Bellantuono, Nicola

Bellantuono, Nicola  



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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori File
A decision support system for maritime search and rescue 1-gen-2015 Bellantuono, N.Camarda, P.Lisi, S.Pontrandolfo, P.Romano V.Striccoli, D.Scozzi, B. +
A framework to analyze the organization of logistics services 1-gen-2007 BELLANTUONO, NicolaGIANNOCCARO, Ilaria FilomenaPONTRANDOLFO, Pierpaolo
A model for measuring Corporate Social Responsibility 1-gen-2014 BELLANTUONO, NicolaPONTRANDOLFO, PierpaoloSCOZZI, Barbara
Assessing Resources and Dynamic Capabilities to Implement the “Green Campus” Project 1-gen-2016 Nicola BellantuonoPierpaolo PontrandolfoBarbara ScozziDangelico, Rosa Maria +
Assessing The Openness Degree Of Knowledge Supply Chains 1-gen-2011 Scozzi B.Bellantuono N.Pontrandolfo P.
Benessere e sostenibilità nelle aree di crisi: il caso Taranto 1-gen-2019 Bellantuono NicolaLagrasta Francesco PaoloPontrandolfo PierpaoloScozzi Barbara
Capturing the stakeholders' view in sustainability reporting: A novel approach 1-gen-2016 BELLANTUONO, NicolaPONTRANDOLFO, PierpaoloSCOZZI, Barbara
Coordination of Closed-loop Supply Chains by a Contract: A Quantitative Analysis for Single-period Products 1-gen-2011 BELLANTUONO, NicolaPONTRANDOLFO, Pierpaolo
Coordination of the Supplier–Retailer Relationship in a Multi-period Setting: The Additional Ordering Cost Contract 1-gen-2011 Nicola BellantuonoIlaria GiannoccaroPierpaolo Pontrandolfo
Development of a Flexible and Scalable System for Environmental Measurement Network 1-gen-2014 ADAMO, FrancescoANDRIA, GregorioBELLANTUONO, NicolaETTORRE, DonatellaDe Serio FDE PADOVA, DianaLaneve DLiberti, LorenzoMOSSA, MicheleNOTARNICOLA, MichelePALMA, GiuseppePONTRANDOLFO, PierpaoloPortosi VPRUDENZANO, FrancescoSCOZZI, Barbara +
Different practices for open innovation: a context-based approach 1-gen-2013 BELLANTUONO, NicolaPONTRANDOLFO, PierpaoloSCOZZI, Barbara
Different practices to implement open innovation 1-gen-2012 Scozzi B.Bellantuono N.Pontrandolfo P.
Does Proximity really affect Innovation and Success? The case of Free/Libre Open Source Software 1-gen-2009 BELLANTUONO, NicolaPONTRANDOLFO, PierpaoloSCOZZI, Barbara
Emergency management at sea: A decision support system for Search and Rescue operations 1-gen-2016 BELLANTUONO, NicolaCAMARDA, PietroLisi, StefanoPONTRANDOLFO, PierpaoloRomano, Vincenzo AlessioSTRICCOLI, DomenicoSCOZZI, Barbara +
Evaluating the performance of real-like logistics spot markets: modelling and analysis 1-gen-2010 BELLANTUONO, NicolaGIANNOCCARO, Ilaria FilomenaPONTRANDOLFO, Pierpaolo
Exchange Mechanisms in Logistics Services Markets 1-gen-2008 BELLANTUONO, NicolaPONTRANDOLFO, Pierpaolo +
Guiding materiality analysis for sustainability reporting: the case of agri-food sector 1-gen-2018 Nicola BellantuonoPierpaolo PontrandolfoBarbara Scozzi
How open are urban labs? The case of Manifesto della Città Vecchia e del Mare 1-gen-2015 Bellantuono, N.Pontrandolfo, P.Scozzi, B.
Investigating the implications of Industry 4.0 enabling technologies on sustainability 1-gen-2019 Nicola BellantuonoPierpaolo PontrandolfoBarbara Scozzi
Knowledge networks within supply chain to foster innovation 1-gen-2006 BELLANTUONO, NicolaPONTRANDOLFO, PierpaoloSCOZZI, Barbara