De Santis, Dario

De Santis, Dario  

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e dell'Informazione  


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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori File
A New DC Charging Station to Control Power Flows on Low Voltage Grids 1-gen-2017 Dario De Santis
Control of Power Flows in Low Voltage Distribution Systems 1-gen-2016 Dario De SantisGaetano AbbatantuonoSergio BrunoMassimo La ScalaRoberto Sbrizzai
Design of a 22kW Charging Station for LV distribution Grid control 1-gen-2014 De Santis, DarioAbbatantuono, GaetanoBruno, SergioLa Scala, Massimo
Design of active low pass filters to reduce harmonic current emission 1-gen-2017 Dario, De Santis +
Feasibility of power flow control on LV distribution systems 1-gen-2014 De Santis, DarioAbbatantuono, GaetanoBruno, SergioLa Scala, MassimoSbrizzai, Roberto
Findings from the RES NOVAE Project: new scenarios, devices and applications for smart grids and active distribution grids 1-gen-2014 ACCIANI, GiuseppeADAMO, FrancescoATTIVISSIMO, FilippoBOGGIA, GennaroBRONZINI, MarcoCARNIMEO, LeonardaCARPENTIERI, MarioCAMARDA, PietroD. De SantisDI NISIO, AttilioGRIECO, Luigi AlfredoLA SCALA, MassimoG. LosetoMASCOLO, SaverioMELONI, CarloPIRO, GiuseppeRUTA, MicheleSBRIZZAI, RobertoSCIOSCIA, FlorianoSPADAVECCHIA, MAURIZIOSTASI, SilvioSTRICCOLI, DomenicoA. TrottaVERGURA, Silvano +
Low Voltage Grid Control through Electrical Vehicles Charging Stations 1-gen-2016 Dario De SantisGaetano AbbatantuonoSergio BrunoMassimo La Scala
Low-switching-frequency active damping methods of medium-voltage multilevel inverters 1-gen-2012 D. RicchiutoM. LiserreD. De Santis
Power Flow Control in LV Distribution Systems 1-gen-2018 De Santis, Dario
Smart charging of electric vehicles for low voltage grids optimization 1-gen-2016 ABBATANTUONO, GaetanoBRUNO, SergioDE SANTIS, DarioLA SCALA, MassimoSBRIZZAI, Roberto +
Smart metering for low voltage electrical distribution system using Arduino Due 1-gen-2016 DE SANTIS, DarioABBATANTUONO, GaetanoLA SCALA, Massimo +