Rizzuti, Antonino

Rizzuti, Antonino  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori File
31P and195Pt solid-state NMR and DFT studies on platinum(i) and platinum(II) complexes 1-gen-2018 Todisco, StefanoGallo, VitoLatronico, MarioRizzuti, AntoninoMastrorilli, Piero +
A combined approach for characterisation of fresh and brined vine leaves by X-ray powder diffraction, NMR spectroscopy and direct infusion high resolution mass spectrometry 1-gen-2013 RIZZUTI, AntoninoCALIANDRO, RoccoGALLO, VitoMASTRORILLI, PietroLATRONICO, Mario +
A community-built calibration system: The case study of quantification of metabolites in grape juice by qNMR spectroscopy 1-gen-2020 Musio, BiagiaRagone, RosaTodisco, StefanoRizzuti, AntoninoLatronico, MarioMastrorilli, PieroTriggiani, MaurizioDi Noia, TommasoGallo, Vito +
A comparison between the reactivity of H+ and that of its isolobal analogues Ag(PPh3)+ or Au(PPh3)+ towards a phosphinito bridged Pt(I) complex 1-gen-2013 GALLO, VitoLATRONICO, MarioRIZZUTI, AntoninoMASTRORILLI, Pietro +
A Contribution to the Harmonization of Non-targeted NMR Methods for Data-Driven Food Authenticity Assessment 1-gen-2020 Vito GalloRosa RagoneBiagia MusioStefano TodiscoAntonino RizzutiPiero MastrorilliMaurizio TriggianiMario Latronico +
A Non-Targeted Metabolomic Approach for the Characterization of Chemical Profile of Sparkling Wines Produced Using Autochthonous Yeast Strains 1-gen-2021 Antonino RizzutiVito GalloPiero MastrorilliBiagia Musio +
A polymer supported palladium(II) β-ketoesterate complex as active and recyclable pre-catalyst for selective reduction of quinolines in water with sodium borohydride 1-gen-2015 DELL'ANNA, Maria MichelaROMANAZZI, GiuseppeAntonino RizzutiPICCINNI, Alberto FerruccioMASTRORILLI, Pietro +
Applicazione di fitoregolatori nella produzione di uva da tavola cv. Crimson Seedless: uno studio combinato basato sulla risonanza magnetica nucleare e sulla spettrometria di massa ad alta risoluzione 1-gen-2014 A. RizzutiGALLO, VitoMASTRORILLI, PietroLATRONICO, Mario +
Apulian Table Grapes: a combined study by direct infusion high resolution mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance 1-gen-2011 A. RizzutiGALLO, VitoMASTRORILLI, Pietro +
Carbonylation of Hydrido–Phosphanido-Bridged Dinuclear Platinum Complexes 1-gen-2015 LATRONICO, MarioMASTRORILLI, PietroGALLO, VitoTODISCO, StefanoDELL'ANNA, Maria MichelaRIZZUTI, Antonino
Chitosan-supported calcium hydroxide hybrid material as new, efficient, and recyclable catalyst for biodiesel production 1-gen-2024 Rizzuti, A.Mastrorilli, P. +
Combination of nuclear magnetic resonance and hyperspectral reflectance for the identification of Erwinia amylovora sp. infected pear leaves 1-gen-2017 A. RizzutiM. LatronicoP. MastrorilliV. Gallo +
Combined Approaches for Characterization of Vine Leaves by NMR Spectroscopy, High Resolution Mass Spectrometry and X-Ray Powder Diffraction 1-gen-2014 GALLO, VitoAntonino RizzutiLATRONICO, Mario +
Detection of Erwinia amylovora in pear leaves using a combined approach by hyperspectral reflectance and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy 1-gen-2018 Antonino RizzutiAguilera Saez, Luis ManuelStefania GualanoPiero MastrorilliMario LatronicoVito Gallo +
Discriminazione delle uve da tavola in base alle pratiche agronomiche di produzione: un approccio combinato spettroscopia NMR – spettrometria HRMS 1-gen-2013 GALLO, VitoAntonino RizzutiLATRONICO, Mario +
dl-Limonene as an Alternative Sustainable Solvent to Xylenes for the Industrial Preparation of Release Formulations 1-gen-2024 Giuseppe D’OrazioRosa RagoneAntonino RizzutiFrancesca Serena AbatematteoAlessandra CiampaMario LatronicoPiero MastrorilliBiagia Musio +
EFFECT OF DATA PROCESSING ON NON-TARGETED NMR ANALYSIS 1-gen-2019 R. RagoneB. MusioM. TriggianiA. RizzutiM. LatronicoP. MastrorilliV. Gallo +
Effects of sample preparation procedures on non-targeted NMR analysis of tomatoes 1-gen-2019 S. TodiscoB. MusioR. RagoneM. TriggianiA. RizzutiM. LatronicoP. MastrorilliM. M. Dell’AnnaV. Gallo
Feasibility investigation of microspherical resonators for fluid sensing in medicine 1-gen-2018 D. LaneveM. C. FalconiG. PalmaV. GalloA. RizzutiF. Prudenzano +
Impiego della spettroscopia NMR come strumento di knowledge transfer a favore della diffrazione dei raggi x: il caso studio delle foglie di vite 1-gen-2014 A. RizzutiGALLO, VitoMASTRORILLI, PietroLATRONICO, Mario +