Carli, Raffaele
Carli, Raffaele
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e dell'Informazione
Docenti di ruolo di IIa fascia
A Colored Petri Net Tool for the Design of Robotic Palletizing Cells
2023-01-01 Cavone, G.; Stella, S.; Scarabaggio, P.; Carli, R.; Lisi, S.; Garavelli, A. C.; Dotoli, M.
A Control Strategy for Smart Energy Charging of Warehouse Material Handling Equipment
2020-01-01 Carli, Raffaele; Digiesi, Salvatore; Dotoli, Mariagrazia; Facchini, Francesco
A dashboard and decision support tool for the energy governance of smart cities
2015-01-01 Carli, Raffaele; Albino, Vito; Dotoli, Mariagrazia; Mummolo, Giovanni; Savino, Mario
A decentralized control strategy for energy retrofit planning of large-scale street lighting systems using dynamic programming
2018-01-01 Carli, Raffaele; Dotoli, Mariagrazia
A Decentralized Control Strategy for Optimal Charging of Electric Vehicle Fleets with Congestion Management
2017-01-01 Carli, R.; Dotoli, M.
A Decentralized Control Strategy for the Energy Management of Smart Homes with Renewable Energy Exchange
2018-01-01 Carli, Raffaele; Dotoli, Mariagrazia
A Decentralized Noncooperative Control Approach for Sharing Energy Storage Systems in Energy Communities
2021-01-01 Calefati, M.; Proia, S.; Scarabaggio, P.; Carli, R.; Dotoli, M.
A decentralized resource allocation approach for sharing renewable energy among interconnected smart homes
2015-01-01 Carli, Raffaele; Dotoli, Mariagrazia
A Decision Making Technique to Optimize a Buildings' Stock Energy Efficiency
2017-01-01 Carli, Raffaele; Dotoli, Mariagrazia; Pellegrino, Roberta; Ranieri, Luigi
A decision-making tool for energy efficiency optimization of street lighting
2018-01-01 Carli, Raffaele; Dotoli, Mariagrazia; Pellegrino, Roberta
A Distributed Control Algorithm for Optimal Charging of Electric Vehicle Fleets with Congestion Management
2018-01-01 Carli, Raffaele; Dotoli, Mariagrazia
A distributed control algorithm for waterfilling of networked control systems via consensus
2017-01-01 Carli, Raffaele; Dotoli, Mariagrazia
A distributed control approach based on game theory for the optimal energy scheduling of a residential microgrid with shared generation and storage
2019-01-01 Carli, Raffaele; Dotoli, Mariagrazia; Palmisano, Vittorio
A distributed, rolling-horizon demand side management algorithm under wind power uncertainty
2020-01-01 Scarabaggio, Paolo; Grammatico, Sergio; Carli, Raffaele; Dotoli, Mariagrazia
A dynamic programming approach for the decentralized control of discrete optimizers with quadratic utilities and shared constraint
2020-01-01 Carli, Raffaele; Dotoli, Mariagrazia
A Dynamic Programming Approach for the Decentralized Control of Energy Retrofit in Large-Scale Street Lighting Systems
2020-01-01 Carli, Raffaele; Dotoli, Mariagrazia
A fast and effective algorithm for influence maximization in large-scale independent cascade networks
2020-01-01 Scarabaggio, Paolo; Carli, Raffaele; Dotoli, Mariagrazia
A game-theoretic control approach for the optimal energy storage under power flow constraints in distribution networks
2020-01-01 Scarabaggio, Paolo; Carli, Raffaele; Dotoli, Mariagrazia
A Game-Theoretical Control Framework for Transactive Energy Trading in Energy Communities
2024-01-01 Mignoni, N.; Martinez-Piazuelo, J.; Carli, R.; Ocampo-Martinez, C.; Quijano, N.; Dotoli, M.
A Hierarchical Decision Making Strategy for the Energy Management of Smart Cities
2017-01-01 Carli, Raffaele; Dotoli, Mariagrazia; Pellegrino, Roberta