Mummolo, Giovanni

Mummolo, Giovanni  

Dipartimento di Meccanica, Matematica e Management  

Personale esterno ed autonomi  


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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori File
A carbon footprint calculator for the municipal waste collection system of Bari 1-gen-2015 Digiesi, S.Mossa, G.Mummolo, G.Verriello, R.
A Conceptual Model for Evaluating Eco-Efficiency of Thermal Spraying Processes 1-gen-2024 Mummolo, GiovanniFacchini, Francesco +
A Cyber - Based DSS for a low carbon integrated waste management system in a smart city 1-gen-2015 DIGIESI, SalvatoreFACCHINI, FrancescoMOSSA, GiorgioMUMMOLO, GiovanniVERRIELLO, Rossella
A dashboard and decision support tool for the energy governance of smart cities 1-gen-2015 Carli, RaffaeleAlbino, VitoDotoli, MariagraziaMummolo, GiovanniSavino, Mario
A DSS to minimize carbon footprint of integrated waste management system 1-gen-2014 Francesco BoenziSalvatore DigiesiGiorgio MossaGiovanni MummoloRossella Verriello
A framework for Design and Planning of Health-care Service Networks 1-gen-2011 DIGIESI, SalvatoreMOSSA, GiorgioMUMMOLO, Giovanni +
A fuzzy approach for medical equipment replacement planning 1-gen-2007 MUMMOLO, GiovanniBEVILACQUA, Vitoantonio +
A heuristic approach for measuring criticality in Activity networks 1-gen-2006 Mummolo, Giovanni +
A loss factor based approach for sustainable logistics 1-gen-2012 DIGIESI, SalvatoreMOSSA, GiorgioMUMMOLO, Giovanni
A mathematical model of human error probability for cognitive-oriented tasks 1-gen-2019 Digiesi S.Facchini F.Mossa G.Mummolo G.
A mixed integer linear programming model for optimisation of organics management in an integrated solid waste system 1-gen-2008 Mummolo, Giovanni +
A model based on artificial neural network for risk assessment to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in workplace 1-gen-2013 Facchini FMossa GMummolo G
A Model for the Evaluation of the Information Processing Rate of Smart Operators 1-gen-2022 Digiesi, SalvatoreFacchini, FrancescoLucchese, AndreaMummolo, Giovanni
A Model to Estimate Operators’ Performance in Accomplishing Assembly Tasks 1-gen-2022 Facchini, FrancescoCavallo, DanielaMummolo, Giovanni
A Model-Based Decision Support System for Multiple Container Terminals Hub Management 1-gen-2018 Francesco FacchiniFrancesco BoenziSalvatore DigiesiGiovanni Mummolo
A multi-state Markov approach for the evaluation of pasta production lines performance 1-gen-2012 MOSSA, GiorgioMUMMOLO, Giovanni +
A network technique to manage the complexity of project planning and control processes 1-gen-1989 ALBINO, VitoMUMMOLO, Giovanni +
A new approach in the engineering construction project analysis: the aggregation game 1-gen-1987 ALBINO, VitoMUMMOLO, Giovanni +
A new approach in the engineering project analysis: the aggregation game 1-gen-1988 Albino, V.Mummolo, G. +
A Nonlinear Integer Programming Model for Warehousing Sustainable Logistics 1-gen-2016 BOENZI, FrancescoDIGIESI, SalvatoreFACCHINI, FrancescoMOSSA, GiorgioMUMMOLO, Giovanni