De Serio, Francesca
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 4.585
NA - Nord America 4.428
AS - Asia 1.924
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 14
OC - Oceania 11
SA - Sud America 7
AF - Africa 6
AN - Antartide 1
Totale 10.976
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.392
CN - Cina 1.035
IE - Irlanda 889
PL - Polonia 807
IT - Italia 760
UA - Ucraina 577
SE - Svezia 365
DE - Germania 344
BG - Bulgaria 304
HK - Hong Kong 290
TR - Turchia 232
FI - Finlandia 206
SG - Singapore 205
FR - Francia 112
GB - Regno Unito 84
MY - Malesia 60
VN - Vietnam 58
NL - Olanda 40
AT - Austria 35
CA - Canada 26
BE - Belgio 20
EU - Europa 14
IN - India 13
JP - Giappone 10
AU - Australia 9
GR - Grecia 7
RO - Romania 7
CU - Cuba 6
ES - Italia 4
IR - Iran 4
RU - Federazione Russa 4
SA - Arabia Saudita 4
DK - Danimarca 3
TH - Thailandia 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
BR - Brasile 2
BY - Bielorussia 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
DZ - Algeria 2
ID - Indonesia 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
LT - Lituania 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
MA - Marocco 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
PT - Portogallo 2
AM - Armenia 1
AR - Argentina 1
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
CH - Svizzera 1
CL - Cile 1
CO - Colombia 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 1
EG - Egitto 1
FK - Isole Falkland (Malvinas) 1
GS - Georgia del Sud e Isole Sandwich Australi 1
HR - Croazia 1
IS - Islanda 1
JM - Giamaica 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MS - Montserrat 1
NG - Nigeria 1
NO - Norvegia 1
PE - Perù 1
PH - Filippine 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
Totale 10.976
Città #
Dublin 885
Chandler 813
Warsaw 790
Jacksonville 767
Bari 358
Ann Arbor 331
Sofia 304
Nanjing 298
Hong Kong 286
New York 246
Malden 234
Izmir 227
Boardman 210
Ashburn 149
Bremen 130
Wilmington 128
Lawrence 127
Helsinki 125
Singapore 118
Nanchang 110
Ogden 93
San Mateo 87
Shenyang 73
Hebei 58
Woodbridge 57
Tianjin 51
Houston 45
Jiaxing 44
Changsha 40
Brooklyn 37
Kunming 37
Vienna 34
Dong Ket 30
Beijing 27
Brielle 27
Hanoi 27
Milan 27
Rome 26
Guangzhou 25
Shanghai 24
Jinan 22
Ningbo 22
Dearborn 21
Brussels 20
Zhengzhou 20
Hangzhou 19
Santa Clara 19
Corsano 17
Falls Church 17
Kraków 16
Norwalk 16
Verona 15
Mountain View 14
Noicattaro 14
Redwood City 14
Washington 13
Matera 12
Redmond 12
San Francisco 12
Seattle 12
Toronto 11
Amsterdam 10
Lanzhou 10
Los Angeles 10
Martina Franca 10
Mira 10
Ottawa 10
Romentino 10
Taizhou 10
Taranto 10
Frankfurt am Main 9
Palermo 8
Tokyo 8
Wuhan 8
Ahmedabad 7
Altamura 7
Hefei 7
Jinhua 7
Shenzhen 7
Auburn Hills 6
Bucharest 6
Cambridge 6
Changchun 6
Edinburgh 6
Napoli 6
Paris 6
Barletta 5
Des Moines 5
Foggia 5
Frattamaggiore 5
Monmouth Junction 5
Nea Smyrni 5
Philadelphia 5
Strasbourg 5
Augusta 4
Fairfield 4
La Habana 4
Lappeenranta 4
Leawood 4
Lecce 4
Totale 8.107
Nome #
How to Define Priorities in Coastal Vulnerability Assessment 177
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Pre-Breaking and Breaking Vorticity within a Plunging Breaker 175
Wave Height Attenuation and Flow Resistance Due to Emergent or Near-Emergent Vegetation 165
Analysis of data characterizing tide and current fluxes in coastal basins 154
Development of a Flexible and Scalable System for Environmental Measurement Network 147
Monitoring Systems and Numerical Models to Study Coastal Sites 143
Rethinking the process of detrainment: jets in obstructed natural flows 140
How vegetation in flows modifies the turbulent mixing and spreading of jets 137
Experimental Setup and Measuring System to Study Solitary Wave Interaction with Rigid Emergent Vegetation 137
Hydrodynamic flow structures at an obstructed-unobstructed interface in a partially vegetated channel 136
Meteo and Hydrodynamic Measurements to Detect Physical Processes in Confined Shallow Seas 136
Project PONa3_00372 “Innovative Processes for Energy Conversion – PrInCE” 130
Current circulation in the gulf of Taranto: numerical simulations and experimental data analysis 124
Analysis of mean velocity and turbulence measurements with ADCPs 123
Coastline evolution based on statistical analysis and modeling 121
Indagini sulla circolazione nel Mar Piccolo di Taranto 117
Circulation in a Southern Italy coastal basin: Modelling and field measurements 113
Investigation on coastline evolution using long-term observations and numerical modelling 113
Analysis of coastal waves reproduced in laboratory facilities 113
Analisi della circolazione e del trasporto solido al largo di Porto Cesareo (LE) 110
Experimental study on motion field generated by regular waves 109
Environmental technologies to safeguard coastal heritage 107
Modelli di interpretazione del campo di velocità di onde regolari 105
Analysis of current circulation in the Port of Bari 104
Monitoraggio di dati meteomarini, idrodinamici e di qualità dell’acqua in aree costiere 101
Hydrodynamic Structure with Scour Hole Downstream of Bed Sills 101
Current velocity measurements offshore Taranto (Italy): comparison between vessel-mounted and moored current meter data 100
Semi enclosed basin monitoring and analysis of meteo, wave, tide and current data 100
Experimental study of recirculating flows generated by lateral shock waves in very large channels 99
Modelling of currents in a Ionian basin 99
Experimental study of flexible and rigid vegetation in an open channel 99
Indagini di campo e simulazioni numeriche delle correnti di circolazione del Mar Piccolo di Taranto 99
Modelling circulation in a Southern Italy coastal basin 99
Analysis of the velocity field in a large rectangular channel with lateral shockwave 99
Field measurements and analysis of sea current offshore Taranto 98
Experimental investigation on mean velocity and turbulence in irregular waves over a sloping bottom 97
Modeling currents and solid transport offshore Porto Cesareo (Southern Italy) 96
Undular jump formations in very large channels 96
Investigation of the current circulation offshore Taranto by using field measurements and numerical model 96
Experimental study on the hydrodynamics of regular breaking waves 95
Experimental studies on vertical dense jets in a crossflow 95
Streamwise velocity profiles in coastal currents 95
Analysis of monitoring data recorded in the Mar Grande basin (southern Italy) 94
On some models of regular waves kinematics 92
Micrometeorological simulations over a coastal area using CALMET model: atmosphere monitoring 92
Numerical simulations of hydrodynamics and dredging operations in a South-Eastern Italian harbor 91
Monitoring and modelling of coastal currents and wastewater discharge: a case study 90
Experimental study on the mechanics of regular waves 90
Regular and Irregular Waves on a Sloping Beach 89
A case study of sea current measurement and wastewater discharge monitoring 89
Monitoring system in mar grande basin (Ionian Sea) 89
Field measurements and monitoring of sea water 88
Experimental study of a vertical jet in a vegetated crossflow 87
Experimental investigation on dispersion mechanisms in rigid and flexible vegetated beds 87
Experimental study of the impact of flexible and rigid vegetation on a crossflow 86
Curent circulation and velocity field offshore Taranto: vertical velocity profiles 85
Physical and numerical model of a new sediment trap 84
Experimental study on spilling and plunging breaking 84
Hydrodynamic behavior in the outer shear layer of partly obstructed open channels 84
Experimental Observations of Turbulent Events in the Surfzone 84
Modelling of Coastal Currents and Pollutants Dispersion 83
Vertical dense jet in flowing current 82
Enhancing the performance of hazard indexes in assessing hot spots of harbour areas by considering hydrodynamic parameters 81
Experimental study of wave undertow and turbulence with LDA and ADV measurements 80
Assessment of hydrodynamics, biochemical parameters and eddy diffusivity in a semi-enclosed Ionian basin 80
Interannual wind, wave and current data monitored in semi enclosed basins 80
Longitudinal channel flow through square arrays of vegetation 79
A laboratory study of irregular shoaling waves 79
Development of lateral boundary layer and turbulent flow structures at channel-vegetation interfaces 79
Simulazioni idrodinamiche a supporto del monitoraggio ambientale nei Mari di Taranto 79
Vulnerabilità delle aree marine soggette agli scarichi 79
Data Analysis and Numerical Modelling to Detect Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport in a semi Enclosed Basin 79
Use of SHYFEM open source hydrodynamic model for time scales analysis in a semi-enclosed basin 79
Velocity profiles of sea currents 78
Misure di turbolenza delle correnti costiere con Profilatori Acustici ad effetto Doppler 78
Hydrodynamics of partially vegetated channels; analyticaland experimental studies 78
Assessment of classical and approximated models estimating regular waves kinematics 78
Statistical correlation and GIS analysis to evaluate shoreline evolution 78
Advanced computer technologies for fluid-structure interaction modeling: a review for civil engineering applications 78
Experimental observations on undular hydraulic jumps with very high aspect ratio 77
Monitoring Coastal Waters Close to a Sea Outfall 76
Jet interacting with vegetation in a rotating basin 76
Current circulation and velocity fields offshore Taranto: a comparison between field data and logarithmic law 75
Experimental study on turbulence generated by regular waves breaking 75
Experimental and numerical investigation of an irregular wave 75
Field measurements in a flow around a hydrofoil: Some preliminary results 75
Field current measurements and numerical computation in the port of Bari 74
Environmental monitoring in the Mar Grande basin (Ionian Sea, Southern Italy) 74
Wave and turbulent Reynolds stresses in irregular shoaling waves 74
Computational analysis of negative buoyant jets in crossflow 74
The FUNWAVE model application and its validation using laboratory data 73
Flow patterns in a partially vegetated large channel 71
Monitoring system for the sea: Analysis of meteo, wave and current data 71
Numerical results of the pollutant spreading offshore Taranto 70
Resistance and boundary shear in a partly obstructed channel flow 70
Secondary Currents with Scour Hole at Grade Control Structures 70
Characteristics of breaking vorticity in spilling and plunging waves investigated numerically by SPH 68
Totale 9.596
Categoria #
all - tutte 45.792
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 45.792

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.009 0 0 56 163 36 171 122 180 48 48 147 38
2020/20211.491 177 39 142 74 63 206 45 185 109 258 37 156
2021/20221.663 31 45 18 217 172 29 49 69 149 328 153 403
2022/20232.609 239 172 107 219 265 164 5 133 1.090 111 80 24
2023/20241.519 106 48 54 85 372 334 22 46 132 24 24 272
2024/2025363 71 93 199 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 11.300