Contuzzi, Nicola

Contuzzi, Nicola  

Dipartimento di Meccanica, Matematica e Management  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori File
3D FE simulation in the selective laser melting process 1-gen-2007 CAMPANELLI, Sabina LuisaCONTUZZI NDE FILIPPIS, Luigi Alberto CiroLUDOVICO, Antonio Domenico +
3D Finite Element Analysis In The Selective Laser Melting Process 1-gen-2011 Contuzzi, N.Campanelli, S. L.Ludovico, A. D.
A Decision Making Process Model based on a Multilevel Control Platform Suitable for Industry 4.0 1-gen-2019 Contuzzi, N +
A methodology for multi-object optimization of laser/MIG hybrid welding process 1-gen-2023 Contuzzi N.Casalino G. +
A Preliminar Research Industry Project: a Case of Study defining Requirements for Knowledge Base Gain and Technological Upgrade in Industry Working in Train Parts Processing and Testing 1-gen-2019 Contuzzi, N +
Advanced Lightweight Structures Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting 1-gen-2014 CAMPANELLI, Sabina LuisaContuzzi NDE FILIPPIS, Luigi Alberto CiroANGELASTRO, AndreaLUDOVICO, Antonio Domenico +
Analysis of shape geometry and roughness of Ti6Al4V parts fabricated by nanosecond laser ablation 1-gen-2018 Campanelli, Sabina LuisaLavecchia, FulvioContuzzi, NicolaPercoco, Gianluca
Analysis of Shape Geometry of Micro-Channels Fabricated by Laser Milling 1-gen-2015 CAMPANELLI, Sabina LuisaContuzzi, NicolaLAVECCHIA, FulvioPERCOCO, Gianluca
Analysis of the material removal rate of nanosecond laser ablation of aluminium using a parallel hatching mode 1-gen-2012 Campanelli S LContuzzi NCasalino G +
Analysis of the molten/solidified zone in selective laser melted parts 1-gen-2014 Campanelli S LCasalino GContuzzi NAngelastro A +
Analysis of the strain behaviour of a friction stir processed superplastic aluminium alloy 1-gen-2015 SORGENTE, DonatoCAMPANELLI, Sabina LuisaCONTUZZI, Nicola +
Capabilities and performances of the Selective Laser Melting process 1-gen-2010 Sabina L. CampanelliNicola ContuzziAndrea AngelastroAntonio D. Ludovico
Cellular metal materials:production and characterization of aluminum foam 1-gen-2014 DE FILIPPIS, Luigi Alberto CiroCAMPANELLI, Sabina LuisaLUDOVICO, Antonio DomenicoAngelastro, AndreaContuzzi N +
Characterization of Samples Built by Selective Laser Melting 1-gen-2008 CAMPANELLI, Sabina LuisaContuzzi, NLUDOVICO, Antonio DomenicoDE FILIPPIS, Luigi Alberto Ciro +
Comparison of the performances of Statistical and Artificial Neural Network models in the prediction of geometry and density of PLA/wood biocomposite cubes manufactured by FDM 1-gen-2024 Contuzzi N.Fabbiano L.Casalino G. +
Defects and residual stresses finite element prediction of FDM 3D printed wood/PLA biocomposite 1-gen-2023 Morvayova, AlexandraContuzzi, NicolaCasalino, Giuseppe
Design and fabrication of random metal foam structures for laser powder bed fusion 1-gen-2019 Nicola ContuzziSabina Luisa Campanelli +
Dissimilar Probeless Friction Stir Spot Welding of Aluminum Alloy and USIBOR®1500-AS Steel Thin Plates 1-gen-2024 Rashkovets M.Palmieri M. E.Contuzzi N.Tricarico L.Casalino G.
Effect of heat treatment on selective laser melted steel parts 1-gen-2010 N. CONTUZZICASALINO, GiuseppeCAMPANELLI, Sabina LuisaLUDOVICO, Antonio Domenico
Experimental investigation and statistical optimisation of the selective laser melting process of a maraging steel 1-gen-2015 CASALINO, GiuseppeCAMPANELLI, Sabina LuisaContuzzi NLUDOVICO, Antonio Domenico