Costantino, Nicola
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 8.774
EU - Europa 7.272
AS - Asia 4.473
SA - Sud America 149
AF - Africa 32
OC - Oceania 24
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 16
Totale 20.740
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 8.693
CN - Cina 2.243
UA - Ucraina 1.463
IE - Irlanda 1.266
IT - Italia 920
HK - Hong Kong 796
SE - Svezia 781
TR - Turchia 718
DE - Germania 702
BG - Bulgaria 623
SG - Singapore 489
FI - Finlandia 437
GB - Regno Unito 355
FR - Francia 206
NL - Olanda 193
PL - Polonia 129
BR - Brasile 118
MY - Malesia 71
CA - Canada 70
BE - Belgio 42
VN - Vietnam 42
RU - Federazione Russa 40
AU - Australia 21
EU - Europa 16
AT - Austria 15
ID - Indonesia 12
IN - India 12
LT - Lituania 10
PE - Perù 10
RO - Romania 10
ZA - Sudafrica 9
DK - Danimarca 8
ES - Italia 8
HU - Ungheria 8
IR - Iran 8
LK - Sri Lanka 8
MA - Marocco 8
PK - Pakistan 8
PT - Portogallo 8
SA - Arabia Saudita 8
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 7
CH - Svizzera 7
BD - Bangladesh 6
IL - Israele 6
AZ - Azerbaigian 5
CL - Cile 5
CO - Colombia 5
JP - Giappone 5
MX - Messico 5
NO - Norvegia 5
PH - Filippine 5
AR - Argentina 4
EE - Estonia 4
EG - Egitto 4
LU - Lussemburgo 4
RS - Serbia 4
UZ - Uzbekistan 4
AM - Armenia 3
BW - Botswana 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
GR - Grecia 3
HR - Croazia 3
JO - Giordania 3
KG - Kirghizistan 3
KZ - Kazakistan 3
MD - Moldavia 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
PA - Panama 3
BO - Bolivia 2
EC - Ecuador 2
IM - Isola di Man 2
JM - Giamaica 2
LV - Lettonia 2
NG - Nigeria 2
NP - Nepal 2
PY - Paraguay 2
SI - Slovenia 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
TN - Tunisia 2
AL - Albania 1
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
BH - Bahrain 1
DZ - Algeria 1
GH - Ghana 1
HN - Honduras 1
IS - Islanda 1
KE - Kenya 1
KW - Kuwait 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
LB - Libano 1
LI - Liechtenstein 1
ML - Mali 1
TM - Turkmenistan 1
TW - Taiwan 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 20.740
Città #
Jacksonville 1.836
Chandler 1.619
Dublin 1.266
Hong Kong 791
Nanjing 749
Izmir 703
Sofia 623
Ann Arbor 569
Boardman 366
Malden 349
Singapore 288
San Mateo 280
Santa Clara 274
Wilmington 268
Lawrence 265
Nanchang 254
Bari 251
Bremen 245
Helsinki 178
New York 168
Ogden 165
Shenyang 152
Woodbridge 147
Houston 143
Ashburn 137
Brielle 132
Hebei 125
Warsaw 120
Tianjin 115
Kunming 105
Jiaxing 98
Changsha 89
Milan 75
Brooklyn 66
Princeton 63
Shanghai 59
Beijing 48
Brussels 41
Guangzhou 40
Verona 40
Hangzhou 36
Toronto 36
Orange 35
Lanzhou 34
Strasbourg 34
Dong Ket 32
Mountain View 32
Dearborn 30
Jinan 29
Saint Petersburg 29
Ottawa 25
San Francisco 25
Los Angeles 24
Norwalk 24
Changchun 23
Rome 23
Amsterdam 22
Redwood City 21
Ningbo 19
Berlin 18
London 15
Vienna 15
Seattle 14
Wuhan 14
Monmouth Junction 13
Palermo 13
Augusta 12
Frankfurt am Main 12
Polignano A Mare 12
Redmond 12
Taizhou 12
Des Moines 10
Edinburgh 10
Fuzhou 10
Zhengzhou 10
Haikou 9
Hanoi 9
Leawood 9
Shenzhen 9
Auburn Hills 8
Falls Church 8
Lima 8
Newark 8
Riyadh 8
São Paulo 8
Taranto 8
Chicago 7
Lecco 7
Bisceglie 6
Dhaka 6
Foggia 6
Jinhua 6
Lequile 6
Lisbon 6
Matera 6
Meda Wadduwa 6
Melbourne 6
Nola 6
Sydney 6
Walnut 6
Totale 14.215
Nome #
10 anni di legge Merloni. Che cosa è cambiato per le imprese 232
Evaluating the Total Costs of Purchasing via Probabilistic and Fuzzy Reasoning 181
Economia e organizzazione aziendale : teoria, metodi ed esercitazioni 181
A Multimodal System for Nonverbal Human Feature Recognition in Emotional Framework 160
Supply Chain Finance: A supply chain-oriented perspective to mitigate commodity risk and pricing volatility 148
An integrated approach for warehouse analysis and optimization: A case study 138
Choosing between Single and Multiple Sourcing Based on Supplier Default Risk. A Real Options Approach 136
A Nash equilibrium simulation model for the competitiveness evaluation of the auction based day ahead electricity market 135
A Monte Carlo Simulation and Fuzzy Delphi-Based Approach to Valuing Real Options in Engineering Fields 135
Management tools for the sustainable reclaiming of historical neighbourhoods 135
Risk Management in motorway PPP projects: Empirical-based guidelines 134
Evaluating risk in put-or-pay contracts: An application in waste management using fuzzy Delphi method 130
A real options and fuzzy Delphi-based approach for appraising the effect of an urban infrastructure on surrounding lands 128
An Evaluation Model for Total Costs of Purchasing in the Construction Industry Using Probabilistic and Fuzzy Theories 122
A lean warehousing integrated approach: a case study 118
"L'appalto delle opere pubbliche: note sulla evoluzione della normativa e sui riflessi nell'organizzazione aziendale", Quaderni del GRM n°5, 1977 115
An Innovative System for Multimodal Emotion Recognition from Nonverbal Human Features during Job Recruitment 114
Designing the tendering process in PPP: a transaction cost-based approach 114
Findings from the RES NOVAE project: a dashboard and decision support tool for the energy governance of smart cities 113
Cash flow e inflazione: un modello microeconometrico 111
La valutazione incrociata dei fornitori in condizioni di incertezza con il metodo della Data Envelopment Analysis 111
La natura della macroimpresa 111
L'affidabilità dei subcontractors nei progetti complessi 110
A real options-based model to supporting risk allocation in price cap regulation approach for public utilities 108
Dalla baracca alla casa 106
A transaction costs-based model to choose PPP procurement procedures 105
Recent advances in the TDR-based leak detection system for pipeline inspection 105
Nascita e sviluppo delle imprese in settori ad elevata interconnessione: macroimpresa e job creation 103
Verso un equilibrio globale dei sistemi economici 102
La formazione come strategia imprenditoriale 102
., "Nascita e sviluppo delle imprese ad elevata interconnessione", Performance n°8, 1988. 102
A Periodic Event Scheduling Approach for Offline Timetable Optimization of Regional Railways 102
Il contenimento degli oneri finanziari di un'azienda industriale: una proposta operativa 101
Organizzazione della produzione 101
A Decision Support System Framework for Purchasing Management in Supply Chains 100
A novel fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis methodology for performance evaluation in a two-stage supply chain 100
Tolling technologies for PPP toll facilities. The case of the Autostrada Cispadana 99
Strutture di controllo economico 99
Job Fatigue and the Emancipation of Workers: Past Scenarios and Future Perspectives 98
A Real Options and fuzzy Delphi-based approach for appraising the effect of an urban infrastructure on surrounding lands 98
Strutture di programmazione 97
Contractors and Subcontractors in the Construction Industry: Problems and Perspectives of Inter-Organization Models 97
Using cross-efficiency fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis for healthcare facilities performance evaluation under uncertainty 97
I mezzi audiovisivi nella formazione manageriale 96
Optimal design of distribution networks:an application to the hospital drug distribution system 96
A hierarchical optimization technique for the strategic design of distribution networks 95
Supply chain risk management strategies: A real options approach 95
A cross efficiency fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis technique for supplier evaluation under uncertainty 95
The adoption rate of e-commerce in the U.S. and Italian construction markets: Some reasons for its variability 94
Supply chain risk management strategies: A real options approach 94
I sistemi di imprese: criteri per una tassonomia organizzativa 94
Using a DEA-Cross Efficiency approach in public procurement tenders 93
Contractors and Subcontractors in the Construction Industry: Problems and Perspectives af Inter-Organization Models 93
Real Option Approach for Procurement Strategy Decisions in Risky Environment 92
Large-scale implementation of a new TDR-based system for the monitoring of pipe leaks 92
A Nash Equilibrium Simulation Model of the Auction Based Day Ahead Electricity Generation Market 92
An empirical investigation of the learning effect in concrete operations 92
The development of new complex projects. A tool to define the optimal mix 91
Edilizia e inflazione: una coesistenza difficile 91
Small and medium dimension companies for the realization of large engineering works 91
Realizzazione della struttura organizzativa di una società di ingegneria: problemi di gestione, coordinamento e controllo 91
Project Financing per il Servizio idrico Integrato: problematiche dell’attuale quadro regolatorio 91
A Model for the Strategic Design of Distribution Networks 91
Public–private partnership implementation: cross-case analysis 90
Using fuzzy decision making for supplier selection in public procurement 90
Risk Management in Procurement: A Selection of Sourcing Strategy Based on Real Option 90
Note metodologiche su di un nuovo modello integrato di general contractor 90
Il Laboratorio di Quartiere per i comparti urbani 90
A Real Options-Based Approach in Guaranteed Energy Savings Contracting 90
Italian PPP applications: a theoretical framework 89
Risk Mitigation in Take or Pay and Take and Pay Contracts in Project Financing: the Purchaser’s Perspective 89
Optimal design of hospital drug distribution networks 89
An Offline Timetable Scheduling Technique for Railways Service Level Optimization: A Case Study 89
Cash flow e inflazione: un modello microeconometrico 88
Supplier selection in the public procurement sector via a data envelopment analysis approach 88
L'affidabilità dei subcontractors nei progetti complessi 88
Le costruzioni: mercato e impresa 88
Organizzazione e Gestione dell’Impresa di Costruzioni 88
The role of risk in improving goal setting in performance management practices within public sector: an explorative research in Courts Offices in Italy 87
A general framework for vendor rating in the public procurement sector 87
Energy Savings Guarantee nei Contratti EPC delle ESCO. Un Modello di Valutazione basato sulle Opzioni Reali 86
A Fuzzy Programming Approach for the Strategic Design of Distribution Networks 86
Multiple Sourcing versus Single Sourcing: a Real Option Approach 85
An Innovative System for Multimodal Emotion Recognition from Nonverbal Human Features during Job Recruitment 85
Un modello di simulazione finanziaria della commessa edile 85
Balancing the additional costs of purchasing and the vendor set dimension to reduce public procurement costs 85
A Decision Support System for Purchasing Management in Supply Chains 85
Real Option Approach for the Evaluation of Investment Projects. The Case of A Multi-Fuel Power Station 84
Optimal Design of a Manufacturing Supply Chain 84
b2c e-commerce practices: a SWOT analysis 84
Using Real Options to Value Flexibility in a Multi-Fuel Power Station 84
Mitigating Supply chain risk: a real options approach 84
Real Option Approach for the Evaluation of Investment Projects. The Case of a Multi-Fuel Power Station 84
Fuzzy Network Design of Sustainable Supply Chains 84
Subforniture nel settore delle costruzioni: tra mercato e gerarchia 83
A model using data envelopment analysis for the cross evaluation of suppliers under uncertainty 83
Acquisti sul web. Investimento in fiducia 82
A comparison of two UK and US Construction Management Journals 82
A Model for the Optimal Design of the Hospital Drug Distribution Chain 82
Totale 10.202
Categoria #
all - tutte 95.429
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 95.429

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020746 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 297 42 90 277 40
2020/20212.328 300 18 278 117 29 375 32 294 146 325 86 328
2021/20223.106 118 16 22 512 291 25 52 148 228 648 216 830
2022/20234.761 511 192 146 480 605 417 11 316 1.676 121 231 55
2023/20242.098 181 102 70 73 630 283 32 34 230 14 22 427
2024/20251.624 159 87 519 82 404 55 312 6 0 0 0 0
Totale 21.114