Damiani, Leonardo
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 5.418
EU - Europa 4.394
AS - Asia 2.158
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 24
SA - Sud America 21
OC - Oceania 17
AF - Africa 3
Totale 12.035
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.372
CN - Cina 1.084
IT - Italia 886
IE - Irlanda 804
UA - Ucraina 694
SE - Svezia 437
DE - Germania 368
SG - Singapore 306
BG - Bulgaria 305
HK - Hong Kong 302
TR - Turchia 286
FI - Finlandia 236
PL - Polonia 200
GB - Regno Unito 151
FR - Francia 118
MY - Malesia 86
NL - Olanda 78
CA - Canada 45
BE - Belgio 41
VN - Vietnam 30
EU - Europa 23
AT - Austria 20
BR - Brasile 17
AU - Australia 14
IR - Iran 14
RO - Romania 14
JP - Giappone 8
HU - Ungheria 7
ES - Italia 6
IN - India 6
DK - Danimarca 5
IL - Israele 5
LK - Sri Lanka 5
CH - Svizzera 4
KR - Corea 4
RU - Federazione Russa 4
AL - Albania 3
GR - Grecia 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
PK - Pakistan 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
BD - Bangladesh 2
CO - Colombia 2
ID - Indonesia 2
PH - Filippine 2
PT - Portogallo 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AR - Argentina 1
BO - Bolivia 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
CM - Camerun 1
CY - Cipro 1
EE - Estonia 1
GE - Georgia 1
HR - Croazia 1
IQ - Iraq 1
JM - Giamaica 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
KH - Cambogia 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
LI - Liechtenstein 1
LT - Lituania 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MA - Marocco 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MK - Macedonia 1
NE - Niger 1
TH - Thailandia 1
TJ - Tagikistan 1
Totale 12.035
Città #
Chandler 1.147
Jacksonville 919
Dublin 804
Ann Arbor 394
Nanjing 340
Sofia 304
Bari 301
Hong Kong 301
Izmir 270
Malden 233
Boardman 218
Ashburn 217
Singapore 216
Warsaw 194
Santa Clara 157
New York 150
Lawrence 143
Helsinki 136
Nanchang 136
Wilmington 134
Bremen 132
San Mateo 127
Ogden 93
Woodbridge 63
Brielle 62
Tianjin 59
Shenyang 54
Hebei 53
Brooklyn 48
Jiaxing 48
Beijing 42
Milan 42
Brussels 38
Changsha 37
Kunming 34
Toronto 32
Washington 30
Dearborn 29
Noicattaro 29
Strasbourg 29
Grafing 28
Guangzhou 27
Houston 27
Jinan 27
Los Angeles 26
Mountain View 21
Verona 21
Vienna 20
Redwood City 19
Dong Ket 18
Falls Church 18
Barletta 17
San Francisco 16
Shanghai 16
Matera 15
Monmouth Junction 15
Seattle 15
Amsterdam 14
Lanzhou 14
Norwalk 14
Ningbo 13
Augusta 12
Hangzhou 12
Orange 12
Rome 12
Wuhan 12
Zhengzhou 12
Auburn Hills 11
Changchun 11
Hanoi 11
Taizhou 11
Bucharest 10
Molfetta 10
Princeton 10
Des Moines 9
Redmond 9
Scafati 9
Trani 9
Jinhua 8
Leawood 8
Bitonto 7
Budapest 7
Cambridge 7
Ottawa 7
Tokyo 7
Bitetto 6
Chieti 6
Genoa 6
Sydney 6
Ardabil 5
Bisceglie 5
Cagliari 5
Colombo 5
Fairfield 5
Florence 5
Frankfurt am Main 5
Fuzhou 5
Potenza 5
Berlin 4
Borås 4
Totale 8.506
Nome #
Influence of hydrodynamic features in the transport and fate of hazard contaminants within touristic ports. Case study: Torre a Mare (Italy) 189
Laboratory Investigation on the Evolution of a Sandy Beach Nourishment Protected by a Mixed Soft–Hard System 165
WALOWA (Wave Loads on Walls) - Large scale experiments in the Delta Flume. 149
Innovative Strategies, Monitoring and Analysis of the Coastal Erosion Risk: The STIMARE Project 140
Data on long-term monitoring programs to assess environmental pressures on coastal area 135
Coastline monitoring: experiences in Apulia region 134
Assessment and source identification of pollution risk for touristic ports: Heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediments of 4 marinas of the Apulia region (Italy) 128
Identification of hot spots within harbour sediments through a new cumulative hazard index. Case study: port of Bari - Italy 123
La ricostruzione del clima meteomarino: applicazione ad un paraggio dell’Adriatico. 122
Frequency of extreme wind speeds on the Adriatic and Ionian Apulia Coast: a Bayesian approach 120
A Video based technique for shoreline monitoring in Alimini (LE) 120
Combining chemometric tools for assessing hazard sources and factors acting simultaneously in contaminated areas. Case study: “Mar Piccolo” Taranto (South Italy) 118
Automatic extraction of shoreline from satellite images: A new approach 117
Frequency of extreme wind speeds on the Adriatic and Ionian Apulian coast: a Bayesian approach 116
Advance technology tools for sustainable development of South East Europe port aeras 115
Coastal zone monitoring in Apulia Region: First analysis on meteomarine climate 114
Green Intermodal Freight Transport (GIFT) Project: Analysis and results 113
Morphodynamic classification of sandy beaches in enclosed basins: the case study of Alimini (Italy) 113
Ricostruzione di un campo di moto ondoso regolare 112
A new video monitoring system in support of Coastal Zone Management at Apulia Region, Italy 112
Alcune considerazioni sulla tutela delle aree costiere nella pianificazione e gestione territoriale: il caso dell’evoluzione della costa compresa fra Trani e Manfredonia 111
Full scale experiments on a bds: hydrodynamic effects inside the beach 111
Experimental study on the estimation methods of wave orbital velocity 111
Experimental study on motion field generated by regular waves 110
L’Evoluzione della Foce dell’Ofanto 108
Mathematical modelling as support for planning decisions 108
Analysis of current circulation in the Port of Bari 107
Modelli di interpretazione del campo di velocità di onde regolari 107
La Gestione delle Coste 106
The erosion along the apulian coast 105
New algorithms for shoreline monitoring from coastal video systems 105
Difesa di spiagge sabbiose mediante drenaggio 104
On the Covariance of the Velocity Components in a Wave Field 103
La valutazione del rischio di erosione e inondazione delle coste pugliesi 103
Exploiting remote imagery in an embayed sandy beach for the validation of a runup model framework 103
Evolution of a beach with and without a submerged breakwater: experimental investigation 102
On the regular wave kinematics 101
La valutazione del rischio in ambiente costiero: il caso studio della puglia 101
Aspetti morfodinamici della zona di swash in presenza di un sistema di drenaggio delle spiagge 99
Disinfection treatments of secondary effluents for irrigation reuse 98
Wave spectra transformations 98
Indagini in situ e simulazioni numeriche del run up 98
Opere costiere alternative a basso impatto ambientale per la difesa dei ripascimenti artificiali. 98
Previsione dello stato morfodinamico di litorali sabbiosi in bacini confinati 97
Are conventional statistical techniques exhaustive for defining metal background concentrations in harbour sediments? A case study: The Coastal Area of Bari (Southeast Italy) 97
Coastal Management in Apulia Region 96
Vertical distribution of the wave Reynolds shear stresses in a regular wave field 95
Groundwater Flow On A Drained Beach 95
Indagine sul campo di moto di un'onda regolare 94
Tsunamis generated by landslides at the coast of conical islands: experimental benchmark dataset for mathematical model validation 94
Coastal video monitoring system: results and perspectives 94
Landslide generated waves prpagating along a circular island: some new experimental results 93
New coastal video-monitoring system achievement and development 93
Esperimenti di laboratorio sulla circolazione indotta da strutture tracimabili e confronto con i modelli 92
Process Performance Measures and Monitoring/Control for a Sustainable Management of South East Europe Ports’ Areas 92
Environmental management strategy for improving ecological status of SEE ports 92
Wave energy potential offshore Apulian coasts (Italy) 92
Low Environmental Impact Solutions for Beach Nourishments Protection 92
Analysis and environmental protection of port aquatorium 91
Coastal erosion in Italy and Albania: a comparative analysis 89
Experimental investigation on wave set up and nearshore velocity field in presence of a BDS 89
Long-term monitoring programs to assess environmental pressures on coastal area: Weighted indexes and statistical elaboration as handy tools for decision-makers 89
A simplified hindcast method for the estimation of extreme storm surge events in semi-enclosed basins 89
Wave Hydrodynamics over a Barred Beach 89
Il Laboratorio di Ricerca e Sperimentazione per la Difesa Delle Coste - Politecnico Di Bari 88
Integrated Assessment of the Quality of Harbor Sediments: Case Study Based on a Comparative Analysis of Sediments Quality of Two Industrial Ports: Bourgas (BG) and Bari (IT). 88
Sediments: Waste or Resource? Influence of EU and National normative 87
Coastal Protection with BMS: a first experience in Italy 87
On turbulence in a wave field – COPEDEC 99, Cape Town, Apr. 1999 87
Numerical study of water quality improvement in a port through a forced mixing system 86
Numerical analysisof groundwater in a drained beach 86
Swash zone hydrodynamic of a drained beach 85
Experimental analysis of the water table of a beach equipped with a drainage system 84
Existing environmental management measures in SEE ports 84
Influenza dei processi di infiltrazione sulla stabilità delle spiagge 83
Data fusion of terrestrial laser scanner and remotely piloted aircraft systems points clouds for monitoring the coastal protection systems 83
Enhancing the performance of hazard indexes in assessing hot spots of harbour areas by considering hydrodynamic parameters 83
Oscillazioni della Water Table in una spiaggia drenata con il BDS 82
Il laboratorio di ricerca e sperimentazione per la difesa delle coste:descrizione della struttura e tecniche di misura in 3D 82
Guidelines for Elaboration Management Action Plan for Ecologically Sustainable Development and Management of SEE Seaports of Trans-European Transport Networks 82
Nearshore morphodynamic of a drained beach 81
Experimental studies of scale effects in movable bed models 79
TenEcoport – transnational Enhancement of Ecoport Networks. Advance Technology tools for sustainable development of SEE port areas 78
The DPSIR Approach for Coastal Risk Assessment under Climate Change at Regional Scale: The Case of Apulian Coast (Italy) 78
Selecting indicators to calculate the risk of coastal erosion 77
Validation of swash model for run-up prediction on a natural embayed beach 77
Gestione Ambientale Dei Porti: Il Progetto Ecoport 8 76
Coastal Manegement in Apulia Region 76
Indagine sperimentale su di una spiaggia con barra 76
La percezione dell’offerta turistico-balneare delle spiagge pugliesi 76
Field current measurements and numerical computation in the port of Bari 75
Spar Buoy numerical model calibration and verification 75
Physical and numerical modeling on off-shore floating wind turbines 75
Experimental and numerical analysis of groundwater in a drained beach 74
Environmental pollution management in SEE ports and coastal area 72
Totale 9.826
Categoria #
all - tutte 55.665
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 55.665

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020530 0 0 0 0 0 0 122 168 25 43 151 21
2020/20211.438 155 19 142 97 52 195 38 167 100 265 36 172
2021/20221.947 74 22 24 251 190 24 95 79 170 332 172 514
2022/20233.003 315 234 162 288 319 227 7 152 1.074 98 107 20
2023/20241.431 119 53 35 61 384 259 10 56 145 37 13 259
2024/2025837 97 55 317 60 260 45 3 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 12.368