Fortunato, Bernardo
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 6.517
NA - Nord America 5.859
AS - Asia 2.977
SA - Sud America 53
OC - Oceania 24
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 18
AF - Africa 13
Totale 15.461
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.806
PL - Polonia 1.525
CN - Cina 1.391
IT - Italia 875
IE - Irlanda 839
UA - Ucraina 831
SE - Svezia 504
HK - Hong Kong 497
DE - Germania 468
BG - Bulgaria 430
TR - Turchia 430
SG - Singapore 366
FI - Finlandia 300
NL - Olanda 231
GB - Regno Unito 173
FR - Francia 167
VN - Vietnam 127
MY - Malesia 99
BE - Belgio 48
AT - Austria 38
CA - Canada 37
BR - Brasile 31
RO - Romania 25
AU - Australia 19
EU - Europa 18
MX - Messico 15
IR - Iran 13
IN - India 12
ES - Italia 11
ID - Indonesia 10
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 8
HU - Ungheria 8
RU - Federazione Russa 8
AR - Argentina 7
AL - Albania 6
CH - Svizzera 5
CL - Cile 5
EE - Estonia 5
EG - Egitto 5
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 5
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 4
PE - Perù 4
EC - Ecuador 3
JP - Giappone 3
MA - Marocco 3
PH - Filippine 3
PK - Pakistan 3
BH - Bahrain 2
CO - Colombia 2
HR - Croazia 2
IL - Israele 2
KG - Kirghizistan 2
LK - Sri Lanka 2
NO - Norvegia 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
AF - Afghanistan, Repubblica islamica di 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BN - Brunei Darussalam 1
BO - Bolivia 1
DK - Danimarca 1
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 1
DZ - Algeria 1
GE - Georgia 1
GH - Ghana 1
GR - Grecia 1
IS - Islanda 1
KE - Kenya 1
KR - Corea 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LT - Lituania 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
LV - Lettonia 1
NG - Nigeria 1
NP - Nepal 1
RS - Serbia 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TH - Thailandia 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 15.461
Città #
Warsaw 1.518
Chandler 1.074
Jacksonville 1.073
Dublin 838
Ann Arbor 641
Hong Kong 493
Sofia 430
Izmir 420
Nanjing 415
Bari 287
Malden 263
Boardman 232
Singapore 228
Ashburn 196
Santa Clara 178
Helsinki 169
Brielle 162
Lawrence 158
Bremen 154
Nanchang 154
Wilmington 151
San Mateo 129
New York 122
Ogden 104
Dong Ket 81
Shenyang 70
Tianjin 70
Brooklyn 65
Woodbridge 64
Hebei 63
Jiaxing 57
Seattle 57
Kunming 54
Beijing 53
Changsha 52
Strasbourg 50
Brussels 47
Milan 46
Hanoi 45
Houston 40
Shanghai 35
Vienna 35
Guangzhou 31
Verona 29
Toronto 28
Hangzhou 27
Rome 25
Monmouth Junction 24
Mountain View 24
Turin 23
Lanzhou 22
Redwood City 20
San Francisco 19
Bucharest 17
Los Angeles 17
Paris 17
Changchun 16
Fairfield 16
Jinan 16
Noicattaro 16
Bisceglie 15
Dearborn 15
Norwalk 14
Orange 14
Leawood 13
Ningbo 13
Zhengzhou 13
Auburn Hills 12
Princeton 12
Torreón 12
Matera 11
Des Moines 10
Frankfurt am Main 10
Amsterdam 9
Melbourne 9
Redmond 9
London 8
Reggio Calabria 8
Taizhou 8
Blackburn 7
Catania 7
Florence 7
São Paulo 7
Acquaviva Delle Fonti 6
Haikou 6
Hamburg 6
Hanover 6
Ottawa 6
Qendra 6
Shenzhen 6
Washington 6
Wuhan 6
Arese 5
Barletta 5
Berlin 5
Budapest 5
Canberra 5
Edinburgh 5
Falls Church 5
Jinhua 5
Totale 11.297
Nome #
How to Improve the Performance Prediction of a Pump as Turbine by Considering the Slip Phenomenon 204
Three-dimensional analysis of flow-chemical interaction within a single square channel of a lean NOx trap catalyst 184
Experimental results of a vertical axis wind turbine 183
Numerical investigation of cavitation on a NACA0015 hydrofoil by means of OpenFOAM 179
Development of a 1-D Performance Prediction Model for Pumps as Turbines 177
Efficient CFD evaluation of the NPSH for centrifugal pumps 175
Experimental investigation and performance prediction modeling of a single stage centrifugal pump operating as turbine 173
A Gas-Steam Combined Cycle Powered by Syngas Derived from Biomass 169
Numerical simulation of the flow field and chemical reactions within a NSC diesel catalyst 166
Assessment against experiments of devolatilization and char burnout models for the simulation of an aerodynamically staged swirled Low-NOx pulverized coal burner 166
Performance optimization of a gas-steam combined power plant partially fed with syngas derived from pomace 163
Heat transfer enhancement induced by the geometry of a LHTES device 162
Numerical simulation of a complete charging-discharging phase of a shell and tube thermal energy storage with phase change material 160
Preliminary assessment of a pump used as turbine in a water distribution network for the recovery of throttling energy 160
Slip Factor Correction in 1-D Performance Prediction Model for PaTs 156
Parametric multi-objective optimization of an Organic Rankine Cycle with thermal energy storage for distributed generation 155
Performance and flow field evaluation of a Savonius rotor tested in a wind tunnel 153
Optimized aerodynamic design of axial turbines for waste energy recovery 151
Numerical Simulations of the flow field and chemical reactions of the Storage/Oxidation process within a NSC Pt - BaO Catalyst 150
Performance prediction model of multistage centrifugal Pumps used as Turbines with Two-Phase Flow 148
CFD analysis of a swirl stabilized coal combustion burner 147
CFD analysis of melting process in a shell-and-tube latent heat storage for concentrated solar power plants 143
Numerical Investigation of a Darrieus Rotor for Low-head Hydropower Generation 140
Small scale biomass CHP: Techno-economic performance of steam vs gas turbines with bottoming ORC 137
Project PONa3_00372 “Innovative Processes for Energy Conversion – PrInCE” 134
Advanced technologies for reduction of polluting emissions, fuel consumption and operating costs of Heavy Duty engines, INNOVHEAD 131
Thermodynamic Analysis Of Semi-Closed Gas Turbine Combined Cycles With High Temperature Diluted Air Combustion 130
CFD analysis of the performance of a novel impeller for a double suction centrifugal pump working as a turbine 129
A Two Dimensional Methodology to Predict Vertical Axis Wind Turbines Performance 127
CFD analysis of the flow through tube banks of HRSG 127
5) A. Dadone, B. Fortunato, "Un metodo approssimato per il cal¬colo di flussi unidimensionali transonici non stazionari 126
3) B. Fortunato, M.J. Werle, "A second order accurate numerical method for supersonic boundary layer flow past a compression corner 126
Diluted combustion in a aerodynamically staged swirled burner fueled by Diesel oil 125
Implementation of a passive control system for limiting cavitation around hydrofoils 123
One Step Ahead Adaptive Control Technique for Wind Systems 120
L'uso della trasformazione di Schwarz-Christoffel nel calcolo del flusso in schiera", 119
Performance of Gas Turbine Power Plants Controlled by Weighted One Step Ahead Adaptive Technique 116
Predicting the performances of marine two-stroke compression ignition engines 116
Investigation of a passive control system for limiting cavitation inside turbomachinery under different operating conditions 115
A fast Euler solver for two and three dimensional internal flows 114
Aero-thermodynamic Simulation of a Double-Shaft Industrial Evaporative Gas Turbine 113
A numerical method for second order thin airfoil theory 112
Feed Forward Neural Network-based Diagnostic Tool for Gas Turbine Power Plant 111
Performance of gas Turbine Power Plants Controlled by One Step Ahead Adaptive Technique 109
Sull’impiego di una turbina idraulica autorettificante in un assorbitore di energia ondosa di nuova concezione 108
Calcolo di flussi interni bi e tridimensionali 108
A combined power plant fueled by syngas produced in a downdraft gasifier 107
Multi-Objective Optimization of a Combined Power Plant Fueled by Syngas Produced in a Downdraft Gasifier 107
Dynamic Analysis and Control of Turbo-Gas Power Plant 107
A fast Euler solver for two and three dimensional internal flows 106
Un metodo approssimato per il calcolo del bordo di attacco di un profilo isolato o di una schiera di pale 105
Calcolo del flusso incomprimibile intorno ad un profilo isolato o in schiera di pale con un teoria quadratica delle piccole perturbazioni 105
Numerical investigation on the performance of a Savonius Wind Turbine 105
Analisi tridimensionale del comportamento fluidodinamico non stazionario di una turbina Wells 104
Activities of the research group on energy efficiency and renewable energy 104
Performance Evaluations of Steam Power Plants with Dry Cooling Towers 103
A 3D unsteady analysis of a Wells turbine in a sea-wave energy conversion device 102
Part Load Performance and Operating Strategies of a Natural Gas—Biomass Dual Fueled Microturbine for Combined Heat and Power Generation 102
An Object-Oriented Program for the Dynamic Simulation of Gas Turbines 102
Thermodynamic model of a downdraft gasifier 102
Progetto di Profili Aerodinamici Mediante Trasformazione Conforme 101
Design of a self-rectifying hydraulic turbine for a sea-wave energy conversion device 101
One Step Ahead Adaptive Control for Gas Turbine Power Plants 101
Una tecnica di shock capturing per il calcolo di flussi unidimensionali transonici non stazionari 101
CFD Analysis of A Pulverized Coal Combustion Burner 101
Dimensionamento di micro turboespansori assiali per recupero energetico 101
Modeling, performance analysis and economic feasibility of a mirror-augmented photovoltaic system 100
Dynamic Modelling of Recuperative Gas Turbines 99
Technical-economic optimization of a wind power plant by means of a stochastic analytical model 98
Numerical solutions of 3-D compressible internal flows using a nonisentropic implicit lambda method 98
One-step-ahead adaptive control of a wind-driven, synchronous generator system 98
CFD Simulation of Humid Air Premixed Flame Combustion Chamber for Evaporative Gas Turbine Cycles 98
Economic optimisation of a wind power plant for isolated locations 97
Novel microturbines for heat and power generation from renewable energy sources and waste energy 97
Controllo Adattativo “One-Step-Ahead” di un sistema eolico 97
Performance analysis of a Darrieus wind turbine 96
Modello CFD per il calcolo delle prestazioni e degli effetti di scia di turbine eoliche ad asse verticale 96
Calcolo del flusso transonico in una schiera di Hobson 96
Prestazioni fuori condizioni di progetto di motori Diesel sovralimentati 96
Dinamica di impianti di potenza con turbina a gas 95
Analisi teorico sperimentale delle prestazioni di un dissalatore a energia solare " 95
A second order accurate numerical method for supersonic interacting boundary layer flow past a compression corner 95
One-Step-Ahead Adaptive Control for Gas Turbine Power Plants 94
Analysis of Pressure Oscillations Data in Gas Turbine Annular Combustion Chamber Equipped With Passive Damper 94
Dynamic Modeling and Control of Regenerative Gas Turbines 94
Performance of solar multiflash desalination plants 93
Performance of a Mixed Gas-Steam Cycle Power Plant Obtained Upgrading An Aero-derivative Gas Turbine 92
Performance Evaluation of Steam Power Plants with Wet Cooling Towers 92
Modellistica dei Sistemi Eolici e Relativi Sistemi di Controllo 92
Non-linear simulation model and multivariable control of a regenerative single shaft gas turbine 92
A High-Fidelity Real-Time Simulation Code of Gas Turbine Dynamics for Control Applications 92
Control of Gas turbine power plants by means of the weighted one-step-ahead adaptive technique 91
One Step Ahead Adaptive Control for Gas Turbine Power Plants 91
Fuzzy Logic Controller applied to VGT Turbocharger 91
Simulazioni fluidodinamiche della cavitazione intorno a un profilo NACA0015 mediante l’utilizzo di OpenFOAM 90
An Implicit Lambda Method for 2-D Viscous Compressible Flows 89
Simulation of solar powered Rankine cycle systems 88
Externally Fired Micro-Gas Turbine and Organic Rankine Cycle Bottoming Cycle: Optimal Biomass/Natural Gas Combined Heat and Power Generation Configuration for Residential Energy Demand 88
Technical and Economical Evaluation of an Hybrid Photovoltaic-Thermal Plant 87
Design of an axial impulse turbine for enthalpy drop recovery 87
Totale 11.795
Categoria #
all - tutte 62.783
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 62.783

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020981 0 0 0 0 0 0 220 280 81 111 228 61
2020/20212.180 260 68 218 131 93 294 74 223 167 354 49 249
2021/20222.459 124 50 22 323 209 19 82 109 170 458 195 698
2022/20233.154 393 199 85 336 327 269 11 192 1.102 52 165 23
2023/20241.555 136 77 81 50 408 243 22 72 147 10 4 305
2024/20251.129 107 121 384 25 208 107 177 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 15.758