Petrella, Andrea
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.978
EU - Europa 4.513
AS - Asia 2.513
SA - Sud America 155
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 22
OC - Oceania 12
AF - Africa 9
Totale 12.202
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.938
CN - Cina 1.238
IT - Italia 805
IE - Irlanda 766
UA - Ucraina 710
HK - Hong Kong 472
PL - Polonia 409
DE - Germania 391
SE - Svezia 357
BG - Bulgaria 342
SG - Singapore 338
TR - Turchia 277
FI - Finlandia 202
FR - Francia 201
BR - Brasile 136
GB - Regno Unito 135
NL - Olanda 77
MY - Malesia 44
VN - Vietnam 41
CA - Canada 31
BE - Belgio 28
EU - Europa 22
RO - Romania 14
AT - Austria 13
IN - India 13
IR - Iran 11
KR - Corea 11
PT - Portogallo 10
AU - Australia 9
CH - Svizzera 7
IL - Israele 7
JP - Giappone 7
LT - Lituania 6
PK - Pakistan 6
RU - Federazione Russa 6
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 5
AL - Albania 5
PE - Perù 5
UZ - Uzbekistan 5
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 4
ES - Italia 4
SA - Arabia Saudita 4
AR - Argentina 3
AZ - Azerbaigian 3
BD - Bangladesh 3
BZ - Belize 3
CO - Colombia 3
EC - Ecuador 3
HR - Croazia 3
ID - Indonesia 3
IQ - Iraq 3
LV - Lettonia 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
PH - Filippine 3
TW - Taiwan 3
CL - Cile 2
CY - Cipro 2
DK - Danimarca 2
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 2
EE - Estonia 2
HU - Ungheria 2
IM - Isola di Man 2
JM - Giamaica 2
KE - Kenya 2
KG - Kirghizistan 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
OM - Oman 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
VE - Venezuela 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
AM - Armenia 1
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
BO - Bolivia 1
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
DZ - Algeria 1
EG - Egitto 1
GA - Gabon 1
GR - Grecia 1
GT - Guatemala 1
HN - Honduras 1
IS - Islanda 1
KH - Cambogia 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LB - Libano 1
MA - Marocco 1
MN - Mongolia 1
NP - Nepal 1
PS - Palestinian Territory 1
QA - Qatar 1
TH - Thailandia 1
TJ - Tagikistan 1
Totale 12.202
Città #
Jacksonville 928
Chandler 839
Dublin 761
Hong Kong 465
Warsaw 405
Nanjing 383
Sofia 342
Ann Arbor 337
Bari 288
Izmir 272
Boardman 237
Malden 209
Singapore 209
Santa Clara 163
New York 151
Wilmington 149
Bremen 147
Lawrence 141
Nanchang 135
Ashburn 116
Dearborn 115
San Mateo 115
Helsinki 99
Ogden 98
Shenyang 86
Hebei 85
Woodbridge 70
Tianjin 61
Houston 59
Jiaxing 50
Beijing 49
Changsha 48
Kunming 41
Brooklyn 40
Strasbourg 40
Guangzhou 36
Brielle 33
Milan 33
Mountain View 31
Rome 28
Brussels 27
Jinan 27
Shanghai 25
Ningbo 23
Verona 22
Catania 20
Dong Ket 20
Hanoi 20
Lanzhou 19
Hangzhou 18
San Francisco 17
Los Angeles 16
Redwood City 16
Amsterdam 15
Princeton 15
Toronto 15
Bitonto 14
Crotone 14
Matera 14
Orange 14
Monmouth Junction 13
São Paulo 13
Vienna 13
Zhengzhou 13
Norwalk 12
Ottawa 12
Haikou 11
Noicattaro 11
Fairfield 10
Redmond 10
Maglie 9
Bucharest 8
Des Moines 8
Frankfurt am Main 8
Taizhou 8
Adelfia 7
Ardabil 7
Auburn Hills 7
Florence 7
Rio de Janeiro 7
Seattle 7
Zurich 7
Casamassima 6
Changchun 6
Chicago 6
Falls Church 6
Foggia 6
Leawood 6
Melbourne 6
Molfetta 6
Washington 6
Wuhan 6
Barletta 5
Davis 5
Fuzhou 5
Jinhua 5
Nuremberg 5
Tashkent 5
Tel Aviv 5
Yiwu 5
Totale 8.573
Nome #
Hygrothermal properties of clayey plasters with olive fibers 199
Photocatalytic Degradation of Azo Dyes. Pilot Plant Investigation 161
Use of cellulose fibers from wheat straw for sustainable cement mortars 161
Chemical and geochemical characterisation of a disused red brick factory area of central Italy 140
An Alternative Use of Olive Pomace as a Wide-Ranging Bioremediation Strategy to Adsorb and Recover Disperse Orange and Disperse Red Industrial Dyes from Wastewater 140
Laboratory Scale Unit for Photocatalytic Removal of Organic Micropollutants from Water and Wastewater. Methyl Orange Degradation 139
Lead ion sorption by perlite and reuse of the exhausted material in the construction field 129
Porous Alumosilicate Aggregate as Lead Ion Sorbent in Wastewater Treatments 128
Scarti di lavorazione della pietra di Trani nel confezionamento di malte non convenzionali a matrice cementizia 126
Il riciclo dell’EPS nella produzione di malte cementizie per l’edilizia - Recycled EPS in the production of cement mortars for the construction industry 124
Porous waste glass for lead removal in packed bed columns and reuse in cement conglomerates 124
Environmentally Sustainable Cement Composites Based on End-of-Life Tyre Rubber and Recycled Waste Porous Glass 121
Heavy metals retention (Pb(II), Cd(II), Ni(II)) from single and multimetal solutions by natural biosorbents from the olive oil milling operations 119
Binders alternative to Portland cement and waste management for sustainable construction—part 1 119
I dipinti murali nella chiesa rupestre di San Lorenzo 118
Conglomerati a base di gesso e fibre naturali: proprietà meccaniche e termo-acustiche 116
Photocatalytic Oxidation of Organic Micro-Pollutants: Pilot Plant Investigation and Mechanistic Aspects of the Degradation Reaction 115
Phytoextraction technologies for mercury‐ and chromium‐contaminated soil: a review 113
Malte di calce idrata contenenti aggregati non tradizionali 111
Semiconductor nanocrystals applied to energy photoconversion 110
Surface and bulk hydrophobization of mortar and concrete by addition of recycled rubber from end-of-life tyres 110
Sorption of Pb(II), Cd(II) and Ni(II) From single and multimetal solutions by recycled waste porous glass 109
Analisi diagnostiche sullo stato di conservazione dei dipinti murali all’interno della chiesa rupestre di San Giovanni (Fasano, Brindisi) 109
Surface and bulk hydrophobic cement composites by tyre rubber addition 108
Recycled EPS in the production of cement mortars for the construction industry 107
Caratteristiche prestazionali di impasti di gesso e perline di elastomero 107
Binders alternative to Portland cement and waste management for sustainable construction – Part 2 104
Colloidal TiO2 Nanocrystals/MEH-PPV Nanocomposites:  Photo(electro)chemical Study 102
Benzene removal in horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands treatment 102
Chiesa di San Leone Magno, in Castellana Grotte (BA) : stato di conservazione dei paramenti esterni 101
Design of inorganic semiconductror nanocrystal/organic heterojunction for photovoltaic applications 98
Sustainable bio-hydrothermal sequencing treatment for asbestos-cement wastes 98
Lo smaltimento dei fanghi di chiarificazione delle acque. Il Processo RecAl®. Una valutazione tecnico-economica 97
Rilevamento ed interpretazione dei dati termoigrometrici interni alle chiese rupestri di Lama d'Antico, San Giovanni e San Lorenzo 97
Building Envelope Prefabricated with 3D Printing Technology 96
Xylene removal and clogging conditions in horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands treatment 94
Chitosan Film as Eco-Friendly and Recyclable Bio-Adsorbent to Remove/Recover Diclofenac, Ketoprofen, and their Mixture from Wastewater 94
TiO2 nanocrystals - conjugated polymer thin film for photovoltaic application 93
Termo-acoustic properties of cement-waste-glass mortars 92
Il riutilizzo delle acque reflue in agricoltura: possono i vantaggi economici compensare gli impatti dalla dispersione di microinquinanti nell'ambiente? 92
Review of Endocrine-Disrupting-Compound Removal Technologies in Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants: An EU Perspective 91
Charge transfer processes in conjugated triarylamine-oligothiophene-perylenemonoimide dendrimers 91
Malte cementizie contenenti fibre naturali 91
Reuse of limestone cutting waste in the production of mortars and plasters for building restoration 91
MEH-PPV inorganic nanocrystals heterojunction towards photovoltaic applications 90
Studio sugli intonaci della chiesa rupestre di Lama D'Antico 90
Photochemical sensitisation process at photosynthetic pigments/Q-sized colloidal semiconductor hetero-junctions 89
Heterojunctions based on photosynthetic pigments/oxide nanocrystals for photovoltaic application 89
Optical properties of hybrid composites based on highly luminescent CdS nanocrystals in polymer 89
Photoelectrochemical study on photosynthetic pigments-sensitized nanocrystalline ZnO films 89
Hybrid organic nanocomposites based on semiconducting colloidal quantum dots in polymers 88
Nanocrystalline semiconductor/metal phthalocyanine hybrid-junctions: applications in photoelectrochemical and sensor devices 88
Colloidal chemistry routes to obtain semiconductor nanocrystals for energy photoconversion application 88
Photoelectrochemical sensitisation process at photosynthetic pigments/Q-sized colloidal semiconductor hetero-junctions 87
Neutralization of acidic wastewater by the use of waste limestone from the marble industry. Mechanistic aspects and mass transfer phenomena of the acid-base reaction at the liquid-solid interface 86
Optical properties of (CdSe)ZnS/thermoplastic polymer nanocomposites 86
Hybrid organic/inorganic composites based on semiconductor nanoclusters in polymers 86
MEH-PPV/TiO2 nanocrystals hybrid structures: electrical and optical investigation 85
Recycled waste glass as aggregate for lightweight concrete 85
TiO2 nanocrystals - MEH-PPV composite thin films as photoactive material 84
Photoelectrochemical characterisation of hybrid composites based on MEH-PPV conjugated polymer and nanocrystalline semiconductors 84
Tailoring added value cement mortars with recycled tyre rubber 84
Saint Corrado cathedral in Molfetta (S.E.Italy). Description, analyses and interpretation of degradation phenomena on limestone 83
Semiconductor nanocrystals/M(II)-phthalocyanine heterojunctions:spectroscopic and photoelectrochemical properties 83
Charge transfer processes at the heterojunction formed by MEH-PPV and inorganic nanocrystalline semiconductors 82
TiO2 nanocrystals–MEH-PPV composite thin films as photoactive material 82
Diagnostic analysis of wall paintings from a cave church in Fasano, S:E: Italy 82
Glass from recycling operations as thermal insulating material and sorbent in wastewater treatments 82
Lead Removal and filtration through expanded recycled glass 80
Ailanthus Altissima and Phragmites Australis for chromium removal from a contaminated soil 80
Photocurrent generation in a CdS nanocrystals/poly[2-methoxy-5-(2-ethyl-exyloxy)phenylene vinylene]electrochemical cell 79
Photoelectrochemical investigation on heterojunctions based on M(II)phthalocyanine and nanocrytalline ZnO 79
Impianto pilota per fotocatalisi di disturbatori endocrini mediante TiO2 79
Design of inorganic semiconductor nanocrystal/organic heterojunction for photovoltaic applications 79
Hybrid organic polymer-inorganic nanocrystals junction towards photovoltaics 79
Hybrid nanocomposites based on CdS and CdSe colloidal nanocrystals in organic polymers 79
Tailored synthetic strategies of colloidal nanocrystals: properties and functionalization towards electrochemical application 78
Recycled porous glass from municipal/industrial solid wastes sorting operations as a lead ion sorbent from wastewaters 77
Vetro di riciclo in edilizia ed in campo ambientale 77
Evaluation of the hydraulic and hydrodynamic parameters influencing photo-catalytic degradation of bio-persistent pollutants in a pilot plant 77
II-VI Semiconductor nanocrystals/organic polymers hybrid nanocomposites 76
Optical and photoelectrochemical characterization of TiO2 nanocrystals/MEH-PPV conjugated polymer hybrids 76
Valorizzazione energetica della biomassa legnosa: studio chimico-fisico del processo di combustione in un impianto di pirogassificazione 76
Colloidal nanocrystal ZnO- and TiO2-modified electrodes sensitized with chlorophyll a and carotenoids: a photoelectrochemical study 75
Study of photophysical properties of oxide nanocrystals/phthalocyanine heterojunctions 75
Optical properties of hybrid composites based on highly luminescent CdS nanocrystals in polymer 75
Photoelectrochemical properties of hybrid junctions based on zinc phthalocyanine and semiconducting colloidal nanocrystals 74
Optoelectronic properties of nanodisperse CdS/MEHPPV heterojunctions 74
Waste to energy conversion of sludge from municipal WWTP - a EU perspective 74
Hybrid composites based on luminescent II-VI semiconductor nanocrystals in polymers 73
Lo smaltimento dei fanghi di chiarificazione delle acque. Il processo RECAL. Una valutazione tecnica-economica 73
Recycled expanded polystyrene as lightweight aggregate for environmentally sustainable cement conglomerates 73
Novel Bioderived Composites from Wastes 73
Nanocomposites based on luminescent colloidal nanocrystals in polymers: new opportunities for micro and nano fabrication 72
Preliminary study on the adoption of dark fermentation as pretreatment for a sustainable hydrothermal denaturation of cement-asbestos composites 72
Renewable energy in the Apulia Region, S.E.Italy 71
Optical and electrochemical properties of oxide nanocrystal/phthalocyanine heterojunctions 71
Highly luminescent nanocrystals in polymers: comparison of nanocomposite properties 71
Heavy Metals Retention on Recycled Waste Glass from Solid Wastes Sorting Operations: A Comparative Study among Different Metal Species 71
Totale 9.471
Categoria #
all - tutte 57.493
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 57.493

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020422 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 195 19 36 153 19
2020/20211.487 177 29 169 93 38 208 40 185 135 190 49 174
2021/20221.683 56 24 35 228 126 20 32 85 113 359 156 449
2022/20232.616 281 122 91 227 314 219 6 157 984 81 111 23
2023/20241.449 93 55 59 84 386 265 15 39 152 19 19 263
2024/20251.181 88 42 379 40 251 59 271 51 0 0 0 0
Totale 12.474