Nets 68
Hospital Drugs Distribution with Autonomous Robot Vehicles 67
Evaluation of unavailability of the railway service using AHP methodology 67
On-line Fault Detection of Discrete Event Systems by Petri Nets and Integer Linear Programming 66
On-line verification of current-state opacity by Petri nets and integer linear programming 66
Enabling Technologies for Smart Construction Engineering: A Review 66
Freeway Traffic Modeling and Control in a First Order Hybrid Petri Net Framework 65
A Distributed Fault Detection Approach for Industrial Systems 65
On-line Algorithm for Current State Opacity Enforcement in a Petri Net Framework 64
New Consensus Algorithms Based on a Positive Splitting Approach 64
A model for supply management of agile manufacturing supply chains 64
A Distributed Consensus Algorithm for Task Allocation in Supply Chain Management 63
Identification of DES unobservable behaviour by Petri nets 62
A Connectivity Platform for Intermodal Transportation and Logistics Systems 62
Cooperative distributed energy scheduling of smart homes appliances in a smart district 61
A fault monitor for automated manufacturing systems using a hybrid Petri nets formalism 60
Decentralized Diagnosis by Petri Nets and Integer Linear Programming 59
Modeling Steelmaking and Continuous Casting Plants by Timed Petri Nets 59
Fault Detection by Labeled Petri Nets in Centralized and Distributed Approaches 58
Simulation Study on the Convergence Time of a Discrete Consensus Algorithm for Distributed Task Assignment 58
An Eco-Route planner for heavy duty vehicles 58
Decentralized Fault Diagnosis by Petri Nets and Integer Linear Programming 57
Drugs Cross-Distribution Management in Urban Areas through an Incentives Scheme 56
A Cloud Optimizer for Eco Route Planning of Heavy Duty Vehicles 54
Fault detection and recovery by hybrid Petri nets for automated drug preparation systems 53
Totale 8.179
Categoria #
all - tutte 50.671
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 50.671

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020476 0 0 0 0 0 105 89 105 19 27 117 14
2020/2021990 113 15 112 65 29 145 14 121 69 148 20 139
2021/20221.687 33 8 40 233 179 12 7 79 135 392 174 395
2022/20232.233 219 115 51 169 260 167 31 153 906 61 89 12
2023/20241.317 105 31 71 35 360 295 22 16 123 28 7 224
2024/2025769 93 31 307 44 260 34 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 9.625